We have exposed the open corruption at Pocomoke City Hall and if asking them to do the right thing does not work, then we will continue to shine the spotlight on their crooked politics.
We have helped to institute meaningful changes to the political process here in Pocomoke City but its not enough and corruption is still King with the 'Boss Hogg form of government' shoved down the citizens throats on a daily basis.
We have brought the Worcester County Sheriff's Dept in to police the Open Air Drug market which for decades has been endorsed or worse rumored to be controlled by certain members of the Pocomoke City Government.
We have fed information to Federal investigators about the openly corrupt municipal government in Pocomoke City, they are investigating but fear reigns and its tough to get anyone to testify against the corrupt machine.
We have exposed lies and deceitful actions from elected officials and the unelected Dictator of Pocomoke City; King 'Boss Hogg' Russ Blake, City Manager... to no avail...
The City government is still openly corrupt. (disappearing public documents, no disclosure, back-room real estate deals, etc.)
The City of Pocomoke still has an unqualified councilman who has moved outside of his district in defiance of the City Charter.

X-Councilman Cane is illegally retaining his council seat with the 'Blessings' of Boss Hogg and his cronies and I was 'screamed at' by the Mayor for asking Cane's resignation during a City Council meeting. X-Councilman Cane responded to my wife asking the same question by waving unpaid medical bills from her heart attack two-years ago... The procceded to use the 'N-word' twice while waving a print out from a Pocomoke Tattler Post last July... (like anyone thought it was naggers)
The City of Pocomoke still does not broadcast ANY City Council meetings (King 'Boss Hogg' Russ Blake has vetoed this for over 15-years) forcing any citizen with a complaint to expose themselves to public humiliation of their personal private matters, during council meetings *IF* they dare complain. Other citizens who have voiced concern or complaints have been visited by uniformed police officers who questioned 'Why did you go to that meeting' and effectively silence them through open intimidation. IMAGINE A COP KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR THE DAY AFTER A COUNCIL MEETING!
The City of Pocomoke still does not have a qualified, certified building inspector, yet the one on staff still condemns buildings for demolition based on orders from King 'Boss Hogg' Russ Blake.
The City of Pocomoke gave away 3-square city blocks of downtown waterfront for $750,000.00 to a development group whose shareholders still have not been disclosed and are rumored to be current & former members of the City Government. The project has a $40-million dollar build out schedule making money another key motivator and we were told by a uniformed police officer that 'King Boss Hogg Russ Blake' supposedly purchased a condo in Florida with his share of the kick-back money.
The same councilman who is illegally retaining his council seat sold a tiny 50' x 100' lot in the middle of the 3-blocks mentioned above to this development group for over $300,000.00 and he did not recuse himself from voting FOR the sale to the unidentified buyers. If personal enrichment from a private back-room real estate deal is not open corruption, heck I don't know what is, but It's Pocomoke... Blessed by the King & his stooges so it's OK.
We have gotten the city to clean up some of it's act publicly yet they are still crooked in private, still in power, still run the drug market, still intimidate any citizen who dares to speak out.
The Mayor of Pocomoke City recently used an unlicensed home improvement contractor to paint his house because he was recommended by the City's unlicensed, un-certified 'housing inspector' Harvey Davis, for the job.

We notified the Mayor that the contractor was not licensed by the State of Maryland and his resonse was "...he was recommended by Harvey Davis (the unlicensed inspector) and has done lots of work for other people including churches here in Pocomoke..." and "...he told me he was licensed in Virginia & Maryland and I don't need to do a background check on everyone who works for me..."
The DLLR for the State of Maryland stated that a MHIC license was REQUIRED for this job and the person performing the work did not have one AND even if they did he would be in violation for not displaying MHIC number on his trucks, signs, contracts and advertising. King 'Boss Hogg' Russ Blake and his new stooge Mayor Mike McDermott take the position they are above State laws and that we should sit down & shut up like everyone else in Pocomoke City does.
We never posted anything about the Mayor of Pocomoke City using unlicensed home improvement contractors in the hopes he would do the right thing, but he has not done so and now is one of King 'Boss Hogg' Russ Blakes staunchest defenders. Click here to read HIS views of how great the 'King of Pocomoke' has been during his 32-year reign of unbridled power.

The Pocomoke City Government is still openly corrupt but we put the pressure on the Boss Hogg form of government whenever we can, if that makes the Pocomoke Tatter a 'Politically influential' Blog on a Statewide basis great; but its our goal to expose & run these crooked politicians out of town.
We only had about 25 comments this week on the blog section of the Tattler but the forums had another 50 to 60 comments. The Tattler forums with less than 100 registered users has over 1,500 threads with tens of thousands of page views, but they do not count towards any BNN points. Small potatoes compared to SBYnews.com 809 comments but we are not in this for high page counts but to expose the openly corrupt Pocomoke City Government.
Sadly it is rumored that King Boss Hogg has something on everyone involved with City Politics and getting Mayor McDermott to use an unlicensed contractor for home improvements, it looks like 'Deputy Dawg Mayor Mike McDermott' is now property of 'Boss Hogg' & his cronies because he wanted to save a couple thousand dollars on a paint job.

As for being "influential" Statewide I am still baffled and we are honored for being selected; but our goal is to expose the openly corrupt Pocomoke City Government until meaningful change in the form of removing the crooked City Manager from office takes place...
That will be a reward for the citizens of Pocomoke City & the taxpayers for the entire State of Maryland who are fleeced for millions annually by the open corruption of Pocomoke City's Boss Hogg form of one man rule government.
ReplyDeleteWhat has this guy's gripes about things in Pocomoke City got to do with "Salisbury News" -- this post is just blocking G A's really timely post on today's Daily Times article about Barrie Tilghman.
Let "BossHogg" put this stuff on the "Pocomoke Tattler" but not here.
anon 400pm...eat shat and pack sand!!...Those citizens need all the exposure they can get to run those crooks out'a Pocomoke, our little sister city.
A little off topic but I went to the pow wow in Pocomoke yesterday and saw what is a discrace to true Americans. We parked in the lot close to the drawbridge and when we got out of the car the 1st thing I noticed was the huge American flag flying. What should have been a beautiful display turned out to be a nasty looking flag that needs to be properly disposed of and replaced. It has numerous rips several feet long in it. please take it down or replace it.
Anon 8:05 PM.
ReplyDeleteAmen! I saw it also today (Sunday).
Disgraceful!. Pocomoke the all American City???
Look into someone named Gregory Cope as one of the members of the group who purchased the property on the river
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments.
ReplyDeleteThe flag was brought to my attention last week by a member of our local VFW.
We will see what can be done about it.
Finally, someone is discovering the "Real" Mike McDermott! Keep digging BossHogg and you will learn a lot more about the greater than anyone else McDermott. Am so glad some truth about him finally made it on the blog.