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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Barrie Tilghman - Where Did the Water Go?

Annexation after annexation, rezoning after rezoning, developers have been promised water and sewer capacity. Each and every time Salisbury residents were told that there was plenty of water to be had.

Over the years, Salisbury resident Dot Truitt asked a simple question - "How can the free capacity numbers be staying the same when you keep promising water and sewer to developers?". Now Barrie Tilghman and her council lackeys are attempting to cover up a serious problem with some emergency legislation.

Where did the water go Barrie? Read More ...


  1. Mr. Harrison:

    Your reasoning is simply wrong. In a good year the demand in Salisbury has been about 400 EDU's -- and it's currently much less. Adding the EDU's for the two TIF projects and the others you mention to the additional 2000, there's enough for (at least)another 8-10 years, assuming that the City does nothing to increase the water supply, which can be done much more quickly and at less expense than upgrading the waste water treatment plant.

    Please stop spreading such nuisance. There's no impending water shortage despite Ms. Truitt's mantra.

    P.S. The sky ain't falling, either.

  2. Monday night's meeting could have been named, "The Dirty Dozen Was Right."

    Dot Truitt was right about water capacity.

    Debbie Campbell was right about the effect of that rationing plan in relationship to financing. (We could yell, "DEB WAS RIGHT" on so many things, way too numerous to list here!)

    Terry Cohen was right about finding money elsewhere to pay for the standpipe (Comegys tried to make it look like his idea, but it was in the paper already), and about Comegys's "Speshul Elekshun to Replace Me When I'm Mare" not having important parts thought out.

    Joe Albero was right about the Zoo's veterinarian.

    Lake Lady was right about crime in our city.

    Thank you, Dot Truitt, and all who are speaking up and standing up. We need more of you! Let's get this city back on track.

  3. And the man named Davis who (along with Mackes)almost scammed the County on that park property, wants the City to give most of the remaining 2000 units to him so he can make a bundle with that big subdivision he wants to do behind Target.

  4. Like what difference does it make since they cant do much up north until they replace the lift station at Delmarva Power?

  5. Sir:

    The bloom is off the boom, both now and in the future.

    What with Salisbury's skyrocketing taxes and water-sewer rates, do you really think there's going to be much more development in the City, except for office-commercial that needs very little sewer or water service?

    We probably have the capacity for 15 years or more right now.

    PS- how many EDU's will become available for others when Linens of the Week closes. What about the Perdue plant (that can't be far off either).

  6. 4:24 p.m...so are you calling Jim Caldwell, director of public works, a liar? Because although he said the plan would mean about 10 years of capacity, he also said if the allotment plan wasn't passed soon, they'd have to stop doing public works agreements because they'd wind up running out before water capacity could be upgraded.

    Or is this all just a case of double-speak from the Tilghman administration?

  7. In a few more months Salisbury will have so much excess sewage capacity that we will wonder why it was built. That condo on Riverside Drive still has over 90% of the units unsold, and the one on Fitzwater street is now stopped. The old mall project never started. Don't look for things to change - who would want to live there. And the rest of Salisbury is becoming less attractive because of the tax increases and higher charges that Barrie Tilghman has caused.

  8. I don't know him personally, but sfter reading his postings for awhile, I think Mr. Harrison actually cares enough to invest his time directly and give productive solutions....why would people here try to crap in his breakfast cereal? If he informs you of certain facts, is your response to merely stop, drop and roll because you feel powerless? You guys are so distracted by hate for your "enemies" you don't appear to know who your "friends" are. I don't know him personally, but at least this guy has the guts to man up and actually fight for YOU (will you in turn develop the onions to fight for yourselves?)...

  9. Unfortunately, because of these things Salisbury is becoming a town less and less attractive to move to... and Barrie Tilghman and the majority of (but not all of) the administration have caused a lot of these problems that we are facing now with higher taxes, etc. that have all been mentioned in the above comments. However, in response to the remark, "Salisbury is becoming less attractive because of the tax increases and higher charges that Barrie Tilghman has caused."

    Okay, yes, the administration has caused some of these problems. But the lack of participation from people of this city allow to occur. The voter turn out in this country overall is sad to put it mildly, but it's to the point of laughable in this city. If people don't get up and go vote then the same "leadership" will remain in power. The people of Salisbury need to realize that they CAN actually do something about the problem and the first change they can make is to get up and vote! Encourage everyone you can to go vote... and if there is a problem with something... petition it. Change can happen.

  10. Why should anyone believe anything that comes out of the mouth's of anyone that works in this city's administration? They have lied to us for almoast 10 years now.

    They have so many problems with crime in this city however it is obvious that the mare and her wipping boy seem to be out to take the heat off their asses to put the heat on the county. Too late.

  11. 4:59 --

    Take your prozac, pal.

    What J. Caldwell said was that we had about 10 years of excess capacity, plan or no plan. He is apparently concerned because if there is a run to get allocation for all of the approved projects and those being planned (such as the one that Davis was touting for a special allocation and the old Salisbury mall mess) then all of the excess will be allocated -- but only a minor part of it used.

    The proposed plan has the effect of generating a perceived (but not an actual) shortage of capacity, because if it is fully allocated then others won't have any available for allocation and use.

  12. het fellow why dont you go back to your blog, oh thats right theres no one there.

  13. Welivingston, the only commenter who seems to disagree with Mr. Harrison is the first one. I see his point, but I still feel Mr. Harrison is on to something.

    The first commenter was strong in his comments, but not really attacking. You express yourself in rather strong ways, so why would you deny that to others?

    Mr. Harrison is very well respected by readers of this blog. And I'm sure he can respond like an adult, so don't worry. We're here to discuss different points of view. That's one thing I like about this blog, even if it gets heated some times.

  14. I don't deny others the right to speak-I encourage the complete opposite, big time...I applaud Mr. Harrison for speaking repeatedly, in public, without being anonymous (even more important as we approach election time)-he has been "on to many things before"-although some of us can't make meetings we can watch the horror unfold on Pac-14. I encourage you all to learn from him (if not me).

  15. BTW...I am shutting down for the night and almost missed this; Again I don't know this person either, but watch from afar on Pac-14-if the only tap I get on the ass tonight for my feedback is from Mr. Chaney, I will sleep like an angel. If you don't listen to me; for Buddha's sake,listen to him.

  16. If the city doesn't stop all of it's growth we'll all be crying about water shortages. Those of us in the county are on wells. Our wells are drawing from the same aquifer as the city. Sooner or later, the aquifer won't be able to supply all of us. Stop all of this senseless development until there is a realistic plan that won't be to the detriment of us all.

  17. If the city doesn't stop all of it's growth we'll all be crying about water shortages. Those of us in the county are on wells. Our wells are drawing from the same aquifer as the city. Sooner or later, the aquifer won't be able to supply all of us. Stop all of this senseless development until there is a realistic plan that won't be to the detriment of us all.

  18. Like I said in earlier post's!

    Stop issuing building permits!! We have enough empty to fill now!

  19. Anonymous said...
    If the city doesn't stop all of it's growth we'll all be crying about water shortages. Those of us in the county are on wells. Our wells are drawing from the same aquifer as the city. Sooner or later, the aquifer won't be able to supply all of us. Stop all of this senseless development until there is a realistic plan that won't be to the detriment of us all.

    8:58 PM

    I was wondering if someone was going to mention this. The water the city is taking for all these new developments is coming from the Paleo Channel and it belongs to us, the county tax payers not the city of Salisbury and the Tilghman Administration. They are basically stealing our water and no one is saying anything about it. They need to tap into the cess pool they created called the Wicomico River and use that water instead of draining our wells. Jurisdictions do this all over the country. Many pipe water from rivers miles away. Please someone speak up on this matter. If you are a county resident(not living in the city) please go to the city council meetings and speak your mind on this issue. Then you need to go to the county council meetings and demand they do something about the city stealing our water. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed at the county council meeting and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. If you don't speak up then you have no right to complain when your wells run dry.

  20. With a lack of water supply this could be a serious issue if we have a major fire in the city. If there is a large fire at one of the many large warehouses there will not be enough water to put out a routine house fire or even enough to take a shower. Think about it!!

  21. The Right Honorable Livingston said: "I encourage you all to learn from him (if not me)."

    Yes, oh wise one-- please, save us from our ignorance...

  22. if welivingston wants to "be" a lawyer he should take the bar exam. don't let him fool you. he produces with his mouth but does not produce with any income. i did the research on him.

  23. didn't Natelson announce the old mall development would begin with "commercial first"?
    all with exemption status, i'm sure. (no relief expected there)

  24. G. A. for mayor!
    (Or Bob Taylor)
    (Or both)

  25. I'll take the bar exam if and when I feel like it. I have other things going while in transition from school that may lead in other directions. Post YOUR name...put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is.


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