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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Delmarva Towing Sucks

Hi Joe

A lot as been posted about how businesses are operating in the area. Here is a good example on bad business practice and poor attitude of Delmarva Towing.
I was leaving Shorebird Stadium tonight and two elderly ladies had a flat tire. They asked if I would find the tow truck that just came in the parking lot and see if they would come and help them. I found them, it was Delmarva Towing, and explain that two elderly ladies had a flat and if he would help them. He stated he would tow them but he did not change tires. They could call AAA and they would come and help them. This is very poor business practice and customer service. If they have this kind of attitude, I would not recommend them at all. I would encourage all the readers to think hard before calling Delmarva Towing for any reason. If this is the way they treat people in need, how would they treat your vehicle if you were not present? I ask myself how trust worthy is Delmarva Towing when they have this mentality. Money is not always what keeps a business in business.


  1. Why didn't you help them dipshit?

  2. my question would be how come this person didn't change it? had to be enough people in the parking lot to make quick work of changing a tire. (i am not nor do i have a clue who/what is delmarva towing-fyi)

  3. My question then is.... did you atleast go back and change the tire for these two elderly ladies??

  4. To the person who sent you this..

    You are insane. Just because the man is driving a tow truck, you think he should go change their tire. My question I pose to you, is why didnt you help them change their tire. You are the kind of person that if you saw a mechanic in the mall you would want them to diagnose your car trouble while you were standing there and if they didnt they would be the worst customer service ever.

    Actually the title for this post should be Lazy A$$ Person Refuses to Help Old Lady Change A Tire so He Tries to Place Blame on A Working Man.

  5. I have had my vehicle towed by these a##holes before. They are ripoffs. My car was broke down on Rt. 50, so I walked to get some help. By the time I arrived back at my car it was gone. When I contacted the police about my car, they told me it was a traffic hazard. My car was on the shoulder of the highway. They never even tried to contact me, I had left my cell number on a piece of paper in the dash. The state police told me that Delmarva Towing had towed my car. When I called them they would not answer the phone, ARE THEY NOT LISTED AS 24 HR TOWING? My car was towed on a friday night, but I could not get in contact with them until Monday around noon.I tried calling everyday. He then proceeded to tell me that my bill was over $350.00. When i got back up off the floor I asked him why. He told me that it was the tow charge plus the storage fee.I tried to call him that sme night about 30 minutes after they towed my car. He held my car hostage. I think that this all a scam for making money on storage. He towed my car about four miles from where it was broke down. I had no choice but to pay the bill. Every time I tried to talk to him and get answers as to why it was this much he told me that if I wanted to complain it would be more money. I contacted the state police and they told me that it was a civil matter. I would never recommend them to any one. I have one more question. In the phone book when tried to find their phone number why are the listed as Demarva towing 1, 2, 3. With the same phone number. I have had my car towed in the past and I have never had this happen to me before. The company who towed me was Auto Medic Towing in Salisbury. The driver was very helpful and courteous to me.Has anyone else experienced these type of problems with our local tow companies?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I will sit on both sides of this fence. Could it be possible that the poster was handicapped and unable to change a tire, so he/she did what they could and tried to find someone to help these ladies? On the other hand, Delmarva Towing is a TOWING business, not a tire changing business...example.....would you ask Lawn Care company to put a roof on your house..NO!

  8. Okay lets think about this for a second. If someone was a lawyer, and they were standing on a street corner waiting to cross the road, and a person approached them and said, "I think my grandmother just had a stroke," would you expect that that lawyer could administer medical treatment?

    Apples and oranges, friend. I understand what you mean, being frustrated with someone you would assume can help doesn't, but the person you spoke to may not know how to change a tire, or they may have been in the process of helping another person, or there may be some policy requiring him to NOT perform work on a car. For a tow truck to perform a repair, any repair, its called "road service". They charge for that. That driver was probably just doing what they were required, and what was cheapest for the ladies.

    Or, perhaps they just didn't care or want to help, but honestly, they're not a mechanic. Are you?

  9. OK, it's time to chime in here.

    It's a FLAT TIRE! Any good and decent MAN has been taught to change a tire. There should have been a line at the Ball Park of MEN ready and willing to change and elderly lady's tire.

    I'll bet you a million bucks that if they would have found one of the Sheriff's Deputies there and ask them for help, they would have jumped on it, as long as their duty there was finished.

    As far as the Towing Company and the comments stating that was service work, BULLSH!T!

    It's a FLAT TIRE! Tow Trucks usually carry a hydrolic jack to make the entire change an easy. Come on now, this is ridiculous. Just like some of you that must be accountable today because of the Blogs and hating us, many businesses are now going to have to be accountable as well. Like it or not, we're here to stay and I for one and sorry "I" was not in the parking lot at the time because I would have been honored to change their tire. No MAN should EVER be too busy to help out an elderly wonan, there's just no excuse for that.

  10. No im not a mechanic... but it's not rocket science to change a tire. Hell if you can't figure out where to put the jack there usually is a nice picture diagram somewhere close to the storage position inside the vehicle.

  11. How do you know that it wasn't an older person or handicapped person that asked the tow truck driver for help?! Maybe they couldn't change the tire for those ladies. The point is, is that the tow truck driver could have at least offered to help!! Eddie Tindall is out for nothing but money and is one of the greediest bastards that I have ever seen! Unless he is going to make good money, he doesn't want to help anyone! I wonder how he sleeps at night? He probably wouldn't change his own mother's tire unless she paid him. He is the scum of the earth!!!! He gives all of the other towing companies around here that are helpful a bad reputation!

  12. "My car was broke down on Rt. 50, so I walked to get some help. By the time I arrived back at my car it was gone. When I contacted the police about my car, they told me it was a traffic hazard. My car was on the shoulder of the highway. They never even tried to contact me, I had left my cell number on a piece of paper in the dash."

    If you had a cell phone why did you need to walk for help?

  13. You left out a word in your comment, Joe. A good and decent WOMAN can change a flat tire, too. When I've gotten flat tires in the past, I (a woman) changed it myself. It doesn't take a lot of strength, and it ain't rocket science, either. So don't blame just the men who were there and didn't offer help.

  14. Forgive me for that statement. However, I was raised in an era where a gentleman wouldn't hesitate to GIVE BACK and do what is right.

    I can remember a day quite a few years ago when one of my Employees came into work in a suit and he was just a mess. Grease everywhere and he was late. An elderly couple got a flat tire, he stopped, changed the tire and when they offered to pay him he smiled, thanked them for the offer and refused to take their money. Now THAT'S the best way to show up late for work!

  15. If you want to have your personal property stolen out of your vehicle, make sure that 56th St. Towing stores it in Salisbury. They have a yard "runt" who looks like a crack addict and dresses like a man but is a female. She steals people's property out of their vehicles and when you say that something is missing she will take great pleasure in cursing you out. If you don't believe me, check with the Sheriff's Dept. I reported the theft and they told me that several others had reported thefts from their vehicles while they were there.

  16. 8:29 - We had the same thing happen to us. After trying every 1/2 hour with no answer, for several hours,finally, 2 days later, someone answered and advised us that we owed for 3 days storage! I agree, they are definately scamming people with the storage!

  17. Anonymous 9:30 - Didn't realize that I would be scrutenized so, closely, there was not enough cell reception for a call to go through, so I started walking!

  18. A few weeks on a Saturday afternoon I had a flat tire and had several men try to change it for me. The lug nuts were on too tight and they couldn't get them off. I called University Tire, since I bought the tires there and I was across the street, they would not come help me. So I called Adkins Towing, Richard Adkins was there within the hour and towed my car so I could get my tire changed. His fees are reasonable and he comes when you need him.

  19. Two things, SPD,WCSO,MSP have policies that don't allow there officers to change tires, and if they do and injure themselves there not covered. This is the same as all of the local police not using slim jims before. Why you ask because someone sued because there car was damaged. Secondly, I only know one of the local tow companies that will change tires and thats Grants because they are AAA and are required. The other tow companies are TOW companies, they are not paid to do repairs. If they did repair or change tires, people would not want to pay the hourly rate that they would be charged plus the fuel charge. I beleive Grants charges 75.00. Who wants to pay that for a tire change at 75.00. For those of you who are complaining about your car being held hostage I suggest that you either file a claim in small claims court or you contact the Police Agency that authorized your vehicle to be towed and file a complaint. They routinley remove companies from their tow list for theft, improper charges. The tow compaines on the western shore are 24 hour tow, however they will ONLY release your vehicle during day light hours after 7:00 am so you will have to pay the one night storage. This was done because drivers were getting robbed and cars were getting car jacked from the tow yards.

  20. I will only say to those of you who make the self centered statements is you are the ones who would have never had told the Ladies of their flat because you don't want to get involved. I don't want to blow my own horn but I have probably helped more people in need than 90% of the ones making these comments. Even with my health, I did what I could and that is all I am saying.

  21. Just recently I was involved in a minor traffic accident, but my car was not driveable according to the police officer. I did not understand that because it seemed fine to me. But anyway after he told me that I asked him if he could call Grants towing for me. He said that he counld not and that he would have to call one of their companies for me. Now you tell me, is there a scam going an here or what? The tow company that came was,yes you guessed it. Delmarva Towing. I told him that I did not want his services but then he informed me that he was called to the accident and he was going to tow my car.I then requested that he take it to my house and he refused. He told me that because the car was involved in an accident that he had to take it to his storage lot. Sounds familiar does'nt it? I thought that there was not supposed to be no police officer to call or choose the towing company according to the SCP.My insurance company tried contacting them amd they did not answer the phone for two days, hence two more days storage. CHA CHING..After my insurance company fianally got in touch Mr. Eddie Tindall, the owner of Delmarva Towing thay wanted to come and pick up my car and take it to a repair shop. he had stated to them that he would tow over there because he did not know when he would be available at his lot.Sounds like another scam. Something needs to be done about some of the companies, not all of them, doing and getting away with is what you can just basically call theft.

  22. My husband and I own a small towing business. We would have been glad to change the tire at no charge for those poor women. We have dont it several times and just feel that is "good will". As for those who feel that they have been scammed, call the Better Business Bureau and turn them in to the appropriate police agency. They can be removed from the towing rotation list! As far as the person reporting theft, PRESS CHARGES!!!! I hate it when a couple of bad towing companies makes us all look bad. I can't speak for everyone, but we are honest, hard-working people who try to help out when we can. Oh yeah...we answer our phone 24/7!

  23. My husband and I own a small towing business. We would have been glad to change the tire at no charge for those poor women.

    You should go to the ball game more often.

  24. Police also don't use slim jims b/c of air bags in the doors. I think it was a New York officer got a slim jim through the neck when the air bag went off. Killed him on the spot.

  25. To answer the smart a## telling me to go to the game more often. Its smarta##es like you who cause people not want to help anyone anymore. I bet if it was your mother or grandmother or for that much anyone that you know, you would be happy that someone would have stopped and helped them.I believe if you help someone it will come bak around to one day.It is not always about the money.

  26. Whenever I need something towed, car, or pickup I call Williams or Bob Simpson. If I need my big truck towed, I call Bob Simpson. I've never had one minutes trouble with either of them. They answer their phones and do what they say they are going to do with the vehicle. Their rates are fair and their employees are courteous. As long as they are around that is who I will use.

  27. All this talk about companies being removed from the rotation list........can anyone name a single company that has been removed or "punished"?? probably not.

  28. Wow, if the company doesnt do tire changes, than they just dont do it! Perhaps his BUSINESS INSURANCE does not cover his employees disassembling peoples cars!!!

  29. it sounds to me like someone has nothing better to do than go around and look for things to complain about. Am i really reading a blog about a towing company not changing a tire like its inhumane? wheres the blog about any breakfast joint that doesn't serve bagels or scrapple? Where's the one about the hair salon that doesn't do wigs? Of all the things going on in this world, someone is sending in a blog about a towing company not changing a tire....there could be many reasons why they don't do that and like everyone else has said this is shorebirds stadium we're talking about here, not a deserted dirt road. The person that sent this in could have changed the tire in the same amount of time it took to get on the computer and send in a message about this.

  30. Sounds like typical business practice on the eastern shore. Whats in it for me? I thought this place was supposed to be full of friendly courteous ppl, yeah right.


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