Wednesday 23rd July, 2008
On yesterday’s edition of The 700 Club, Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson sharply criticized the “moderate tone” the Bush administration has allegedly taken toward
But nevertheless, I think we can look in the next few months for Israel to make a strike — possibly before the next election — because I think George Bush — to use the term an “amber light” — he’s given the amber, the yellow light, saying, “Caution, but go ahead.”
Robertson’s predictions often turn out to be wrong. In 2004, Robertson claimed that the Lord told him it would “be like a blowout” re-election for President Bush. (Bush ended up receiving just 51 percent of the vote.) In 2006, he incorrectly predicted that “the outcome of the war and the success of the economy will leave the Republicans in charge.”
He does, however, have an inside track into the Bush administration. Last year, Robertson’s
Today, top McCain surrogate Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) is also talking to controversial Pastor John Hagee’s organization. In 2006, Hagee declared:
The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both
Other members of the right wing have also been unifying around the idea of striking
Some people don't realize that the Jews are in fact God's people. The Christians must fight to protect them from the Muslims. Jesus came for the Jews first and then the gentiles. The Jewish bloodlines are pure and pristine, not mixed with the filthy blood of the idol worshippers from Babylon. We should be thankful to have the Jews - telling us what to do. It is important for God's people to be in charge and lead the West to the glory of Heaven. Our job as Americans rightly should be to protect and fight for the goals of Israel. It is God's Holy Land. The Muslims only hate us because we are on the right side in the Middle East - the side of the Jews. Americans are so selfish they don't understand their rightful place in history.
ReplyDeleteTo the post: Did you not HEAR, READ or understand Iran's president promise to wipe Israel off the map as soon as they have that capability?
ReplyDeleteI believe Israel, with our support, should hit the lousy bastard son's of Hagar, NOW, before they have a chance to make good on their "promise." Radical Muslims are actually praying for death in a "holy" war. You are appalled by what you believe to be Christian "extremists", but seem to have no concept that radical Islam is as crazy and death seeking as it gets. You don't see thousands of Christians or Jews beating themselves bloody with chains in honor of some false prophet, nor killing their women for not covering their faces, getting a job or marring someone not acceptable. Give me a break! Or, better yet, go live in Iran!
Iranians pray for death in a struggle to destroy us, "The Great Satan." Let's give them what that for which they pray.
I've seen how muslims treat women. If their 72 virgins in Heaven don't have black eyes, the bastard Muslim woman owners will give them such, in quick fashion!
I wonder what cause impells wymzie not to encourage Israel to launch a pre-emtive strike against a nation who has promised to wipe them off the map? I can think of only two: stupidity or an evil heart rooting for our enemy.
What kind of enemy of the United States & Israel shows such shock at the possibility of striking Iran, but says NOTHING of Iran's talk and actions that make such a strike an absolute necessity.
Let me try to put it in a way that maybe even you can understand.
If someone said to you, "I live in your back yard, and as soon as I get my hands on some atomic weapons, I'm going to kill you and your children," wouldn't even someone with your lack of common sense do anything and everything in your power to protect your children by insuring that whomever made that threat never reached the potential to make it a reality?
I regret the personal attack, but your post is very close to treason!
launching a nuke to prevent another from obtaining nukes (is this another mistaken case of WMD's to make war whores rich?) is like taking a shit in your own living room
ReplyDeleterobertson needs to stick a gun in his mouth and say good night
Who said anything about a nuke attack. We can set Iran's weapons programs back a decade or so with conventional attacks. Failing to do so would be suicidal for Israel and criminally negligent for us. Take the big toys away from the loud mouth bully,NOW, before nukes become the only option! Listen to what Iran says about its intentions for Israel. Listen to the hundreds of thousands of bastard sons of Hagar sceaming, "death to America!"
ReplyDeleteAnd some morons over here say, let them develop nukes; its none of our business. Brilliant!
I agree Israel has the right to exist. However, if Israel launches a preemptive strike on Iran I bet you that the Palestinians, Hamas and Syria will be ready to invade and cross Israel's border. Israel has 50 nukes, if they are backed up in a corner what do you think they are going to do? Is it worth that risk?
ReplyDeleteEverything is and always has been a risk. Israel has had nukes for 40years and never used them on the animals that surround them. Iran has stated their intentions for Israel. Allowing Iran to devolop nukes makes that type of war, not a risk, but a reality. The bastard sons of Hagar are intelligent, but have no normal fear of a nuclear war. They belive God will send them straight to Heaven if they die in a holocost with us or Israel. The ONLY way to delay this holocost is to push back their nuclear program. We won't be able to prevent the Muslim dogs from getting nuclear weapons eventually, but we should, and Israel MUST use any and all means to delay this certain holocost by keeping nuclear weapons out of the hands of the bastard the sons of Hagar.
ReplyDeleteThe children of Abraham are much more scary than the children of Hagar! Wake up. They are exterminating the Muslims. There is no evidence that the Muslims have ever attacked us. There is only propaganda spewing from Jewish Media Organizations. Lies Lies Lies. Investigate 911.