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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Is Obama "Legally" Eligible To Become President???]

According to Pat Shannan, (assistant editor, American Free Press, July 7, 2008) it now appears that Barack Obama is constitutionally ineligible for the office of president. John McCain's eligibility was established in 1964, when courts ruled Sen. Barry Goldwater was eligible although he was born in Arizona when it was a territory, not a state. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone when it was a U.S. territory.

And, even as the controlled media continues to ignore the ineligibility of Obama, it will not go away. While few doubt that the Democrats will manage to pull off his nomination, all remain poised to view the legal performance.

The first hurdle will be having Obama produce his birth certificate, which so far he has refused to do, and prove that he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961, as he has always claimed. There is speculation that his American mother may have brought him to Honolulu shortly after his birth in Kenya, but no proof of that has been shown.

According to the law on the books at the time of Obama's birth, the office of president requires that a candidate be a natural born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. citizen parents. Since he was not, should it be proven that Obama was not born in Hawaii, as claimed, he is ineligible without further debate. But assuming that he was born there, he has another problem.

According to a legal researcher who has contacted AFP, U.S. law very clearly states: 'If only one parent is a U.S. citizen at the time of one's birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for a minimum of 10 years, five of which must be after the age of 16.' And therein lies Obama's new problem.

Barack Obama' s father was never a U.S. citizen. Interestingly, there isn't much paperwork on the marriage of Obama's parents, and this has a few researchers speculating that it never took place at all. On page 27 of Obama: From Promise to Power, David Mendell writes: 'Obama later confessed that he never searched for the government documents on the marriage, although Madelyn (Obama's maternal grandmother) insisted they were legally married.' He also notes that Obama's father apparently was not legally divorced from his first wife back in Kenya at the time, a point of contention that ultimately led to their separation. This also would suggest that there may never have been any legal marriage by Obama's parents at all, but the Constitution does not ban an illegitimate child from the White House, as long as he was born inside the U.S.

Obama's mother was born in Kansas and was only 18 when Obama was born. This means even though she satisfies the citizen requirement for 10 years, she wa s not a citizen for at least five years prior to Barack Obama's birth. In essence, the mother alone is not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. citizenship. At most, two years elapsed from his mother turning 16 to the time of Barack Obama's birth when she was 18. His mother would have needed to have been 16 + 5 = 21 years old at the time of Barack Obama's birth for him to be a natural-born citizen. Barack Obama was already three years old at the time his mother turned 21.

Technically, Obama should have been naturalized as a citizen, but that, of course, would disqualify him from holding the office of president. If these allegations are, accurate, America could install in January of 2009 a new president who is not even a U.S. citizen, neither born nor naturalized.

It should be demanded that Obama produce his 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate.

If he cannot satisfactorily do so, he should be deemed immediately ineligible to hold the office of pres ident.


  1. My problem with this, is look at the alternative. Do we really want Hillary to be the Dem nominee???? I'm moving to Canada.

  2. A story from the American Free Press-- a rabidly pro Ron Paul "news" site. This is just as bad as Infowars. Again, nothing to see here folks.

  3. Ha ha! Spread all the rumors you want. Obama’s going to win and there’s nothing you can do about it! You just lose credibility both as “reliable” and “unbiased” when you try to float stories like this. Dr. Pin.

  4. 10:17am

    "If there is nothing to see here", then Obama should produce the docs necessary to prove he is eligible to hold this position.

  5. Just keep in mind that the next president will be elected by the electoral college. Whoever gets the majority of votes will get the White House. The Elite Conservatives have lost credibility amongst minorities; that is fact. Another fact is minorities vote and they remember false promises.

  6. there is a birth cert. circulating the net. But it is clouded with suspicion concerning whether or not it's been doctored. the one I viewed (not too clear) shows a stamp in reverse of a date in June of 2008. It is said that the document is not original and has been altered and not a very good alteration, at that. How we can know the truth is anybodies guess.

  7. Joe,

    Why won't you post my comments that simply point out that you can see Obama's birth certificate on his website? It is an easy answer to the questions posed in this post.

  8. Okay, if Obama's mother was born in Kansas, doesn't that make her a U.S. citizen from the time of her birth? Or did she change citizenship and change back again at age 16? Why the magic number of 16? Unless she changed citizenship at some time, she was as much a U.S. citizen at 13 as she was at any other time, thus satisfying the 5 years prior rule. I am not an Obama supporter, so please educate me on this. I do agree, if he has nothing to hide, then produce the birth certificate.

  9. we'll see the real birth certificate as soon as Kerry releases his war records.


  11. where is his birth certificate on his web site, I did not see any pictures of it at all.

  12. I've patiently waded through the mean remarks. The unverified "facts". The rumors, the bad language, bad grammar, and the rabid Republicanism. This might just be the last straw for me and sbynews. How absolutely idiotic IS this discussion? It appears as though the voters in greater Wicomico county, and specifically Salisbury city, already dont' have a clue about how to choose an elected official. The completely one-sided spin on anything even remotely Democrat must be treated as either a bad joke or some conspiracy.
    Grow the hell up.
    And remember who all will be getting the last laugh here.

  13. Legally, I don't believe you are a citizen until you are 18 (the age of consent). Why do you think you need to produce a birth certificate for every little thing? It's to show that you are eligible for citizenship, and that citizenship is confirmed at the age of 18. That is the reason that 21 is also a "magic number". If you ever read the constitution, it clearly states that in order to be president, there are 3 requirements--Born in the US (or a territory), be 35, and lived here 14 years. If you subtract 14 from 35, you get our magic number of 21.

    "According to a legal researcher who has contacted AFP, U.S. law very clearly states: 'If only one parent is a U.S. citizen at the time of one's birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for a minimum of 10 years, five of which must be after the age of 16.' And therein lies Obama's new problem."

    At one time, 16 was a legal age of consent, hence the problem of the 5years. I'm sure the DNC didn't ask to see Obama's Birth Certificate. They took it at face value that he was telling the truth. We may never know the truth, as documents can be forged, but this is something that needs to be investigated

    K Groves

  14. anonymous 1:41,

    Spew all the threats about leaving or not, I truly don't care. I say that because IF you want to go to a Site that only tells you the things YOU wants to agree with, then go read the Larson's stories spewed by the Mayor and her Administration on line and have a nice day.

    This Blog is out there to be an informational avenue, like it or not, agree with it or not. Nevertheless, this is information spreading around the Country SOME people are interested in. Now, that being said, if you disagree with it, tell everyone you disagree and that's it.

    Joe Albero is NOT God and I do NOT have all the answers, nor can I make EVERYONE happy with what "I" choose to Post here as well as the Contributors to this Site.

    You are NOT paying a FEE to visit this Site, so please, IMO, it's like someone who says they're going to kill themself. The one you worry about is the one who just gets depressed and does it. The one who threatens to do so is JUST LOOKING FOR ATENTION! I label you as JUST LOOKING FOR ATTENTION. Have a great weekend and we'll see you back here tomorrow.

  15. Blah, blah, blah. I don't care about the rumors but the fact that Obama will be the 44th President unless there is a miracle for McCain. I really enjoy the comments between liberals and conservatives about this issue. In my opinion it is time to get a strong third party candidate and send a consolidated true message to Washington.

  16. Sigh. I know you don't like external links, Joe, but this one needs to be seen to directly answer some of the posts here.

    Here you go, all you conspiracy theorists (even though I know you will just claim these are forged documents--hey, maybe we never went to the moon , either! It was all on a Hollywood stage)!

    You'll find the copy of his birth certificate there, along with clear evidence against a lot of the other silliness out there.

  17. You people are idiots, the whole "one parent must be a US citizen" is only if you're born OUTSIDE the US. Hawaii was a state when Obama was born = he's immediately a US citizen, his parents could have been Martians.

  18. Who cares? We put Bush in for 8 years and let's see what we got...A 3 TRILLION dollar war before its done....25,000 brave men and women either killed or wounded( not counting the mental/emotional problems we'll be treating for decades) people losing their houses...gas at about 4 dollars a gallon....Yeah, how much worse could Obama be..I don't care if the next President comes from Uranus (my favorite planet..go ahead there's a softball for you)...He/she can't screw up any more than W. Oh, by the way, I'm a republican.

  19. Re: Your 2:01 post, Joe. See there. You made a post without all the dirty words - good for you. I knew you could do it. Thank you.

  20. Law is clear , if it's so , then he should not be able to run.
    No excuses , the law is the law , when will stop making excuses for everything , LAW IS CLEAR.

  21. 4:01,

    You must be really dumb. Haven't you been following the thread of this conversation? The interpretation of the law here is a total lie. Obama is obviously legally eligible to be president. You all can try to find all the weird justifications you want for not voting for Obama, but for some (not all) of you, we know the real reason.

  22. Anon 2:24, I tried the address you gave in your pst and got a message that it does not exist! Has it been typed correctly? And I did use Smeers as the last part of it and it failed also.

    A. Goetz

  23. Here is what I find amazing about the conversation on this particular report: Most people have allowed themselves to take one side or the other. Red or blue. Dem. or Rep., black or white, and then most people buy into the gibberish that one is good while the other is bad.
    Isn't it true that none of us would choose either of these elite people? They have nothing in common with, nor do they represent the values of regular American people. Isn't it true that we need to demand significant change? Stop letting the elites put us into one of two boxes when both boxes are ridiculous and corrupt. Both candidates are terrible - really, aren't they?

  24. TO 1:41: Dems are great! Higher taxes, no time for the crime, reduce the military (Dem.logic: if you serve,your uneducated),don't use OUR resources or fosil fuels, it will polute the world, give money to those who don't try vs. those who try & need it, GOVERNMENT control (We know whats best for you), the war on God, except the "NEW" Morality and "NEW" American History teachings, and the list goes on. Your nominee doesn't even salute the flag of the United States of America. WTF!!!!

  25. K Groves 1:47--I believe you are mistaken about not "legally" being a citizen until age 18. To the best of my knowledge from my course in constitutional law many years ago, you are a citizen at birth! You just don't have autonomy over yourself. In fact, children born of U.S. citizen parents who are outside the country at the time of birth have dual citizenship and get to make the choice of which to renounce and which to keep at age 18. My granddaughter was born overseas while her parents were in the military, and she chose the U.S. at age 18.

  26. Anon 4:01, Not sure why you have to bring in the racist angle. I'll never vote for him because he is an empty suit that can read a teleprompter. Take away the script and the moron says nothing but uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, uuuuuuuuum.

  27. 6:09 Yes, technically correct, but remember that age of consent is used as a basis for eligibility. Contracts, voting, military, etc. Yes, we have the rule of jus soli, but in the case of what we are talking about, that age of consent is what matters.

    As far as the other poster who said they know the real reason some people won't vote for Obama--for me it's because he is against everything I have been taught to believe in. No other.

    K Groves

  28. black man+white house=what come around goes around

  29. 6:09 p.m., you are correct: US citizen as of birth in this country, regardless of the parent issue. Different ages are granted autonomy, both federally and via states' rights, at varying levels, until 21 when all autonomy is automatic (the last right being drinking liquor).

    There's nothing in Article 2 of the Constitution that sets out the one parent, 5 year rule mentioned in this article. Where was that taken from?

  30. Wow...I have been drinking heavily;let me know if I am wrong here...forget America as a whole; or any Republican/Third party challenges. You guys don't honestly believe Bill and Hillary wouldn't have said something about this little tidbit before Hillary cried "Uncle" a couple months back? I am of the opinion that many of you don't drink enough!!

  31. Art,

    Sorry--it got cut off when I cut and pasted it: if you Google "fight the smears" you'll find the address. Listen, I fully respect all of you who don't vote for Obama because his policies are not the same as yours, it is just the nonsense that I hate! I happen to be liberal, so I agree with him 90% of the time. I can see where someone who is conservative would not. But please, people, do some research on reputable websites before you make up your minds! McCain's economic package relies on the old "trickle down" theory--those who make $250,000 or more (not me, unfortunately) will benefit, and they hope it will trickle down to you. But that does not work. I just saw the first negative ad for the national election, and it was from McCain. Doesn't that tell you something?

  32. to USA,

    My candidate doesn't salute the U.S flag? Are you crazy? Here's a quick quiz: which candidate actually wears a flag pin? hint: it isn't McCain! What a silly argument. Both men are patriots, and both have received and given a lot to this country. What an ignorant reason not to vote for someone.

  33. I havent seen so many comments in such a short period. Goes to show you how many liberals we have inherited with the growth explosion. Some people are calling this a conspiracy theory. I find it humorous that they can say that about this, but not about all the 9-11 theories, or their buddy Al Gores propaganda. By the way, with all the catastrophic flooding in missouri, and the breeching levees, why didnt I see anyone rioting and carrying tv sets out of walmart, or claiming it was a government plot to blow up the levees? I wonder how many of these people will purposely defraud the government to receive extra money and then purposely vandalize the FEMA trailers before turning them back in?

  34. "Trickle down" economics was debunked after Reagan left office by none other than David Stockman, the "great economist" himself. Basically, Stockman, credited as the advisor devising the theory, was told to toe the line and repeat the rhetoric or take a hike.

    7:10 p.m. raises a great point, as does 7:14 p.m.

    Oppose Obama's policies. Debate the issues. Vote against him. But stop with the unfounded Internet rumor-mongering. It cheapens the whole debate, and us with it.

  35. 9:12 ... Don't worry the debate rages on in more enlightened venues.

    This kind of stuff is just "Idiots for McCain". It will only serve to help McCain lose. The stupider it is, the more it helps Obama (and people wonder why Obama already has a teflon coating when it comes to slime...).

    With friends like these, who needs detractors?

  36. I still have no idea what Obama stands for or how he intends to end the war, help the economy, create new jobs, help with the gas crisis. All he is said is yes we can yes we can. I'll be voting for Mccain who has more experience. The Democrats are to blame since they control Congress.

  37. legality never seemed to stop george bush.

  38. 6:05 anonymous:
    Not only does he NOT salute the flag, but for his recent campaign (though, he isn't calling it that) in the mid East and Europe, he had the painted flag removed from the military plane in which he was flying and replaced it with his painted on "O" sign. Now his staff is flying in a 757 paid for by his campaign, but WE the taxpayers are springing for that military transport that he has defaced. And of course, this is "not a campaign trip"...
    I just wish he'd wait until he 's elected to act the part. And just why isn't he using his own campaign funds for this trip?
    Makes no sense.

  39. He's worse than an empty suit, he's an empty GARMENT bag...to quote someone...and he speaks no better than "W" without a teleprompter.
    In fact "W" is better at impromptu than at the pre-written word. must be a reading skill, or lack of one whichever...

  40. think about it folks. little more than a year ago Obama was NOT a household name. only those few who pay close attention had even heard of him...the thing speaks for itself...

  41. I visited Obamas site and looked at his birth certificate. My ten year old could make something that looked like that in 5 minutes.

    If they are going to use that piece of garbage as an official document, than AHnold is probably busy making his own too.

  42. Comnpare it to your birth certificate, genius! Most of them are not made to look "fancy." You conspiracy nuts just are impossible to argue with, because all evidence can be faked, in your minds. So I'm done trying to convince you that Obama is a legal citizen. It is obvious to rational thinkers, impossible to prove to conspiracy theorists.

  43. I think the true citizens of the USA have lost touch with realality.to me i dont care if your republican or democrat old young black white hispanic.if you speak english born and raised by american bread parents then that should give you the rite to run for anything or be anything.there are no facts on oboma and he is hiding behind a shadow.he doesnt want to fly and represent our flag our ancesters fought and died for and thats what most want not me our flag is our freedom just a thought people need to just get back intouch with some history and grow some &@#$ become a little more concervative and not so liberal.

  44. Are you F***ing kidding me? Is this Salisbury News or Supremist Spin? What a bunch of mindless hillbilly hogwash.

  45. There's clearly a flaw in some of your logic. You said that "If only one parent is a U.S. citizen at the time of one's birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for a minimum of 10 years, five of which must be after the age of 16". You went on to say that Obama's mother was born in Kansas and was only 18 when she had Obama. Well, just the fact that she was born in Kansas is enough. The only 10-year requirement is for the non-natural-born citizen. So it makes absolutely no difference. Maybe go back and review.

  46. Anonymous said.............
    People Talk alot of crap here when they are anonymous. LOL. Barrack Hussein doesn't stand a chance. If he does win somehow, there WILL be a NEW
    REVOLUTION. Nuff Said

    W> P>

  47. There is also a Honolulu paper with a birth announcement for the Obama's right after his birth.

    Keep trying Republicans, Racists and Rednecks alike.

  48. If Obabmas mother was born is Kansas she is a legal US citezen. babies are legal citizens the day you are born in the US. thats why so many people from other countries want their children born here. they may also have dual citizenship with the country of their parents and can come and go as they please. This site is obviously misinformed and basically spreading unfounded gossip to promote their own opinions. I dont agree with this so will not be coming back to this site in the future. thanks for the laughs. t


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