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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

BREAKING NEWS! Class Action Suit Against Board Of Ed & Pinehurst?

Big news came Friday right before the work day ended. Allegedly, a class action suit has been brought against the Wicomico Board of Ed, Pinehurst Elementary, allegedly by a Wi-Hi student from Wi-Hi and the State for being abused. Allegedly he was in the self contained group, which is those students with physical, mental, and behavioral disabilities and disorders.

The "time out room" was having the bolt lock removed. This room is used for students who go off which poses an immediate threat of physical harm to students, staff, and property. The room is a bare white room with a squared x in which the student must sit in to give up control and settle down. There is a Plexiglas in which they cannot see through for observation and single bolt lock to keep the student contained. This was done, as well as the handle being removed rendering no way to keep the student in the room besides physical contact.

It was not known, at that time, if because of the suit, that the time out room would be 100% off limits.

Pinehurst is the only school that still has in use the time out room and is the main center for elementary school for instructing disorders and disabilities.

There are a lot of things going as well to this new suit, politically. I'm told things are not being handled as they ought to be. I use the moral imperative "ought" because liabilities exist within the program administratively and within the hierarchy of the self contained program. The teachers are very concerned about all that is going on and are not trustworthy of some.

What this does is make it harder for teachers to effectively physically handle the kids, from both the legal standpoint of having a suit filed, since the precedent is being set, and the practical in keeping staff and students effectively safe. A major facet and our last resort has been taken away.

I feel that this hush hush suppressed nature of the Salisbury area on news and everyday dealings should not go on.


  1. Salisbury Middle School has padded rooms in each wing just outside of the administrator’s offices. There are no handles on the inside and padded from floor to ceiling.

  2. 1 student, by definition, cannot file a class action lawsuit.

  3. You can't argue that. I have delivered what I have been told. Perhaps there are more.

    Nevertheless, the word is now out that the suit has been dropped????? Did the BOE settle already? Are they simply trying to break away from this information getting out there? Was the entire thing made up?

  4. This story can't be true. Students are just not treated that way. If they are, a few heads should role.

  5. Hopefully I will never have this problem with my kids, but if anybody puts my child in a TIME OUT room (however it is equipped). I as a parent better be notified. I would rather pick my child up and punish them at home then have a small child terrorized by being placed into a padded room.

  6. Only very few students go in there and they have to have a classification to go in there. Regular mainstream students don't get put in there.

    Parents need not worry because your kids would not be placed in there and I believe there is a process in which students are classified. I had my questions when I found out about it too!

    Those teachers in the special ed wing are Saints for working with those less fortunate souls.

  7. spare the rod, spoil the child. Whatever happened to the good old paddle. Used to be when you were disruptive, you were sent to the office and received a whack. Disruptive students were at a minimum because of this long forgotten policy. Ahh, the good old days.

  8. Exactly! There wouldn't be anymore ADHD or any other made up "crutches" for them to lean on when they don't behave. They just need a good old spanking! But the same people who complain about getting bikes from the schools and who sue everyone at the drop of a pin wouldn't allow that to happen!

  9. I'm betting the children being put in these rooms are crack babies. I think every crackhead that gives birth should be arrested for severe child abuse and neglect. Then they should be sterilized so as to never give birth to another child that will live his young life in hell through no fault of his/her own.

  10. We are not talking about your average child. These children are medically diagnosed with a disorder and parental permission is given in written form. This room is not a punishment it is a last resort to help children who are in emotional crisis. This gives them an opportunity to gain control of their own emotions and body as opposed to hurting themselves or others. Believe me they CAN really hurt themselves or others very badly even at young ages. I can not stress enough how important having this area for those students can be. THIS IS NOT A PUNISHMENT, it is a therapeutic tool to be used in order to allow these students to continue attending school.

  11. Joe:

    I though you were better than this. You usually check information from your sources before posting comments like this.

    Info about the timeout room is true but the lawsuit is bogus.

    Te timeout room is the last intervention used only when the child can harm themselves or someone else. It is part of a student's behavior plan and is totally legal. Staff go through hours of training to be sure that students are not harmed. It is mainly there for students who are Emotionally disturbed.

    I know this because my son is a child with this condition.

  12. I think "Someone Who Knows Said..." has a perfectly stated comment. I believe the term is "innocent until proven quilty"! One, know the situation and cause; last and not least: know the facts!!!!

  13. I am so glad that 'someone who knows' could explain in such an articulate manner the purpose of time out. Though what you post is going for the drama effect because you have this need to be the education police here... you do not print enough information and this is so hurtful to so many involved. I am a special education teacher who has been in this field for more than 30 years. After reading this today I have been puzzled and not really very surprised at your irresponsible posting that there is a lawsuit. NO lawsuit. Is this supposed to come across that you are supporting teachers and trying to help students when in truth it is so hurtful to so many involved? Hurtful to the teachers, students, administrators, supervisors, and parents.
    Why do you think you gotta be the self-appointed school police and whistle blower when you seriously DON'T Know???

    For those who share information and think they are being helpful, you are being impulsive and irresponsible and hurtful to people you think you are helping. Think twice...get your facts straight before you go crashing through people's lives. If you claim to care about people's lives think twice about the slams you sling.

    From someone else who ALSO

  14. Speaking about the crack babies...if a mother gives birth to a baby, and it is determined that the baby has been subjected to drugs while in utero, the mother SHOULD be sterilized. I know that sounds harsh, but the baby has no defense against such actions by their mother, the one person they should be able to depend upon for protection.

  15. I'm not sure why people have decided to begin commenting on crack babies. The sterilization of mothers has no precendence in this subject. The fact of the matter is that the staff who work in this department care deeply about the students in their care. The room in question DOES help these students gain control of their emotions. You have no right to slander that which you have no idea about. Feel free to go get your degree in special education and come teach if you think you can do it better!!

  16. MSDE has confirmed with the Board of Education there are NO pending law suits from their special education department in reference to our special education program at Pinehurst

    somebody who works at the BOE

  17. It sounds like others have already put you in your place as trying to cause unnecessary drama where the school system is concerned. I challenge you to spend a day in one of the emotionally disturbed classrooms at Pinehurst - where at any given moment a child with an ED diagnosis can go from being cooperative and willing to learn to distructive and dangerous to himself, his peers, and his teachers. Thatroom is there for the protection of the child and others with him. If you find it cruel by all means you should get your special education teaching license and devise an alternative that won't put teachers like me or other students like my children in harms way. Until then stick to commenting on things you understand - whatever they may be. Then again if you did not create news than no one would read your site in the first place!


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