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Friday, June 06, 2008

Have You Ever Had A Prong Shoved Up Your..........

Maybe that's why Comegys and Tilghman named this project the North Prong?

I was in complete disbelief last night when I showed up at this meeting and saw a bunch of people but then learned these were property owners and not citizens of Salisbury. I then came to learn that they had held a property owners meeting earlier that day, so they didn't even need to be at this one. If they hadn't shown up, guess what? There would have been three people in the room outside reporters. This means none of YOU were there. I can't call YOU concerned citizens because obviously YOU don't give a crap.

Nevertheless, the reporting goes on. I sat back and listened to these Consultants go on and on about other Towns & City's, NONE of which compared to Salisbury, NONE! They went on to talk about how their project was going to clean the River up by improving run off by 20%. Uh Oh, they forgot Joe Albero was in the room. You know, the guy that attends every meeting in Salisbury and knows when to pull out the shovel to clear my way through all the horse sh!t!

At the very moment they asked if there was any questions I sat back for a few seconds, (not realizing they had already held this exact meeting with property owners earlier that day) and no one raised their hand, so mine went up. My first question referenced the River. I said, are you actually trying to tell me that you're going to clean up the River based on storm water management? Yes. I replied, that's what I thought you said. I said, are you familiar with the two new storm water run off pipes being run into the River nearby that will run storm water directly from roads and neighborhoods straight into the River, one of which will be six foot in diameter? Oh, they stood there in awe with NOTHING to say to that, so I went on. I then said, you DO realize this is tidal water, right? They kind of stood there looking pretty stupid once again with no reply, so I went on. I said, so you're trying to impress upon me that just your area of the River is going to be beautiful and clean, right? Because I see thousands of cars parking in your new area, not the 50 or less that are there now. I see traffic problems like there's no tomorrow, but things will be better for the community? I also brought up the WWTP overflows and just how exactly did they think that smell wasn't going to come to their area? NO RESPONSE!

I moved on to some other topics I wanted to make sure EVERYONE was aware of. I said, let's talk about another topic you're so proud of. Let's talk about the TIF! Do YOU really believe any taxpayer in this City is going to fall for the fact that you guys want to go after more grant money and more TIF's Mr. Comegys? Gary started laughing and leaning over to John Pick, trying to impress everyone else in the room that Joe Albero was stupid, not Gary.

Quite frankly Mr. Comegys, IF you ever pull that c rap on me again I'm going to immediately call you out on it and embarrass you right then and there. I'm going to challenge you for trying to insult me and then let's see how much you stutter then? You used that I'm a stupid eastern shore boy crap all the time. However, it's time to show people just how stupid you actually are.

That's right Folks, they want to use TIF money to rebuild that are. Comegys yelled out, "WE DESERVE THIS. THAT'S RIGHT, SALIBURY DESERVES THIS ARE TO BE CLEANED UP." OK Gary, since when are YOU a property owner of this area? YOU don't deserve sh!t, IMO! Oh, I can't wait for you to run for Mayor because we're going to post every day a video of you stumbling, stuttering and looking like the complete Idiot that you are.

Gary went on to say, "The question shouldn't be what CAN we do there. Look what we got there!" WE? I'll bet there are a ton of neighborhoods you wouldn't choose to live in Gary but guess what? They pay their taxes and are just as much a part of the community as your neighborhood. Same goes for ALL of these property owners. YOU see an advantage by throwing them out of this area because it's just now what Gary Comegys and the Mayor want. Well guess what, MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE, you control freaks! What message do you send out to the business community when you say, we don't like the way it looks so we're going to rally the troops together and boot all your asses out of here simply because property that NO ONE WOULD BUY YEARS AGO is now worth something and it's time to get rid of you.

I expressed to the Consultants that Salisbury is NOT Rockville or Baltimore. They have a north, south, east and west, Salisbury stops in Ocean City heading east. You will never encourage big business to Salisbury, period. The Airport is useless to a big corporation. Freight Companies don't want to come here because it's the end of the earth. Many may not understand this but take for example a company from the Mid West shipping an entire trailer load of material to a company here. Once they unload, what freight are they picking up to make it worth their while to go on to the next delivery? Do they head all the way back to the Mid West with NOTHING? Yep, they sure do, unless they contract something from Baltimore to run back with.

Anyhow, Gary Comegys should be re nick named the TIF Meister. Notice how the Daily Times didn't say any of this in their article. They also want to use section 108 money, whatever that is? There's so much more to say but this Post is getting too long. The taxpayers of Salisbury better get some kind of control over this Comegys guy because the Mayor and Gary are a disaster in the making. You want another TIF, don't attend these meetings. As for the Consultants, they're full of crap but that's their job. Oh, it works everywhere else. I have to end with this. I challenged Gary Comegys and John Pick to tell me ONE project, just ONE, that was a success under this administration. I stated the Downtown Plaza has failed. The River Walk, failed! The old Mall, failed! I stated that it is the management of this City that can't do anything right and there's no way the taxpayers would support yet another financial failure. So it looks better, SO WHAT? I said, you're now $71,000,000.00 in debt when just a few years ago you were only $18,000,000.00 in debt, how's it working for you?

If I feel up to it later I'll add more to this project. For now, you should have been there. It was a sight to see.


  1. unless they start building businesses with jobs. no one will fill these developments.

  2. This would be another TIF disaster because there is no need or demand for any development in that location, with the possible exception of "affordable housing" -- putting the fire station there, plus Perdue across Route 50 and the surrounding area, precludes any other form of residential.

    And on top of the location aspect, the development situation, generally, is horrid. Salisbury is overbuilt in all types of projects with lots more in the pipeline, and most are much better locations than this.

    The City needs to get out of the development game (and dump both Barrie Tilghman and Bubba Comegys) ASAP.

  3. Thinking "outside the box":

    If money were not a restraint -- move the zoo to this location and turn that part of City Park into a botanical garden.

  4. This area of town would be a great place for the "dog park" that Barrie wants to do at the Civic Center. Whenever the dogs start fighting, a fireman could run over and hose them down.

  5. Joe, this is what the witch and her flying monkeys do: schedule public input meetings at the toughest times of year for citizens - schools letting out, shifts in family schedules, graduations, etc.

    This is a GREAT post! Thank you for exposing another taxpayer rip-off in progress, with a bigger one to come.


    What a bozo that Bubba is!

  6. 9:17-

    Talk to Linens of the Week about business-friendly Salisbury!

  7. YOU GO, JOE. Good post. Let's get rid of that dummy Comegys along with the Mayor.

  8. Joe,
    Like I said before when you went through all that trouble when arrested. If the people of the city don't care, why are you putting yourself, your family and health through this. Why not spend sometime in a community where the people do care. Help the ones that want your help. How about your own home town.

  9. Thanks for being there Joe. I don't know what we would do without you!

  10. Joe, keep up the good work. You might think no one's paying attention, but you will see your supporters turn out at election time. Once this regime is gone, more will show a public face without fear of retribution.

  11. You know at some point, the city residence need to stop laying all the burden on Joe. Come on city residence, get off your a$$ and rally your own people together. Quit looking for someone else to do it for you.

  12. BS!!! 10:14. She can't retaliate against everyone. Why should Joe take the crap all by himself. You can not even get the city residence to sign a petition to get her out early. By election time your city will only get worse. Now is the time. NOW!!!

  13. I was at the meeting, My husband was at the meeting they had in the afternoon. It was the same old same old. I can not agree with you more. What my question is and has been for a long time now is what is she gaining by this. I do not belive she does anything for the good of Salisbury, but for her and her friends. I do not trust her or Gary, and now Louise. I am not sure about Shannie because really she is just there, does nothing that I can see.
    Please people do not let her shove this one on us.
    Wanda Disharoon

  14. I guess I'm confused. If Salisbury isn't your home, why ARE you always at the meetings, writing about the Mayor, etc?
    I appreciate that I'm getting good information from you, but what's got you so interested in Salisbury, but you won't live here??

  15. We do not live in Salisbury for several reasons. Mind you, we own property in Salisbury and pay quite a bit of taxes yearly, or should I say, dearly?

    Nevertheless, we live on 7.5 acres of land with a beautiful new home and large barn. There are several ponds on the property and we are able to have horses and other animals we would NOT be allowed to own in the City. Too many dogs, too many cats, etc.

    As for why I do what I do. The Mayor of the City of Salisbury is a liar. She has made promisses that she refused to keep and she has also flat out lied to me several times. Let me give you one example I believe everyone will recall that isn't a personal one to me. I chalenged the Mayor referencing holding a Fundraiser at the Zoo for a former employee Kip Grangier who was injured on the job and is now disabled. She assured me she would in fact set it up and it never happened. I could go on and on for hours and many words of just how many times this woman has lied to me but I won't waste my time on such.

    I have invested into the City with the intention of seeing the Downtown area grow. It has failed. I am also the only person I know out there that is financially secure enough to handle her lawsuits and other department head lawsuit against me and I am taking the hit for many others who cannot afford to stand up to her.

    Why don't YOU tell us who YOU are? My guess is, you're name is Barrie Tilghman.

  16. Anyone that has a financial interest in SBY should be grateful to Mr. Albero for his continued effort to keep the taxpaying public informed. Before SBYNEWS we had no idea to what extent these so-called leaders were screwing things up. Now that we do know, we have responsibility to act.
    Knowledge is power.

  17. These people (Tilghman, Comegys, Smith) ARE NOT leaders, they are destroyers, and that is exactly what they are doing to Salisbury.

  18. Dear Anon 10:20 (Not Wanda D.) I am sticking my neck out there. I have attended meetings, signed the petition, helped organize people and have heard first hand from too many people - elderly, poor, struggling business people who just CAN NOT risk the retribution that would befall them if they spoke out. We need more people who can afford to stand up to Barrie to do so. We need local attorneys to call her and Wilber on their "legal" shenanigans instead of burying their heads in the sand. Who better to be able to fight back against stupid lawsuits than lawyers who can represent themselves? I know a number of lawyers who act behind the scenes but don't want it known that they're helping. I just don't understand that fear factor.

  19. I, too, fear retaliation from the "powers". If this administration could be any more screwed up than it is, I don't see how. I regularly interact with the departments of the city, and find the people to be nice enough but the system is a cluster f*ck. There is a real need for a short moratoriam, in order for these departments to get all on the same page. When construction was heavy,applications going in fast and furious, there was, perhaps, a reason to take so long and be so inconsistant, because they didn't know how to handle such a workload. Now, at such a slower pace, they still don't have a clue. Ask anybody who is honest and deals with the city, and they'll agree. The left hand doesn't even know there IS a right hand.
    Signed, Anonymous for my own safety.

  20. 10:32

    Joe is like the knights of old -- called by duty to defend us against Barrie Tilghman and her cohorts on the Council (Bubba, Louweasel and Shanie). If that disturbs you, pop some pills and get over it.

  21. Joe Albero is standing up with courage for all of us who lack the guts to do it. Thank you, Joe.

  22. I fully understand the fear of the people living and owning businesses in the city. Sooner or later you have to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. A lot of people have stood up recently and relieved themselves of the burden that is the retaliation of Barrie. The more people that stand up and speak out the better. Barrie knows her days are numbered. Barrie must be held accountable even if it is only those that have suffered by her hand speaking out publicly and on record, the things she has done. Up until recently it was only talk amongst ourselves now people are fed up and bringing her dirty deeds to light.


  23. Barrie Tilghman....Why in the hell would you try to force these ppl out of their businesses? Do you really think you can rehab that area and turn it into Annapolis? If local ppl wanted Annapolis, they'd move there. Start with the marina you already own you jackass. Your administration can't even keep fuel in the tanks. You can't maintain the marina you have or make it the focal point of that area it could be. Instead, you fail to clean up crime in the area and you let it spiral even further down to drain. You are leading your city into bankruptcy and into being a gang ridden, violent inner city.

    TIFs can work.....look at Baltimore's inner harbor - but not with this mayor or her half assed administration.

  24. If the city keeps screwing me I should charge then for it and be my own Pimp, get rid of the middleman.

    I'm tired of getting F'd, never thought I'd ever say that, however my hiney is starting to hurt.

    I do business with Linen's of the week, I know they got screwed. The managers I've talked to said F' the city and pulled up and are moving to a warehouse near Delmar.

    Only thing is, all those people that worked hard to try and make the Church Street area better had jobs at the linen company. Sadly they have no transportation and will all be without jobs soon. So much for Church Street revitalization. Thanks Bitch

  25. Has anyone noticed when they pick up trash on Church St they don't bother to go down the side streets like Barclay or Anne or Records, they stay out on Church St.

    Whatcha skeered of Louise? Whatcha skeered of Barrie? Skeered of those you blatanly lied to confronting you? Stay the hell out of our neighborhood. You only come around for a photo op and leave. You have done absolutely nothing to revitalize our area. If I want my yard picked up I'll do it myself. If either of you ever step a foot on my property again, I'll have you arrested for trespassing. Notice the sign the next time you are out for your quarterly photo op. You have been warned.

  26. Anyone remember the New England township that condemned a justice's(Supreme, I believe) property because of his ruling for an Eminent Domain covenant in a township? It would have caused a well kept and waterfront property (owned & maintained for generations by one family) to be flattened so NEW business could build "for the overall improvement" of the township.
    Too bad condemnation doesn't work here. City owns the "prong" & when old mall was condemned by the city, it was a waste of time, money and any effort expended. Meaningless.

  27. I would move, but available housing elsewhere just isn't affordable.
    Thankfully, own my home, but income is fixed and soon my home could become unaffordable.(which, I believe, is what the "city" wants...all properties for rental or take over for sale.)

  28. Keep letting Barrie do as she pleases. Soon everyone will be wanting to move and no place to go.

    Barrie is making the reservations look like paradise.

    The city might own the prong but they don't own the land surrounding it.


  29. So many of you Posters make it sound as though there's a master plan by the administration. I think they're making this stuff up as they go along...."prong, sure, lets get something going with a prong in the title...it'll sound good, like we've done something"...
    The ruling force of SBY are idiots, without a clue for what they want or how to get it done correctly, and most certainly without any concern for what the people who live in this city might want.
    Barrie needs to announce, for the good of this city she supposedly loves, that she is not going to seek reelection. She needs to do this immediately. Then perhaps a candidate or two with some sense, professional training on how to run a municipality, and respect for other peoples hard-earned money can step forward and begin to get in position to resolve all these issues left by the current regime.


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