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Friday, June 13, 2008

Shorebirds in Action Tonight!

At 7:05 your Shorebirds will take on the BlueClaws in the second game of the final home stand before the SAL All-Star Break. The Shorebirds are now 37-29.

The ZOOperstars will be present all night long for their zany antics and comedy for the fans.
( http://www.zooperstars.com/ ). This is a must see!

Also it is Blind Industries and Services of Maryland's 100th anniversary celebration and fundraiser.

To order fundraising tickets through Blind Industries for this Friday's game against the Lakewood Blueclaws please contact Gayle by phone at 410-749-4305 or by e-mail at gcarey@bisn.org.

Option 1: GA Ticket + Food Voucher for Hot Dog, Chips & Soda - $15Option
Option 2: Ticket to the Hard Ball Cafe w/ 2 hour All-U-Can Eat Buffet

There will be a silent auction and raffle to raise funds. Some of the items include prize packages from Green Hill Yacht Club and Great Hope Golf Course and Longaberger Baskets.

BISM is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) company that employs over 400 associates, the majority of whom are blind, in jobs ranging from management to manufacturing to retail.

Rounding out the night is Boy Scout night. These fine up and coming young men will parading around the field to celebrate their devotion to Scouting.

For more information on BISM go to - http://www.theshorebirds.com/team/birdnews/index.html?article_id=379

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