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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Maintenance Done In City Park!

I took a nice walk all throughout City Park yesterday (June 1oth) and let me say people are listening! These are two areas that got cleaned up within 10 days of my original post (May 31st) on the topic of improving City Park. Pretty quick turn around considering that stuff had been sitting there for a long time! Thank you for tending to this issue.

I also took note of the trash receptacle and bench situation. The only benches that I saw were around the bandstand and on Picnic Island. There are literally distances of over a half mile without a bench. The whole East side of the park, the end closest to the Ward Museum, has no benches or trashcans except around the pavilion. Even some of the picnic tables are warped.

So ask where is your tax money going and who is helping out?

Also Terry Cohen is the City Council Representative for the City Park Council.

If you have any comments or questions for John Swanson the Chair of the City Park Council please e-mail me and I will forward it to him.


As you can see the area has been graded and cleaned up a lot. It looks so much better! Great first step.



The area does not look as cluttered and the bio-logs are hopefully being stored properly for future use.


  1. With Ms. Cohen on the scene things are getting better. Before she was elected last year, I think the City Council rep. was Comegys or Dunn. Let's hope that she and the group will make Barrie put that ridiculous "dog park" somewhere other than the City Park.

  2. WHO, look at what a difference a little blog can do!!!!!!!!! LOL

  3. A question: Does Ms. Cohen actually have any input to the City Park Council, or is it a figurehead position? Since I know she is a conscientious person, I wonder if she is seen as an ally or an enemy by the CPC.
    Glad to see the park is getting cleaned up. Now if you can get the trash receptacles and benches needed, maybe you can get the Zoo Commission to clean up their act too!

  4. You're my hero you big sexy hunk of lovin'.

  5. now we know where the mare was monday

  6. I would hope the CPC would be willing to allow Ms. Cohen to participate. She is one of the only two that work FOR the city and its citizens. I would definitely see her as an ally.

    Now the Zoo Commission with Ron Alessi and none other than Gary never shows up for a meeting Comegys is another ball of wax.

  7. Yes, the park looks quite a bit better. Now we need to get the Zoo Commission on the ball. Bubba never shows up, at least he had not while I was attending zoo commission meetings, even though they cater a luncheon for the commission meetings. Money for these lunches I believe comes from the money donated by visitors for the animals. Is that the right use of those funds?

    A. Goetz

  8. The Park still needs more renovations but it is a pleasure to see the ball move a bit.

    Let's not allow this great area to get too far behind!

  9. Good Job, Nick. Your persistence is paying off for all of us. Thank you.


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