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Friday, August 01, 2008

Black Hurricanes

Well, it appears our African-American friends have found yet something else to be pissed about. A black congresswoman (this would be Sheila Jackson Lee, of Houston), reportedly complained that the names of hurricanes are all Caucasian sounding names.

She would prefer some names that reflect African-American culture such as Chamiqua, Tanisha, Woeisha, Shaqueal, and Jamal. I am NOT making this up!

She would also like the weather reports to be broadcast in 'language' that street people can understand because one of the problems that happened in New Orleans was, that black people couldn't understand the seriousness of the situation, due to the racially biased language of the weather report.

I guess if the weather person says that the winds are going to blow at 140+ MPH, that's too hard to understand?

Idiot! Sounds like a chapter from the book of Shanie Shields, seriously.


  1. You have got to be kidding me.

  2. I need a dictionary for ebonics

  3. Amazing.
    While we're on the subject, sort of, why are we being forced to use a term to refer to a whole race (African American) that is so inappropriate? I'm not sure that all black people who are in America can trace their family tree back to Africa, any more than most of us white people can get more than two, maybe three generations back before we get to Europe somewhere. We don't insist upon being referred to as European Americans.....we get called "white", which I feel certain is because of the actual color of our skin. We're expected to use the seven syllable phrase when, logically, saying "black" is more to the point. Is this our punishment?
    BTW, I have a friend with dark skin who is insulted when someone calls him African American, since both of his parents come from Jamaica.

  4. Give me a break ! People are getting tired of this crap.
    This congress woman has the brains of a piss-ant.

  5. Yes you are>> you have to be making this up> I am moving to Sweden. It will be nice there, everyone loves everyone and all will be right with the world. Please tell me this is not true./

  6. I think Sweden is too cold.
    How about the Caribbean?

  7. It's this type of sheet that makes one a racist mo-fo.

  8. Well, 6:18, maybe for the same reason that people of myriad backgrounds are referred to as "white". Seems simple enough to me.

  9. There is something Obama will not talk about.WHO gives a FLYING PIG what the name of the storms are called.40% of the people that lost there homes in Katrina were on WELFARE!What they dont know is all the Union troops that fought and DIED for there freedom!!!But half of them don't know anything about history because they are tooo busy smoking crack and killing each other.It makes me sick that every morning I get up and go to work while most are in bed sleeping collecting welfare for no reason and then on top of that I gotta pay gas prices.See she thinks because there might be a Black leader in office that she can run her mouth.HERE's WHAT I AM GOING TO TELL YOU,IF YOU DONT LIKE IT HERE LEAVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. The way I see it we are the slaves now!!!!

  11. This African American crap is bullsh-t to the core . First off you are not BLACK to begin with you for the most part you are brown.Whats next all of the Mexicans here are going to want to be Mexican-Americans?Andy Rooney has already said all of this though hasn't he?

  12. If we are slaves, it is becuase we do not have the back bone to stop it, we allow 14% of the country to run us. We allow SLEEZE lawyers, liberal tree hugging assholes to run this country.

    When the next revolution arises, who will be alive in the end. Rich people

  13. Hey 7:31-- I don't know that I've ever read a more bigoted rant in my life. The less well-to-do in Louisiana were starting with a disadvantage right out of the gate. I bet you'd be hard pressed to find a white lawyer mucking about in those rancid flood waters. There are myriad reasons why poor blacks find themselves in their current situation-- such as segregation, Jim Crow laws, and the like, but you probably don't care to hear any of that. I'll simply state that you've got an awfully cushy seat from which to spew your hateful idiocy. Guess how you got there? I'll give you a hint: it might have a little something to do with the fact that you have a bit of a leg up in society. If you can't figure that one out, well... What should I expect from someone who implies a lack of gratitude on the part of the black community for the sacrifice of Union soldiers in the Civil War???? Really, man??? REALLY???

    And let me just go ahead and throw this one out there:

    "For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in. Naked, you clothed me. Sick, you visited me, and when I was in prison, you came to me. Then the righteous shall say, "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, when did we take you in? When have we clothed your nakedness, or visited you sick or in prison? And the King shall answer and say to them -- "Inasmuch as you have done these things for the least among you, you have done them for me."

    Do you know your scripture?

  14. "For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in. Naked, you clothed me."

    That all we do is give, give, give. Get up off your ass and go get a job!

  15. Well, 8:31, I guess if you can find fault with Jesus himself, I might as well stop arguing.

  16. Whoa!I would think just the opposite,that those names for a hurricane would be considered racist by most black people.
    And anyway you cannot tell jack by a persons name.I know white folks with weird sounding names that could be miscontrued.Whats in a name?

  17. I thought KATRINA was kinda black sounding.

  18. Wow 7:31 seems to be really angry. First let's put the pathetic notion to bed; African-Americans (or blacks if you prefer) have fought in ever single war this country had. So please don't put the claim that the union troops (ie white soldiers)did all of the fighting. Heck during the Revolutionary war slaves fought for your (with the promise it would also be theirs)and as soon as the war was won, thry were returned to slavery!

    Second, exactly where did you get the incredibly racist ideal that "half of them don't know anything about history because they are tooo busy smoking crack and killing each other"? I personally have been working since I was at least twelve years old. Most blacks work, just like you. Some balck, whites, hispanics, asians, etc. are on welfare.

    This is the problem I have with your particular post. You claim we don't know anything about history and yet you clearly put on paper your ignorance.

    And yet, that perhaps an African American's fault too. Right?

  19. This is what is wrong with our country today...African Americans and Hispanics trying to take over. It's not white talk it is the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. They would learn it if they paid attention in school. When you go to other countries you learn their language they don't change to yours.

  20. First, Women didn't think it was fair that all hurricans "were" named after them, so they started giving them mens names. Now blacks are upset because hurricans "aren't" named after them. Some schools have to change their mascots because it offends, yet some others complain that a school isn't named after them and on and on and on. This is all just too stupid. I think it is PC for anything to be just the opposite of what it currently is. sheesh.

  21. It all starts in the home. Parents have a choice of teaching their kids right and wrong or letting them do whatever they want. Drive around any of the "bad" neighborhoods and you will see children in diapers roaming around together with no parents in sight....Morris Street in Fruitland is a prime example.....so dont give me this crap about a leg up in a society. They are making a concious choice to bleed the system of our tax paying citizens. Mo' babies = Mo' Money. I teach my children respect for themselves, and to respect others. That is not a hard thing to do, and I, by no means, had a leg up in society.
    As far as the names of the hurricanes go, if the residents of a hurricane prone area can't understand to evacuate in english, turn the channel to B.E.T. (Black Entertainment Telivision) for your complete coverage in ebonics. Maybe even walk outside and look at the sky or something. But no no no it's Whitey's fault, cuz we didn't PROTECT them as usual. I'm sure you can call the Jesse Jackson hotline for info to.
    Give me a break!! What a joke!! Get up, go to work , respect yourselves and your children !!

  22. I see three (if not more) from the 2008 Hurricane list of names that have African American names.

    IKE as in Turner
    JOSEPHINE as in Baker
    TEDDY as in Pendergrass

    Beware of IKE...has the propensity to be a CAT 5

  23. I too think this whole naming of hurricanes is sort of silly. However, what is worse is the increasing racist dialogue that seems to follow these discussions.

    We go from something as benign as a conversation naming hurricanes to how much blacks bleed the system of taxpayers money. And yet mainstream America will claim racism is dead.

    Most of the blacks you see ARE NOT on welfare. Just like most of the whites (or any other color)aren't. But some of all races are.

    What is really bleeding this country is the racist (of all colors) that continue to spout their ignorance.

    Honkyman you could not possibly teach your kids respect for others, because your post was filled with too much ignorance>

  24. Hasn't there been a hurricane named Bertha. I have an afro-american friend, actually more mocha colored friend named Bertha....

  25. Ok, so it is racist that hurricanes are named after white people...hmmm...let me ask you this...what would happen if we had a Miss White America pagent? Or how about United White College Fund? What about White Entertainment Network? Perhaps White history month? It seems ok for a black athlete (Charles Barkley to be exact) to use the term "whitey" or "cracker" on national television yet you know if it was a white athlete using similar terms, he would be immediately terminated and Reverend Al and Jesse Jackson would be calling for his head. I could care less if you are black, white, yellow or purple...we should all follow the same rules...peace...

  26. Oh, hey! I know. Name the next hurricane "Sheila" (after the congresswoman). Ooops....sorry...NOT BLACK ENOUGH!


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