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Sunday, July 20, 2008

OCMC Jewelery Show August 7th 2008

The Ocean City Marlin Club Auxiliary is holding its annual jewelry show and sale on Thursday, August 7th, from noon to 4 pm. This event, which is open to the public, features handcrafted jewelry and accessories. There are 18 vendors participating in this year's show, including local artisans. Among the vendors is Park Place Jewelers, who will have award winning Hawaiian jeweler, Denny Wong, as a guest in their booth.

Proceeds from the show go towards the yearly scholarship fund for eligible Stephen Decatur High School seniors. This year the Club donated $3500 each to two deserving students.

The admission is $5, payable at the door, which entitles you to a glass of wine, beer, or soda. The Marlin Club is located at the head of the harbor on Golf Course Rd. in West Ocean City. For more information contact Cathy Donovan at 410-213-0447.

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