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Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Delmar Police Chief Wants You To Know About This Link

GO HERE to see any crime in your area.

Residents can go to the Website and click on the State they want, select a Town and check crime stats for that town. You may want to wait till you get home before you choose Salisbury, Maryland, or perhaps an entire weekend?


  1. Geez, on June 12 there was an Assault on the 1100 block of MONITOR CT. I wonder who could have been involved in that one. That is Barrie's block

  2. I'm about to lose my job and have a few different opportunities one of which is to relocate to Florida which I don't particularly want to do because my family is here but I just looked at the area in Florida where I would be going and for the same dates there was not one crime committed and after looking at crime in Salisbury it really has me thinking I should get out while I still can!! I hope Barrie checks out that site since there is no crime problem in Salisbury!! LMAO!

  3. Shanie says it's under control. I want some of what she is drinking.

  4. Shanie is absolutely correct! It is under control, of gangs and all sorts of other criminal "refugees".


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