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Friday, June 20, 2008

Waterkeeper Alliance Is Truly Listening

I want to thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
Waterkeeper Alliance is built on the belief that our waterways belong to
the people who use them for drinking and recreation and not the
industrial polluters who want to destroy them for the sake of profit. We
embrace strong citizen enforcement of our nation's environmental laws
and we rely on concerned citizens like you to bring matters to our

We have just today received a number of inquiries from concerned Eastern
Shore residents about a wastewater treatment plant located in Salisbury
on the Wicomico River and we will be following up on that facility. I
assume that the Hebron plant is an entirely different facility. Please
let me know and I will try to follow up.

I want to thank you again for standing up for clean water. With the many
negative (and false) allegations being made against us in the local
media, its inspiring to know that there are those on the Eastern Shore
who share our concerns.

Scott Edwards
Legal Director
Waterkeeper Alliance


  1. Hey Barrie, how do you like them apples?

  2. I hope trespassing is not part of your investigation as it was on the poultry farm. Also truthfullness should be intiated and full disclosure of who is on "your team" be in place. The worse polluters are many times the government as Salisbury demonstrates. Private enterprise would be hung if they did something similar.

  3. They don't have to trespass. They can collect samples anywhere along the river and they'll find it's just like Barrie Tilghman. Both are full of shit.

  4. Green Peace has broken treaspassing laws, if they hadn't many violations would go unreported. Keep up the good work peoples, help us keep them honest, we know them as liars.

  5. This should cinch Salisbury as an All American City! This city administration needs a WWTP of it's own it's so full of shit.

  6. I say teak raw sewage from ASAP and dump it in the Mayors front yard.

  7. I agree with 9:38. It should be dumped right in her front and back yard. Of all the mismagement I've seen over the years, this has to be the worst! And what the hell is our PW Dept. doing about insuring this CRAP doesn't continue to happen. 80 million dollars down the drain (no pun intended)!

    A. Goetz

    A. Goetz

  8. If we could get the mare and bubba to sit in a dunking booth full of current Wicomico River water, we could solve the city's debt in one day.

    I'd fork up $50 myself to get some tosses to see her go in that water up over her head. Speaking of over her head, she sure is that.

  9. Hey that is funny stuff right there, I would want proof or see the water come from the river and near the sewage discharge pipe not in Alan. I would put $50.00 in also

  10. 1006 count me in for $50, hell I might take 2 shots at them, better put me down for $100


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