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Friday, August 01, 2008

119 Howard County Employees Set To Lose Their Take Home Vehicles


Howard County says take-home vehicle policy won't impact safety
Josh Kowalkowski, The Examiner
2008-07-31 14:09:00.0
Current rank: # 89 of 9,409

Howard County -
Many of the 119 employees set to lose their Howard County-issued vehicles are emergency and pubic safety responders, but department leaders said they’ll strive to continue meeting all resident needs.

“It’s an unfortunate situation but also understandable why they’re being taken away,” said Jim Irvin, director of the Department of Public Works, whose 44 employees expected to lose the vehicles by September are generally those who need to respond to situations and emergencies after-hours less than three times a week.

“It’s certainly disappointing ... but we have to be prudent in what we’re doing,” said Howard Fire Chief Joe Herr.

County Executive Ken Ulman said his decision this week to reduce the number of take-home vehicles from 207 to 88 was not easy and was prompted by making the operation of government more efficient.

“We had some tough conversations with department heads who were defending their employees, but I tried to approach it from both a management and taxpayer basis,” he said, referring to the anticipated savings of about $700,000.

A big part of these discussions was with leaders of the police, fire and public works departments, as well as the sheriff’s office, which are the major emergency and public safety responders in the county.

In the police department, two civilian employees, including spokeswoman Sherry Llewellyn who drove 9,404 miles in 2007, also are expected to lose their county-issued cars.

The police department Wednesday announced plans to:

» Discontinue issuing take-home cars for some out-of-county personnel on on-call assignments

» Place restrictions on vehicles used by supervisors.

During the next two weeks, county department heads can appeal to Chief Administrative Officer Lonnie Robbins who will determine any oversights in the decision.

“We’re not going to reduce our service to the public,” said Robbins.

“That’s why we’re having this appeals process to ensure we’re being fair and equitable. We’ll be open to anything they have to say.”


Employees at these departments and offices in Howard will lose their take-home, county-issued vehicles by September:

Public Works: 44
Sheriff’s Office: 29
Fire and Rescue Services: 25
Recreation and Parks: 12
Administrative supervisors: 3
Technology and Communication Services: 3
Corrections, Planning and Zoning and Public Works: 3 deputy directors
Police Department: 2 civilians
Source: Howard County Office of Public Information


  1. That is why we are where we are.
    Why did you spend $700 ,000 that you did not have to ,if you could have cut it now ,why didnt you do it sooner....

  2. The city of smallsbarrie should cut out all take home vehicles. The chief and the deputy chiefs of the fire department do not need to take their take home cars to Delaware and Parsonsburg. The chief of police doesn't need to take his car to Ocean City and Crisfield.

  3. What should be done in Barrieland and what is done in Barrieland are polar opposites.

    Debbie and Terry have tackled this topic the past 2 years only to be voted down 3-2 by their 3 brain dead colleagues

    What do they care, it isn't their money they are spending, they'll just increase property taxes again next year to pay for the gas and the fuel to run this new $800k fireboat they don't need.

    This city is run by gypsies, tramps and thieves.

  4. Joe here is some inside scoop. A friend of mine who is a Howard County Police Officer Informed that they also were in line to loose there take home and off duty use, however it was worked out they all officer must cut there gas usage by 5% by next month or their cars will be back up for grabs.

  5. Webster Can't loose his take home vehicle. It was in his contract, although I do not like him at all, he is the head of the department and subject to respond to any emergency. This would require the use of a emergency vehicle not his personal vehicle

  6. I am an employee of a LG that has a take home vehicle and agree all that do have them do NOT work after hours or respond. I have many after hours call outs and do work both to and from work all the time. It is certainly something that governments should look at...for one it would do my morale better to see some of those who NEVER come back in off hours to lose their vehicles...department head or not...if you don't come back in or have a department with people working 24/7 then drive your own car....why should you get the same benefit I get without the work headaches and responsibilites.


  8. two thumbs up to howard co. why would wico. co. do this and save $$$$ . did you forget we are loaded with cash....

  9. 501 a magic carpet and a camel


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