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Friday, June 13, 2008

Selling the soul of our nation

Admittedly, I sometimes view some of the things Wymzie posts as ....a little far fetched for me. Maybe a little over the edge. No offense - it's likely I'm just not as deep a thinker as her or maybe I'm a little close minded. But I think she's right on the money in her recent post on Anheuser Busch . While I do believe that a little foriegn trade serves well to help keep the larger American unions grounded with respect to how much financial pressure they can put on their employers before it costs them their jobs, there is a point (imho) that we have to say STOP. There is a point at which this type of policy weakens our national security, as we are now witnessing with high prices of crude oil.

NAFTA is a mistake. I was listening to talk radio the other day and it was reported that, although the FDA won't come out and say it, some of it's employees have leaked that the tomatoes contaminated with salmonella are coming from MEXICO. In Mexico, it appears, the farmers are permitted to use untreated human waste as fertilizer on crops grown for human consumption, while that practice is prohibited here. Meanwhile in attempts to conceal the fact that the tainted tomatoes are coming from Mexico so as not to draw a negative light to NAFTA, the govt. continues to restrict the transportation of tomatoes grown on American farms to market. This is causing the tomatoes to rot in trucks and creates the potential for the financial ruin of American tomatoe farms citing that they haven't yet discovered the source of the contamination.

It appears that the health of our families AND the security of the American farmer are being endangered by people in our own govt. in order to push some political agenda. That really sucks for us.


  1. Barack Obama said just this sort of thing during one of his final debates with Hillary Clinton, saying that we need to put the needs of our country ahead of the desires of other nations, and rethink our agreemens when necessary.

    As a response, he got chastized by both the Clinton and McCain camps for being "reckless" in his speech and "blaming" Canada and Mexico for our problems, AND thretening our relationships with those countires.

    So, only one Presidential candidate (so far) has actually said out loud that NAFTA could stand a review, if not an abolishment, and he got jumped all over because of it.

    Whey hasn't George W Bush or John McCain (the great defenders of liberty) done this publically?

  2. You said :

    "It appears that the health of our families AND the security of the American farmer are being endangered by people in our own govt. in order to push some political agenda."

    You mean business agenda, don't you? Business just can't get their insatiable profits through pesky American workers so they need exploited cheap labor elsewhere.

    So people and pets are poisoned, so what?
    My favorite left wing news source, NPR, reports Mexicans stopped buying Mexican grown corn for their tortillas and bought cheaper American corn. Mexicans planted less corn as a result, the price of corn skyrockets, and then they're burdened with higher food prices for their staples.

    Free trade and NAFTA are the results of either incompetence or corruption.

    For you who think the system is still good with a few mere correctable glitches then YOU eat the tomatoes.


  3. Let me guess: Rush Limbaugh?

    Typical neo-con propaganda.

  4. when you are driving past a farm field right here in the good ole USA, have you even seen a porto-potty? where do you think they go?

  5. Thanks Granddad!

    I will tell you something. Most of my political beliefs come from a 94 year old man who has been paying attention in great detail to the things that have been going on in this country for many many years.
    When I was a little girl I hung on his every word, as a teenager and young adult I rejected almost everything he said because I was traveling the country and met people in high places and knew far more than the country boy who was my grandfather. However, as a middleaged adult. I have seen things come full circle. And I could never be a cynical in my thinking as he is. I have found him to be right on the money about most things. 94 years is a lot of history, and with a mind like a steel trap he doesn't forget like most of our society does; that they tell us one thing one day and do the next the following month.
    As my grandfather says "those bastards are committing treason on that hill everyday and we're not doing a damn thing to stop them"!!!

  6. I saw a tractor trailer come across the state line the other day. On its trailer in big blue letters was MEXICAN LOGISTICS. What does that do for our AMERICAN truckers? It sends them into bankruptcy that's what it does. A mexican truck can't pass our DOT standards. Talk about duct tape and baling wire holding something together. They'll haul for a buck a mile while fuel is $5 a gallon and they're only getting 5 miles to the gallon. Every mile they run goes in the tank, what happens when they blow a $400 tire? Our truckers can't afford to haul like that, not with the fuel taxes, road use taxes, heavy road use taxes, licensing, maintenance, repair and drivers they pay. An idependent trucker in the USA has no benefits so what they get is what they have to work and live on.


  7. Fed up,

    No it wasn't Rush. It was Mike Savage. HeHe.

  8. NAFTA is good for business, NAFTA is not good for the American worker.

    Business interests lobbied very hard for NAFTA and got it. Many politicians were bought (including the Clintons).

    Obama's effort to revisit NAFTA is a rank populist move. Big business (and anyone already bought by big business) will fight this fiercely. I am guessing that this will help him get elected, but he will utterly fail in making any meaningful change.

    Nevertheless, the election of Obama will help swing the economic balance back to where it should be.

  9. NAFTA was the brain child of Carter if my memory serves me well. Reagan tried to pass it, Bush SR. did also then Bubba Clinton had a congress that wrote it and he signed it.

  10. The Food and Drug Administration has become a toothless dog when it comes to protecting our people. As for Mexico, God forbid that we interfere with their industry or job market.

    I was just wondering, what do we owe Mexico???? Last I checked it was nothing. But I will be the first to recommend a good swift kick in the Ass right out of this country for our Amigos....comprende?????

  11. Why do you think there is no work in america , that is for people who actually work. Not those who make money on nafta.
    Buy foreign, to hell with american bullshit.
    Why do , never mind your to stupid i guess to see the reality of it.

  12. wymzie your right girl their all guilty of crimes against the state and i would love to deal with them.

  13. There is a master plan to destroy America, the U.S. Constitution, and the Dollar. We will be merged into the North American Union and our money will be replaced by the Amero. If you don't see it yet, then please pay attention! It is happening.
    Options? Begin by hoarding non-perishable food, weapons, ammunition, and coin. If you have extra money then, buy gold and silver. Get out of debt before it is too late. Form neighborhood groups so you have people to help, and people who can help you when the economy totally crashes. It is coming. Our government is the enemy.
    Any other advice?
    We must all do our part to convince the young Americans to stop joining this evil military. We also must get through to our local Sheriff's offices. Do not let them be controlled by the National Government. Our local militias are all we have. The Feds will let the U.N. Troops do most of the heavy lifting when "time comes". Get prepared. Go to educateyourself.com.

    Thanks for posting


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