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Monday, May 05, 2008

Messages We Love To Receive

Dear Joe, You may not remember me but I am the guy who stumbled upon your blog when searching google for national stories about Fernando. Since then when I have had a spare moment or two I have looked at some other "famous" blogs around the country. I hope you can stand another compliment without any hidden agenda.....yours is by far the best I've seen...and the lack of pop ups and other distractions...truly amazing. Are you sure the New york Times or Washington Post is not looking for an investigative journalist? Again, without trying to sound like a broken record, thank you for your great work.


  1. Joe,I totally agree with him.However being nice and polically correct did not get you there.Powers to be didn't really give a chit before,but they are now afraid of the BLOGS.Gonna be interesting times ahead Joe and I am sure theyknow it.

  2. So when you publish something that disturbs people there are a couple of dozen comments crying fowl.When someone compliments you for your efforts its surprisingly quiet. I don't get it. GOOD JOB JOE!

  3. Its Salisbury. Whats to get?

  4. Welcome to the 'bury mentality! It's very two-faced and full of blow-hards who won't shut up or put up. They'll keep complaining, though. Don't worry....


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