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Friday, May 23, 2008

Question of the Day, Fri 5/23

Tattoos? Do you have one/some? Spouse? Other family members? How many tattoos are too many? If you do not have tattoos, what is your opinion/comment to people who do have tattoos?

Yes, I have two. My husband has one. My mother has one (just got it at 54 years old). My father has 2 (just got at 57 years old). I feel it is a way for someone to express themselves. I don't believe in too many, but tattoos on the face, neck or hands is where I personally draw the line.


  1. Personally I'd bore of whatever design I got and hate myself in about 2 weeks. I can't imagine how horrible it would look in 20 years, etc. I'm not going to permanently scar my body.

  2. My grandfather had them and my father had them. By the time each of them died, they had faded to the point of being unrecognizable. I have five. Some I like - one I used to cover up something I did as a younger man. As a result it also covered up the name of one of my daughters. I think they are OK for men but I don't like them on women - but my wife wants one. Her choice. My opinion of a tatoo depends on what is depicted and the location. I don't like of dislike tatoos per se.

  3. I have one on each bicep and would like to get more, but respect my wife's wishes and will not. My personal belief would not be to get any that would show with shorts and a short-sleeve t-shirt. Also, I told my self that I would never get any names or photos because of what could happen in the future. I believe it is just a form of expression (just permanent).

  4. The only tattoo I've ever considered was to have my wedding band tattooed on.

  5. Tattoos are a personal form of expression. Most are tasteful and artistic. I do not want to get a tattoo. This is my choice. Some tattoos also express quite the opposite(gang and racist ideas). Our founding fathers allowed us freedom of speech which includes expession of our ideals. A person is judged by our looks and first impession. Besure to send the proper message.

  6. I have 2 (passed out after the 2nd one...hahaha) My hubby7 has about
    6. Our tats can be covered up / hidden easily. It is a personal expression. I do not like face, neck tats or arm tats on women.


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