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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

080528 - Correction

Yesterday we published a post reporting that the city spent between $60,000 - $100,000 persecuting (sorry, prosecuting) city landlord Stu Leer through the Maryland Court of Special Appeals. That number was in error. While we cannot confirm that all of the bills have been received by the city, the amount appears to be in $15,000 - $30,000 range.

We apologize for the error.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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  1. stu leer is a capatalistic, dishonerable piece of shit. you cant trust jim as far as you could throw him.

  2. GA, no harm done. They (the city administration) will find ways to spend the amounmts you mentioned. Have no fear of that!

    A. Goetz

  3. While Stu Leer may not be a prince, he is still a taxpayer. Treating him unprofessionally and running up the legal bills did justice no one.

  4. Your opinion of Stu Leer is just that, your opinion. The facts remain, he has been harassed by Tilghman and those under her thumb since 1999. The facts remain he defeated the city solicitor in the circuit court and the court of special appeals, on his own, without legal representation. So much for Wilbers expertise. Barrie retaliates once again and LOSES.


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