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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Salisbury Festival Update

I am expecting an update tomorrow morning announcing the Chamber of Commerce rejecting/denying A.S.A.P. from participating any sponsorship to the Salisbury Festival. Long Live The Blogs!


  1. I just heard that Heritage of Salisbury is now the sponsor of the Salisbury Festival.

    Great job on stepping up to take over!

  2. Good to hear! I can only imagine how many emails the chamber got and it looks like they might actually listen to the public - a novel idea it seems here in salisbury. I saw the story yesterday on channel 16 and just shook my head. Ridiculous!

  3. Joe: you are a hiprocritical judgemental jerk. Ray has not been convicted of anything and should be treated as such.....INNOCENT TILL PROVEN QUILTY beyond a reasonable doubt!


  4. GUILTY, Court of the Public Opinion.

  5. "Joe: you are a hiprocritical judgemental jerk."

    I'd rather be called that than a thief.

  6. I bet the Pocomoke Chamber would take him as a sponsor of the Cypress Festival!

  7. Joe you show me one this that says that Ray admitted these crimes....you yourself in one of your blogs said that they have lawyered up and are not talking....show me.....otherwise he is INNOCDENT till proven quilty in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt! period.


  8. I too believe Ray has some sort of dental problem commonly referred to as innoc-dent. I doubt however that he has joined a quilting club. Most criminals join that club only after entering the big house.

  9. hey bystander BOO HOO HOO, you a flipping idiot. Keep supporting your little bitch ray. I can't wait till they put his fat ass in the slammer. Whats his wifey gonna do then. Keep running your mouth you all are diggin a big ass whole you'll NEVER crawl out of.

    bystander on the other side

  10. Anonymous 8:42
    What is that? Most commenters on this blog are more sophistocated than you. Don't you feel a bit out of place?

  11. No shithead I feel right at home. Can't bring me down, my conscious is clear. I don't steal and lie!!

  12. Also, I have no lack of sophistication. I cuss because I can, if you don't like don't read on any further. I cuss because that's how I feel about your boy ray.

  13. It's hard to imagine a chamber of commerce that would even consider allowing a business under a cloud of such suspicion to sponsor any event at all. I believe it brings the leadership of this group into question.

  14. I have a membership with the East Wicomico Chamber of Commerce. My membership with Salisbury Area Chamber is up for renewal......but now I wont renew

  15. Anonymous 8:42 --I can tell that you are a school dropout and belong to a low class group. Have you always had such a foul mouth or is this bad trait something you have learned. Try hanging out with a better group. Your filthy language will never impress anyone. Now be a nice boy and go crawl back in your hole until your vocabulary improves.

  16. Anonymous 9:25 -I'm surprised any Chamber of Commerce would want a member like you. It's people of your demeanor that gives any association a bad name.I believe you should join the West Chamber of Commerce that is being formed for low life. Good luck in being accepted.

  17. i will never support a business that has stolen all that they did. There is enough evidence that the crime was committed. no question about it. so why defend a scum bag like him. with his many successful businesses and 50 rental homes, i think he could have afforded not to steal. what a loser. and the city of salisbury would be flipping idiots to ever allow him or his company to sponsor anything. just my two cents

  18. Darnell - My goodness! Your obviously extremely intelligent. I certainly wouldn't want to match wits with you. When you get that West Side Chamber fired up, let me know.

  19. I can not believe that there are some people out there who still believe in Ray Lewis.. he is a crook who charges people out the ying yang for rent by the week and then does what he does and was the mastermind behind it all.. as if he doesn't have enough money as it is....

  20. R. Lewis has been heard to say that he's waiting to hear how much the authorities think he "owes" so that he can stroke a check. Poof! That will take care of the whole ugly thing! What kind of dream world is this guy living in?

  21. The Chamber has as much courage as Ray Lewis has integrity. If they couldn't find someone in their leadership to tell Ray why this is not a good year for him to sponsor the Festival, they're more spineless that I thought. Chamber, don't do the politically expedient thing, do the right thing.

  22. Ray also ripped the average person off with his business. A friend of mine bought a home. The septic needed to be tested and then pumped. Well Ray Lewis, did the pumping and did not follow protocol on testing the septic and pumping the septic. My friend thought the septic was find, bought the house and in one month the septic failed. She tried endlessly to get A.S.A.P. to reimburse, because it was their bad business ethics she bought a house with a bad septic system. All this could have been avoided if A.S.A.P. did their job. There is more to A.S.A.P. then just stealing from the county. I would never do any business with that company who treats their customers the way they treated my friend.

  23. alright, I'm out of my hole I crawled into with my filthy mouth. I recieved an email nicely letting me know that the theif will not be sponsoring the festival, which of course by now is old news, but I must address the commenter who does not appreciate my choice of words. I do not need to impress you or anyone else. I have a masters from umbc. I live in Old Towne. I am also a girl. So why don't YOU crawl into a hole, since you are so offended by a few curse words and stop judging and catagorizing. Who the hell do you think you are? I and everyone else can judge Lewis because he admitted to stealing. HE ADMITTED HE IS A THIEF. What will you admit you are? P.S. GET A LIFE LOOSER!!!

  24. Judge Joe? You have set yourself up as judge of public opinion after you have tainted the little minds of the small group of followers.You are a hiprocritical judgemental jerk. Ray has not been convicted of anything and should be treated as such.Some people want to know when you became perfect and got your halo for your swelled head.Now post this Big Boy.

  25. JUST WHO IS THIS RAY LEWIS? I don't know him, had never heard of him before all this hit the newswaves, but it would seem that he is some kind of local celebrity, or hero of some weird sort. There seem to be endless numbers of people who feel compelled to defend his actions, or a maybe its just a couple of people who have nothing else to do except go on the blog and stick up for his constitutional rights. It's very disturbing.

  26. Anonymous 5:46 -If you haven't heard of Ray Lewis, you must have just come out of your cave. The newspapers and blogs have been discussing the case for weeks. Go on back in hibernation.

  27. Anonymous 9:13 PM You curse not cuss because of your limited vocabulary and lack of schooling. I am sure you are putting your best foot forward and using every brain cell in that pointed head of yours.

  28. Greetigs Grand Dad, We are notifying you of the formation of the West Side Chamber of Commerce. With your prior memberships in other chambers we are inviting you to be a charter member. With your reputation as a bullshitter we know you will fit right in and be an assett.You have been sponsored by Darnell. Please put April 29 th on your calendar at 7:00 PM in the Holy Cross church on Lake Street.Lookin forward to the meeting.


  30. Anonymous 11:33 PM Your Masters Degree from UMBC explains your poor spelling and grammar.Your filthy mouth tells me you have no class and you are no lady. The hole that you refer to that you crawled out of must be at the landfill.

  31. Antwine,

    I'll be there, cuz. Thanks for the invite. I look forward to bullshitting with you as it's been a while.

  32. Anonymous 11:33 AM Since you have crawled out of your hole or your business motel room, how are you doing? Are you still getting a lot of customers? Most businesses are feeling the economic pinch. See you next Tuesday night.


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