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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Letter To The Editor

Hello, I was wondering if you could just give me some insight. I have been in Salisbury for about 3 years attending SU. I am from Montgomery County and I usually read the newspaper and watch the news everyday. Since I have been here I notice that things happen, pretty serious crimes, and they are never published or on the news. Reading the Wash. Post or watching the DC news stations, you will hear about all shootings, robberies, and major things that affect our safety. But here, being a much smaller area, you would think you would hear about it too, if not more. But I have found through experience that dangerous crime goes unreported.

A friend of a friend was shot and killed last night in the Runaway Bay apartments across from the Mall. I watched the news this morning, checked delmarvanow.com and found nothing and heard nothing. It seems like that should have defintaely been on the news. I have known multiple people who have been robbed at gunpoint in their homes and outside walking and those stories were never on the news or in the paper either. Does Salisbury try to hide their ridiculously high crime rate?? Seems like it. Or maybe SU has their hand in it so that the unsuspecting students keep coming thinking its a great school, which it is, but their should be warnings to new students. For some reason it bothered me that a man was shot and killed and not on the news. I wanted to know what happened and possibly why it happened. I know the victim was not a law-abiding citizen but you never know what could of happened. On the DC news they would of had a reported at the scene right after it happened. I dont mean to take up too much of your time.


Dear Anonymous:

The first answer to your question is, the Daily Times has reduced their Staff and are not covering things locally like they used to. WMDT and WBOC are extremely short Staffed as well. Oh, that's right, Salisbury News is growing while the MSM is shrinking.

Many would like to believe that I or others contributing to this Blog actually listen to scanners. That simply is not true. When it seems important, the right people contact us, (like you) and let us know what's going on. The big difference between the MSM and this Blog is the fact that not only will their story be told, many people have the opportunity to respond and even participate in the story. All too often stories aren't sellable enough to put in print or on the air to sell ad space or comercials. I happen to believe much differently than others. I believe every one's story is important. Sometimes it may only be important to that person in the moment but we all have those moments.

No one can deny that Salisbury News is bigger than the Daily Times any more and we feel you have the right to be heard, hence this Post. We're sorry for the loss of your friend. I will add, yes, the City of Salisbury DOES NOT want its citizens knowing how bad things are around here. If you had ANY idea how many Nurses at PRMC inform me of stabbings, shootings and other major violent crimes they see every single day, it would blow your mind! Yes, Chief Webster and Mayor Tilghman want things kept under the rug, hence two lawsuits against me and other troubles I have seen recently. That's OK though, I'm a big boy, I can handle it. The Daily Times screams like a little girl every time someone threatens to sue. Let's see what anyone else knows about this story from last night?


  1. I went to SU, graduated, worked in Salisbury for a couple of years, and left to persue better opportunities. People often ask me whether to send their kids to SU all the time and every time my answer is "if it wasn't for the town (crime, drugs, locals) I would recommend it, but Towson and UMD is safer".

  2. The Shooting was reported on the 0530 and 0600 news by WBOC. Just the shooting with no other details.

  3. The Mayor and the Chief don't want anyone to know what is really going on. I spoke to a couple of SPD officers recently and got the truth. There is so much more violent crime than we ever hear about. Parents don't send your kids to SU until you get all the facts.

  4. Barrie thinks because she tells us Part 1 crime is down we believe her. Hasn't she figured out that anything she says is scrutinized due to her history of flat out lying.
    Barrie: The Audit is Complete. Reality: Not even close.
    Barrie: We're 99% in Compliance (WWTP)
    Reality: Not even close.
    Barrie: Crime is down 2007
    Reality: Not even close
    Barrie: Part 1 Crime is down 2008
    Reality Not even close. Salisbury is still ranked 10th most dangerous city in America. Crime is not down.
    Barrie: I'll soon be knocking on a door near you.
    Reality: Many doors will be shut in your face.

  5. While I agree that crime needs to be reported:

    How do these kids make it into college anyway? Isn't English a required subject? Would you turn in an essay with all of those mistakes? Especially the OP from Montgomery County - when I was in HS there, that spelling and grammar would not have been accepted. My, how things change.

  6. The mayor and her cronies ahve used the SU students for their own purposes--they did help get Comegys elected. The mayor has actively encouraged animosity between the city residents and the students, blaming each for the hardships they have in living "under the same roof". The fault is the city refusing to enforce the laws already on the books--providing loopholes galore for the slumlords to keep stuffing students and illegals into their rentals.

  7. I am glad to see I am not the only one who notices that the local news stations, and newspaper, pick and choose what they report. I'm sure if they bothered to get up off of their *sses and go out in the community and see what is going on, there would not be enough hours in the day to report everything that is news-worthy. I did hear about the shooting on WBOC @ 5:30 this morning, but they just mentioned someone had been shot. I have a TV in my office and, upon arriving at work, I never heard mention of that particular incident again.
    I would have liked to have been informed last week when two twelve-year-old students at my daughter's school (in Laurel, De) were caught engaged in a "sexual activity" in a bathroom. When a similar incident happened in Seaford it was broadcast. I was also unaware that another student (in the same school) sprayed something into a janitor's face giving her second degree burns. The school's opinion of this was they weren't going to make a big deal of it, or punish him, because his parents help out in the community. If the schools don't tell us, and the news doesn't tell us, are we supposed to rely on word-of-mouth? In past experience, that is not always a reliable option, as things get distorted and become gossip. I would prefer to hear about crime, violence, etc. from my local news station rather that going to the local convenience store and hanging out around the coffee pot to see what the latest breaking story is.

  8. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that absolutely detests this town for its sneaky ways.
    They do what they want and not what’s right! Maybe the not reported crimes are children of the Good Ole boys and they keep it on hush, like the boy who KILLED the older gentlemen while under the influence of alcohol ?Micheal?, and got 18mnths in the county jail, but people with misdemeanors or assault charges, get sent to prison, nice town, but what goes around comes around, all of them eventually be on the spot light, look what happened to the State Attorney Ruark ! I remember that this same situation that happened with Mr. Ruark happened in New York and they fired that State Attorney, what makes this man any different, point blank, HE BROKE THE LAW, no one can justify that no matter what you say and how you say it! Funny I was at store this morning and the people were talking about it, I guess the business owners and the other 2 will not be voting him in. If it was me, I would leave on my own but that’s me, values/morals , by leaving the people would have more respect for me, rather then convict people that are doing the same thing I’ve done “ Break the Law”.

    Anonymous 8:51am, what does SPD have to do with anything, I thought Runaway Bay is County, which would be the Sheriff right? Just asking, who knows in this town!

    To the Family of the young man, I am so sorry for your loss, it is a sad thing for someone’s life to be cut so short. GOD BLESS

  9. Anonymous 9:44 AM,
    You must of been at the Convienience syore i was at this morning. LOL

  10. My son goes to school in Laurel, DE! PLEASE let me in on the details!!! This is extremely disturbing to hear on a blog and not on the news or a letter to the parents! You have got to be kidding!!

  11. Anonymous @ 10:40 a.m.

    If you want to know more than I should really post on here, email me at h.shock@yahoo.com

  12. anon 9:58

    Anon 8:58 is right, Runaway bay is in the city. I don't belive misdemeanors get you prison either, but it will get you county jail. Some assaults are felonies and get you prison. As for the drunk person who killed someone, their sentence is up to a judge. I do not agree with the judical system all of the time either, but until citizens start to complain to the right people we will see the same results.

  13. to anon.9:31

    take your proper spelling and you know what you can do with it!!
    stay on the subject idiot!

  14. Want to hear the REAL news...invest in a police scanner...you will not believe the amount of crime that goes on in Salisbury!!

  15. http://www.wboc.com/global/story.asp?s=8315392

    WBOC covered the story today. Out DT really and truly sucks!

  16. Question - the Daily Slime said that this was the first homicide in the city of Salisbury this year. Is this true? That just doesn't seem right with all of the crime everyone keeps talking about.


  17. It might be the first homicide, I doubt it, that doesn't mean there aren't shootings almost daily. Just because they don't die I guess its not a crime in Barrieland.

  18. It is the first homicide in the city limits of salisbury! Also, although still said, it should be noted this was not just a shooting of an innocent person, but a shooting of a drug dealer! Someones gotta get them off the streets!

  19. WHY IS IT that every, I mean EVERY person that is killed in this town is a drug dealer? Or every crime is drug-related? It simply cannot be that they're ALL drug related. Sometimes people are just creeps with a gun.

  20. Salisbury is at the crossroads of 13 and 50, and much drug transportation and dealing occur here. Also, many young people from Salisbury travel to Philadelphia to get drugs for consumption in Salisbury and neighboring jurisdictions. If you know of young people (usually middle school age) going to Philly with older people every weekend, you need to talk with them. If your young person seems to have more cash than you can trace, get involved.

  21. First Runaway Bay is in City Limits. Second I heard from a great source that SPD is currently investigating TWO homicides right now. We all know of the young man who was shot, but why no word of the second? I heard that the young man who lost his life had a pocket full of money and marihuana, and the suspect is a know drug dealer. The gang and drug problem in Salisbury is way out of control. Last P.O.S. that got 18 months for the vehicular homicide, well look back at that case, the state's attorney assigned to the case lost that. It was painful to sit there and watch as guilty as sin man was let go with a slap on the wrist due to many major errors by the state's attorney.

  22. donna
    i would love to know where you get your facts. cause even per capita salisbury doesn't even show on the charts. i found a website that does it based on population,i.e. 500,000+,100,000-499,999, 1-100,000. salisbury doesnt even appear. salisburys crime rate isn't high enough to put us even in the running for the 323 cities that they compare every year. provide some proof,cause all i've found says your wrong.

  23. anon 11:42
    felony or misdemeanor doesn't distiguish prison or county. if you are sentenced to over 18 months you go to prison. 18 months or less you go to county jail. regardless to whether or not the young man killed last night was a drug dealer he still has a family. thats who really loses when people choose that path in life. just to clear the air, this young man was a KNOWN drug dealer in the area.

    statistically 85% or greater of crimes committed with a weapon were drug related. either it was over drugs or the person committing the act was on drugs.

    spd is investigating one homicide and one suspicious death. the suspicious death was within the past couple of weeks and will not be ruled either way until the autopsy report is in. just f.y.i.

  24. There is no crime in salisbury,if you watch wboc or read the daily times. If you notice all the crime is in surrounding areas, ha, like dover or pocomoke, it has always been that way. I quess that salisbury likes to hide there problems or make people think this is a nice quiet little town. Dont believe it. If you notice a place like Philadelphia people are out at night on market street dining . Did you ever see that on main street in salisbury. I wouldnt advise it.

  25. It is going to get worse. No jobs.

  26. Anon 7:14 those statistics came from the FBI report. It is not a secret we have gained in status over the past year. We went from 11th to 10th most dangerous city per capita in the USA. Even Barrie knows that.

  27. The only difference between a shooting and a murder is the accuracy of the shooter. There does seem to be a lot going on here these days. The body count will have to grow until we make real statistics. Where do we go from here?

  28. We fight back at the polls. It's not that far off.

  29. Those thugs aren't going anywhere, we need more police boots on the ground now and not after people start dropping like flies.

  30. Anonymous 11:42 AM,
    I am Anonymous 9:58am, Please tell me who we need to complain to, and I know that assault is a felony, so is murder, the point is there are many people who are being sent to prison on misdemeanors. I will complain, just let me know, and please don't respond if you are going to refer to the Mayor, Sheriff's office or Chief, I already called the Senators office, and got no were. PLEASE HELP!

  31. I got up before the council and suggested adding more heads to the police department. Then the Daily Diatribe pulled there stat sheet a couple days later that posted crime being down.

    Now the citizens know that the chief has requested more officers for several years and has been denied because council never knew about the requests?

    Some may argue that we don't need more police because technology is better. I haven't met a computer yet that can throw down a thug and put the cuffs on them!

  32. Tim Chaney said...

    Those thugs aren't going anywhere, we need more police boots on the ground now and not after people start dropping like flies.

    We don't need more force, we just need honest one's that will tell the State Attorney the truth, so they can put the right criminal in jail, if we put the criminals in jail and take out the innocent one's we would be OK. But when the police fail us, that leaves a criminal walking like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to commit a crime.
    Here is why?
    •Incompetent defense lawyers. (Good ole boy who just wants money)
    •Police misconduct.
    •Eyewitness errors.
    •False testimony by forensic scientists.
    •Prosecutorial misconduct. (DEFINETELY)Don't want to look Stupit
    •False confessions.
    •Errors in scientific testing.
    •False testimony by lay witnesses.
    •Dishonest informants. (DEFINETELY, especially if the witness is the criminal)

    I have a question,

    Is it perjury when a witness accused of a crime gives false testimony to police only to gain there freedom or should we say save there own behind, then turns around and gives a different testimony on the stand under oath?

  33. I do agree with most of your post, I do agree there are many speed bumps in the justice process. However the city hasn't raised the par on their staff since 1976, and I do think we need a bigger staff. A couple this year, another couple next year. Police are no different than the rest of us, they enjoy family time, vacations or a few days off for an illness if they are sick. 88 officers to cover the city, provided they have 3 working shifts we have less than 30 officers per shift, and that's if nobody took any days off, and quite a few work out of the station, court appearances, tied up booking someone or doing reports. I do respect your opinion.

  34. Tim Chaney,
    I am so sorry, didn’t realize the there was that little officers in Salisbury. Yes, I agree they are humans and deserve there time well spent with there family, I was not referring to all officers, I know there are some great officers, I happen to know some of them, and they are humble and honest ones also all about there family's. Amen to that, Salisbury needs more Officers.

  35. Tim that is 88 officers for 4 patrol squads, criminal investigation division, community action team, and the administration. So that equal about 7-8 officers on the road at a time.

  36. Thank you, I really didn't research much that was just off the top of my head, and I'm working with a peanut here LoL. That puts everything into prospective.


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