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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Farm Boy Delivers Crime Stats For Salisbury

One of your posters said Salisbury is not crime ridden. BS


Salisbury is higher than the national average in every category except murder and car theft. Some categories are as much as 3.59 times the national average.

Come on folks, get your head out of the ground and look around you.

farm boy


  1. Salisbury, Maryland is in the 100% percentile rank in the state for Violent Crime. It is in the 99% percentile rank nationally. Lower numbers are better. In this case, 100% of cities in Maryland have crime rates equal to or lower than Salisbury, or said another way, 0% of cities in Maryland have crime rates higher than Salisbury.


  2. Farm Boy is right. I might add that one reason that car thefts are low here may be that where some states might have car theft we have a lessor offense know as "unauthorized use of a motor vehicle". In order to prove theft, one must prove the INTENT to PERMANENTLY deprive the owner of said property. If someone takes your car and joyrides with it for several days and then leaves it on the roadside, the Maryland system feels that there is no intent to PERMANENTLY DEPRIVE the lawful owner. My guess is that these incidents don't show up on those statistics as thefts. If it were my friggin' car, I would feel like it had been stolen.

  3. Nowadays, a majority of the cars reported "stolen" were actually rented out for drugs or prostitution and not returned.

  4. My gosh, you'd have to live in fantasy world or in a bubble not to see how much crime there is. You would think because of the size of this place that crime wasn't a problem, but this place has become a haven for the entrepenuers of crime that come in from DC NY Philly, B-more and other places to set up camp and and become big fish in this small pond. Just the gang crime alone is puts us way over the curve in stats. It is like a magnet that draws these young kids that have less at home than the st. has to offer. If we don't don't st pulling back soon we will loose complete control.

  5. lets understand what these statistics mean. Salisbury has a relatively low population. Most of the daily traffic comes from the surrounding counties. This will cause salisbury rank higher since the ratio between population and crime (much of which is committed by people who are not part of the annexed population) makes it look that more crimes are being committed in the given population.

    Ocean City has the same problem. They have a low year around population but because of the visitor influx in the summer, they get a higher crime rate against their population.

    Statistics can be made to look anyway you want and can be very confusing to many readers.

    Dont get me wrong. Violent crime is not a good thing and Salisbury certainly has a crime rate that nobody wants (it being the crossroads of crime and all).

    But I can guarantee that your chances of having a violent crime committed against you in certain areas of Baltimore, DC, Chicago, Detroit, etc. is going to be higher than in Salisbury just because their criminals live in the city, as opposed to them coming in from the outlying counties for salisbury.

  6. It doesn't matter where they come from, crime in this city is crime in this city

  7. Where is supercop? Well he is at the landfill, he is not he is at the old fire house looking for that brick. You are wrong he is down at the court house as a character witness for the states attorneys dui case.

  8. "It doesn't matter where they come from, crime in this city is crime in this city"

    I think that all of us understand that "crime in this city is crime in this city". That is logic that you just cant dispute.

    The point is that Salisbury is being compared against cities with much larger populations. This means that if there are 10 people who live in the city, and there are 10 murders (people who were murdered most likely arent from salisbury and people who are the murders are probably also from the outlying counties), this means that there is a murder rate of 100%.

    Murder is bad and crime is crime. But, it puts Salisbury at a higher crime rate than other cities because the majority of the population comes from outside the small annexed portion of salisbury.

    I think you can understand that the population from wicomico and other counties is larger than the 27,000 or so people inside of salisbury. And I am sure you understand how to calculate percentages. If you are using the population of "just" what is in salisbury, then you are going to get a higher ranking. Not that many people live "inside" of the salisbury borders. Most live outside in the counties or are passing by (or are not even counted in the last city census)

  9. This area has been blind to the real crime that happens here. We have big ity problems in a small area. We need strong and true leadership to get us out of this. We need a change, Webster came from Baltimore and nothing has changed since he has been here, check the stats. We need the area to come together and work together, if the police can't work together, make them, make them all one county sheriff department. It would be a mess for a year then you would see the crime will go down, information will finally flow. Please community get involved and fix this. I am sure you know the bigger the mess the longer the clean up. Our mess is huge now.


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