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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

PAC 14 Streaming Video Failed Last Night

I have re-set the streaming video this morning. We seem to be having some technical issues with the internet streaming, but we plan to update the system in the summer by contracting with a streaming service that will provide a better image and more reliability. Sorry for the inconvenience, but thanks for letting me know. Please let us know whenever you notice it is not working.



Creig Twilley
Public Access Channel 14
Production Manager
Rm. 133 East Campus Building

That's OK, we were able to deliver it live on the Blog anyway. I think it was much better than a streaming video on line?


  1. For those of us that can not get cable, streaming video is the only other method of viewing these meetings, short of actually going in town, sitting through the meeting and suffering nausea. The live blog in addition to streaming video would have been awesome. I would have known what was going on without having to wait for GA or someone else to post it. It's extremely frustrating to be honest LOL. I considered doing what Pat Hannon did and just go down there but opted to stay home.

    Keep the live blog going the interaction and opinions of others as it happens is great. Good job, GA.

  2. Kudos to Creig Twilley of PAC14 for his follow up response. I'm surprised he wasn't forbidden to have contact with you, Joe.

    By broadcasting these meetings, PAC14 has helped us all understand better the depths to which this city has sunk, thanks to the Mare, Bubba, Howdy Doody, Louweasel, Catcart and Shamie.

  3. The interaction was awesome if you just can't make it. Was pretty funny, could say what we wanted without being told I was going to get the hook LoL

  4. And no nasty threatening letters either Tim. :)

    Thanks again for the phone hookup, it beat a blank that's for sure.


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