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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Watch and See Just How Many of Your Liberties You Have Lost

This was on C-Span , take a few minutes and watch this, and you will be amazed what has been kept from you on the MSM.


  1. G dub is going to cancel the elections this year due to an economic crisis caused by the failed dollar which was created by G dub. You better be buying gold while you can.

  2. The President of the United States, MUST have the authority and power to be in command when an emergency heppens. This is not new, this has always been a power and duty of a sitting President. Could you imagine, if we had to pass bills in congress and get the Presidential signature on them to ground all commercial aircraft on 911? Come on people wake up. The can be only one commander and chief, and the constitution states that it is the President of the United States.
    Only more reason why Hussein Obama should never be allowed any where near the white house. He runs his campaign by commitee, and will fail miserably if he tried to run an administration by commitee.
    Remember, Obama has a staff of 300 foreign affairs advisors that push the buttons that make speak. Without the advisors, Obama dosen't even know how many states there are in the U.S.

  3. Headed for a dictatorship , that's
    absolute power. The next president will have the smae power as HITLER.

  4. The last two Presidents have had A LOT MORE POWER than Adolf Hitler. Get real!

  5. 3:25 said "The President of the United States, MUST have the authority and power to be in command when an emergency heppens."

    Uhh.. Congress already put a plan in place. It's a reasonable plan that safeguards our liberties. The NEW plan is something different. It eliminates your rights and bypasses Congress. Why should we support it?

    If you want to take a stand here, COMPARE the plans and tell us which one is better. I vote for the one where the president doesn't have dictatorial powers.

    p.s. Bush DID ground commercial aircraft after 9/11. He didn't need new powers for that.

    p.s. Your comments about Obama are just silly. Since when has having 300 advisors limited executive action? Guess how many "advisors" the President has in the State Department? (and thaqt he routinely ignores)

    p.s. I bet you don't know how many presidential voting jurisdictions there are... Ha!

  6. don't forget the light bulb "thingy"
    we much prefer incandescents


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