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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Let's Get Rrrrrready To Rrrrrrrrummmble

Last week I put up a Post in which I took a portion of it down because we didn't want to jump the gun in case DelDot changed their mind.

However, Delmar's Fire Chief Shawn Johnson made contact with DelDot after several accidents had occurred at several dangerous intersections along Rt. 54, (Line Road). He no sooner contacted them and went into their office, they immediately got in their vehicle and drove to each location and agreed to have the rumble strips and lines installed within 2 week.

To our pleasant surprise they were out yesterday and today installing the lines and rumble strips in the hopes of making each intersection much safer. So thanks Shawn and DelDot for a job well done.


  1. At least with Deldot there is a small chance that they'll get something done...the sign at the end of Stage Rd., at Line Rd. has been down and gone for a couple of YEARS now! AND, they've just torn up Gordy Mill Rd. BAD and I have no hope that it will be repaved in my car's lifetime! Oh well, at least us Wicomico taxpayers have the civic center to send our youths to......

  2. It took 5 guys to do that ?!?!?! One stripe per guy.

  3. yeah, congrats on something they shoulda already friggin done months if not years ago!!! Who the ell is the dept head? How many people have ta die before they look at traffic reports to see where the problems are? How much does that flippin clown make...to sit on his bum and do nothing...till someone like a firecheif ask for attention to a certain area? Those slackers hide till enough hells raised...then they send 12 ppl to do a 3 man job!

  4. Actually, there were 9 guys doing this job, honest to God.

  5. If you want to complain about stage rd and gordy mill rd, contact Delmar town hall since stage rd is maintained by Delmar, and Gordy rd is being torn up for water and sewer to run to a development Delmar has annexed. As for the signs in Wicomico County, you will be hard pressed to find an intersection that is missing a street name sign and that is a fact.

  6. Anon 7:29
    Thanks for taking time from your job with the road crew to answer.
    I'm sure the other 8 guys missed your contribution while you were commenting.

  7. sorry 8:17, dont know any of these guys. Your just another person who doesnt know what the he!! you are talking about.

  8. 7:08 PM,

    How many crashes have their been? What was the cause of the crashes? What was the condition of the driver(s), was their alcohol involved? Are these crashes because people dont stop, or are they because they fail to yield the right of way? Big difference. If they are failure to yield, the rumble strips they are putting down arent going to do jack for that problem. I would suggest driving school. I saw on an earlier post someone said the stop signs were too small. They appear to be 30" stop signs. That is standard. It doesnt appear that their are any obstructions to block the view of the stop signs. When are people going to start taking responsibility for their own actions and stop trying to blame everyone else. Believe it or not, many highway agencies arent aware of crashes unless someone from law enforcement or a fire department notifies them and that doesnt happen often. The crash data you are referring to is a year or two behind when it is distributed. It is not very user friendly data. The best thing to do if you notice a high amount of crashes is to contact the highway department and see if they can look into causes/solutions. Dont bust on these guys for trying to take corrective action.


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