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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Technical Support?

This is India. It's where you call when you have a technical problem with your computer.


  1. Looks like utility de-regulation to me.

  2. Funny. I know what you mean when calling about technical suport for my computer. Its pretty hilarious that the call is going ALL the way to India, Malaysia, Uraguay, Phillapines - why are we not dealing with people here in the US! Do they not know ANYTHING about computers? Or is it because it is CHEAPER to route the calls to a foreign country - regardless if they barely speak English!

  3. Verizon has done the same thing, call Verizon, causes me to want to change the phone over to Comcast, at least when I call them the person can speak English.

  4. These are the experts...how funny.

  5. This reminds me when I call the airlines (mainly USAIRWAYS) to ask a question, the call is going to the somewhere on the other side of the world. They have no clue what is going on about the weather in Baltimore and along with that, they keep putting me on hold I guess to read their queue cards. Its just too much! Here I am calling an American carrier and the calls are routed to a foreigh country! Make sense?

  6. You can thank the 1st Clinton admin for getting GAT and NAFT passed within 72 hours of taking office!
    Having phone banks in India has thrown their cast system into turmoil. They simply don't know how to deal with it, because if they can speak English, it doesn't matter if their family has cleaned public toilets for the last 2 centuries in Dehli, they get the job and often times make more money doing Customer Service in one year than their entire family combined has made in those last 2 centuries'
    I'm not kidding.
    This is one of the reasons that the competition for oil is so great. Before NAFTA and GAT this was basically a 3rd world country, but we have exported our lifestyle and these people are buying cars and now their need for fuel has gone through the roof.
    Mind you they only make about 1/16 of what the same Customer Service person would make here, but this is why these companies do, and this is why we don't have the jobs here.
    Everyone blames Bush for loosing the jobs, but it wasn't Bush (We can blame him for a lot of crap) but this isn't one of them.
    The really awful thing is that NAFTA and GAT are Treaty's...this is a problem because treaty's superceade our Constitution. There is nothing legally we can do about it, except tell them to stick it and tell our companies to come home.
    Sounds a little dictatorial, but that is one of the major problems with this mess we are in.

  7. looks like a doug church wire job. he did our office and it is a train wreck.

  8. The really awful thing is that NAFTA and GAT are Treaty's...this is a problem because treaty's superceade our Constitution. There is nothing legally we can do about it

    Tell that to the American Indians of this country. I've never seen a treaty that this country hasn't broken. They'll tie you up in court until the cows come home and you still won't get your settlement. The BIA and DOI MISPLACED over 2 billion dollars of Indian lease money. Still waiting for the money to be repaid.

    The Sioux own the Black Hills but Kevin Costner is building a resort/golf course out there. They aren't indians mining the Black Hills gold.

    The Sioux are allowed to grow industrial hemp by Treaty. Tell that to the idiot DEA agents that keep going to Alex's house and cutting down his crop.

    Don't tell me we're stuck in treaties, this government has a century long track record and is known to not honor their word or their treaties.

  9. I have spoken several times to a local chief that has for years tried to get back the remains of many Indian's whose burials were dug up here on the shore. They have them stored in a building in Baltimore that taxpayers pay for, when Chief Winterhawk wants those remains so they can be once and for all buried with dignity. It's really beyond me.

    Gubbermint...stupid is what stupid does.

  10. it's cheaper to route the calls across the world & hire the tech support to those who want the work for not too much money. it's not like here where they want the job to NOT work and get a high salary to boot.
    same old, same old, getting what you pay for


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