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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cathcart vs Shields

Former councilwoman, Lynn Cathcart says the Wicomico County Sheriff owes the City of Salisbury 6 deputies. As you heard her say in a previous post. I'll repost the audio clip for your convenience. Mike Lewis Owes the City

Shanie Shields, a sitting council member feels otherwise. It is Shanie's opinion the city has enough police officers and will not support the hiring of additional officers. Her reasoning is due to the large number of Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies patrolling and assisting in city limits. Deputies in the city

Which is it, we have enough police due to the large presence of WCSO deputies or the WCSO owes the city 6 officers? You can't have their assistance plus 6 officers, it just doesn't work that way, Lynn.

Lynn, stick to taking care of those grandbabies, you suck at politics.


  1. Shanie is coming up for reelection. I live in District 1, the highest crime area of the city. Will I be voting for Shanie next spring? HELL NO!!! Will I encourage my neighbors to support someone else? You bet your bippy I will.

    All I got to say to you Shanie is, Vaya Con Dios, mi amiga.

  2. I couldn't link to Shanie's comment. If it was the one where she was referencing the Sheriff's mobile command unit, they came to our block party at Saint Andrew's church on Vine street that day because I requested it.

    I like Mike Lewis and he likes me, he would do that for anyone that asked I'm sure. But no Shanie I don't think Mike is going to bring the mobile command unit into the city everyday. Shanie you should ask yourself why police sub stations have been downsized and many time the ones that we do have are unmanned and locked?

  3. Mi amiga means "my friend" in Spanish. As far as I can tell, the only people she has been friends to are Barrie, Gary, Louise and the slumlords and developers. She sure hasn't been a friend to her constituents in District 1. Or was that part of the comment sarcasm (my feelings), 11:43?

  4. No problamo LoL Yes Amiga is for female, Amigo for a male. Both mean friend.

    Yup I live in district one, sucks to be us!

  5. Tim, I'm sorry you're having a problem with the link. I just clicked on it and it played fine in Windows Media Player. Try it again, see if it plays for you. Is anyone else having a problem with the link?

  6. I didn't see until I shut the computer off that it wanted to install real player. I thought I had it, I have windows media don't way it would link. I can install real player later it's free I have 97% free hardrive no problem.

    I really shouldn't be sitting here right now but I'm cooling off after cutting down a bunch of bushes and shrubs, in a few minutes I'll be on my way to the mulching station, this will make 7 truck loads this week! I had to reclaim my yard.

    Thanks earlssister I'll check it again later. If it was the comment about the Sheriff's mobile command unit I was there at the council meeting.

  7. yeah well shanie supports, condones and is close friends with gang members drug dealers and such. Even giving drug dealers and their families the reassurance that the police will lose their case. How about you support YOUR police and city NOT the drug dealers

  8. The city doesn't feel it important enough to add six officers cause of county sheriff presence? A. four homicides in a month plus several shootings and shots fired calls as a result of Gang and drug problems IN THE CITY B.I havent seen a deputy take a report for a crime in the city yet..not that they should have to. Salisbury Police need more police. Mayor and council wanna only give 2% to the men and women that they promised to fix the salary problem...like always they pulled the wool over the poor young men and women of SPD. When the mass exodus commences from SPD and the good officers that work there decide to find a police job where the people that are supposed to take care of them actually do I hope the Mayor or city council members dont call 911 and get SORRY we have no officers available for the gang member breaking into your house or robbing you.

  9. alot of promises were made in open forum to the men and women of SPD promising to fix the problems. These solutions never occured, because it was only the deceive people that were intending and debating on leaving the city, to keep them holding onto hope. The people that are supposedly and so called in charge of this city need to open their eyes maybe do a ride along with the officers and observe the desperate and unsuccesfull battle against crime that is going on in the city. Instead they work monday through friday, get all holidays with their families, make promises they WONT keep and deny the undeniable problem that the city is being absorbed by gang members and drug dealers. Just so you know gang members from Baltimore Annapolis and western shore areas are sentenced to serve their jail time at ECI to get them out of that area. Guess where they are released to and set up shop at once they get released from ECI that's right Salisbury...but theres no gangs here right?....WAKE UP!!

  10. Go ahead and let Shamie throw the deputies out of the crime riddled city then maybe we can get some law enforcement presence out in the county where we need it.

  11. The focus for the council mayor and law enforcment administrators is not on lets fix the city gang, drug, and crime problem but to lets focus on the ABM factor. All about money. If we have to lie to the men and women that stay awake weird hours and miss holidays to keep chaos from taking over, well do it. By the way if your out on the streets more than just down town plaza and sitting behind a desk you might realize that chaos is taking over. Nothing will improve to the men and women of SPD it's time to jump ship and roll out. Find a deparment and council that will take care of you...aka...fed, state, or county

  12. Rumor is that Dandy Don Cathcart will be running for Debbie Campbell's seat next year.

  13. I don't see any reason why the WSD would owe the city six officers. If Lynn had voted for the police increases when she was on council and worked to insure the rest voted to increase them too, she would not be concerned about what the city owes to the county. Yes, and Shanie has it all wrong about the Sheriff's duties to the city. They sure do patrol in the city and take up the slack left when the police sub stations closed, thanks to the Sheriff.

    A. Goetz

  14. Dandy Don doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

  15. Oh please, let Dandy Don run, with any luck he'll keep on running right out of town. North, south, east or west, doesn't matter as long as he takes his "I'm happy to pay more taxes" mentality with him. Oh and don't forget that flake of a wife, take her too.

  16. maybe they should learn how to speak English instead of Ebonics. " I don't support the Hiirrrin ...."

  17. Did Tim Chaney say he lived in District 1? lets go folks, this Tim Chaney guy is a good speaker, he is good at calling it as he sees it, he cares about the city.

    According to what I have heard and read of him, I do not know him. Can we get him to run? If so, I will help him, and in my real name... Just let me know....

  18. Joe,
    This whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach. As I write this my husband is putting that uniform on getting ready to walk out the door to go to work. I cannot tell you how many letters i have written the city council, its hard enough to watch him leave, but knowing that he does not have the appropriate backup makes my stomach turn. He has been on the job for some time with SPD, and just as we have had enough they give us hope. False hope, but none the less, we get sucked in. He likes to stay busy, he loves the work, so its easy to get sucked back in. They were promised more money, they were promised more officers! Empty promises!

    As far as WCSO...Nobody owes anyone anything! The officers of SPD are greatful when the deputies and troopers can lend assistance. But they have their own jurisdiction to protect, so while they do assist the city should not rely on this!

    To repeat what someone else said...EVERY council member needs to go on a ride along. Then sit down and sincerely talk to every officer, then tell them they dont need/deserve a raise, they dont need/deserve more officers, etc..etc.. First and foremost, send Barrie on a ride along. And they should be the ones to tell the people why their cars or homes were broken into, or why their child was killed.

  19. 742 I know the exact feelings and emotions you struggle with on a daily basis. I pray continually for the safety of all LEO's especially those out on the streets. Before the next election form an LEO wives/family association, an informal group. Listen to the candidates, weigh their words, ask questions of them and about them before any of you cast your vote. Don't be mislead by the likes of Lynn Cathcart who will use her son in law as an excuse to campaign for someone just like herself.

    VOTERS BEWARE!! Pay attention this time around. NEVER FORGET LOUISE AND HOW SHE FOOLED US ALL!!!

  20. Yes I do live in district #1, others have asked me in the past if I would run. I like the watchdawg thing.

    Trust me there are plenty of people here in district #1 that would do far better than I could.

    I have mellowed a lot as I have grown older, however if I got treated like Debbie and Terry I would likely punch a few right on the nose. You get a good punch in the face right square on the nose, then the tears blind the eyes enough to finish the job in short order.

    I plan on helping Debbie Campbell, and if the right person runs I'll help out right here in District #1. I do thank you for that compliment!

  21. Who pushed for more officers and better pay? Terry and Debbie, that's who. Who has done a ride-along? Debbie, that's who (Terry probably would but has 2 small children). Every reader of this blog needs to get behind Debbie to be sure she is re-elected. If Cathcart, either of them, gets in, watch out! Things will go down the tubes faster than ever.

  22. Tim Chaney is a great behind-the-scenes person. He is one of the ones who helped Terry get elected. Thanks, Tim, and find us someone good for Dist. 1 and get him/her and Debbie elected.

  23. The only patrolling the Sheriff's department is doing in the City is making traffic stops. They don't answer calls and if they stumble into something where a report needs to be taken, they call the city. Shanie is no better than the people she is protecting. She is denying a crime or drug problem. She even verbally attacked an assistance State's Attorney who was relaying crime statics and gang facts to people in the community. She stated the facts and statics were wrong and made up. She then stated she had knowledge and information of a murder and when asked about her information, she claimed that the police were responsible for the murder. Is this who we want in charge of our city. H3!! No!!!

  24. Shamie only beat Von Siggers by 3 votes and Von Siggers is a much better person.

  25. anon 4:03 more details on the drug issue w/Shanie. Thanks

  26. Shanie whines about having it rough, working two jobs and all, yet she can be found on a regular basis at one of the clubs drinking beer and playing the slots. No sympathy here.

  27. 4:03-

    Doin' what comes nacherlly???

  28. The VFW is Shanies choice of clubs and Heineken is her choice of beer. Will she be able to afford that imported beer once she loses her council stipend? Who will be buying it for her then?

  29. Say what you want about Von-but she DID look out for her constituents.Say,wheres the police when Shanie leaves the clubs half-crocked and driving home?

  30. She doesn't have to drive, she lives around the corner from the VFW. She just rolls on home.

  31. Yup that's VFW #10159, I'm sure the slumlords don't have a problem keeping her gased, she is easy to mug for favors that way.

  32. I want to know when is the City and the County going to address the local gang situation we are facing here in Wicomico County. Making pretend all is well in "Smallsbury" is not the answer. We need to start a "grassroots" effort to address reality as it is today in Salisbury. And that of course means having enough local enforcement to address crime. City Council--WAKE UP!!!

  33. Actually, Davis Ruark, Dan Dougherty, WCSO and MSP addressed the gang situation in the county and the city. They held 2 gang forums at the Civic Center last year. The only people not in attendance was the Witch and Jack n Coke. They didn't need to be there since the gangs are not in city limits, according to them


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