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Saturday, May 17, 2008

One Year Ago Today

I'm going to cut this post short due to all the pain it has caused the taxpayers in Salisbury. This represents the petition drive with the hopes of stopping such a huge tax increase. Obviously it wasn't good enough, was it Barrie?


  1. Looking at these photos reminds me how afraid Barrie was of our initiative. She did all she could to deter our collection of signatures, right down to calling WaWa headquarters and having the managers job threatened. That's Barrie Tilghman, if you can't get what you want, threaten people and their livelihood. Will things be any different if her puppet in chief is elected mayor? NO, they'll only get worse, she'll still be pulling his strings in the background.

  2. And this year's Barrie surprise is a 25% increase in the sewer and water rates.

  3. I cannot wait until THE MARE is out of office. It cant happen soon enough. She has lied so much to the citizens of Salisbury. The 25% increase is just one more of her antics.

  4. A vote for Bubba is a vote for Barrie. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing in the coming election.

  5. Why has Barrie chosen not to run? Is it possible she doesn't want to face defeat? I wish we( the citizens of the city) could have seen her defeated and her head hung in disgrace for what she has done. But she has even taken that from us. What goes around, comes around, tho. We may never be privy, but someway, someday, she will have to pay the piper for her mean and wicked ways, along with the degradation of this town. What an embarrassment.

  6. I wouldn't totally count her out.

    But if Bubba runs, defeat his a$$.

    He has supported her on everything.

    He's the landlords' golden boy.

    Make sure whoever you support isn't some Johnny-Come-Lately either, like Louise Smith. Because chances are, it'll be another Louise Smith.

  7. Anonymous said...
    A vote for Bubba is a vote for Barrie. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing in the coming election.

    8:42 AM

    Bubba is a wolf in HOGS clothing.

  8. No more surprises people, we know who the good people in this city are and I hope they all run so they can expose what has been done to this city by the mare, dunnlop, bubba and trojan weasal. A major sweep is called for here, it's a must if this city will ever rebound.

    If we haven't known them for ages, drop them like the bag of dirt that they are. Da mare couldn't win and election in this town even if Richard Nixon rose from the dead to run against her, he'd still win from the grave! It's happened before she's a POS and knows it.

    Rest assured that niether Bubba or weasal will be selected to anything higher they a former mare cronie. And two years later, off with their freakin' heads too.


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