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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Public Works Makes Purchases At Food Lion

Last night, Councilwoman Debbie Campbell brought up a topic she had just noticed in some files within the Work Session last night. It seems that Public Works is spending your tax dollars on $47.00 worth of bottled water at Food Lion and charging it to their "Chemical Account."

It's spending like this that takes advantage of the taxpayer, and don't think this is all of it. This just happened to be a page she found right then and there.

Gary Comegys at one point got ticked off at Cohen and Campbell, (before Debbie found this money) stating all they wanted to do was Micro Manage the City and he wasn't going to stand for it.

Well Gary, perhaps you spoke too fast because this is exactly why the County should be doing a line item budget as well. These departments are out of control and no sooner did the Mayor claim the City doesn't buy bottled water, there they are in Food Lion buying it and then deceiving the public by charging it to a chemical account.

It's time more taxpayers stood behind Campbell & Cohen to make things right in the City of Salisbury.


  1. If the water was bottled from the Wicomico River it would qualify for the chemical account.

  2. Let's say $47 dollars a week on bottled water.

    That's about $188 a month.

    That's about $2,256 a year on bottled water.

    When you start nickle and dimming expenses on things like that which are not essential it adds up. There are numerous things that need the money budgeted towards in Salisbury other than this BS.

    Wake up people!

  3. Comegys is such a putz!

  4. Seattle just banned the purchase of bottled water (including water coolers), for city employees and public buildings. It's expected to save that tax payers a ton of money.

    Bottled water is one of the biggest scams people fall for.

  5. If this is micromanaging, then MORE OF IT, I SAY!

    Stupid little sh*t like this sends me through the roof.

    It's like people who go to the convenience store every day for bread and milk and soda, but whine that they can't make ends meet.

    Good for Seattle! I'd like to see that kind of attention to our money here. They're buying bottled water, but wanted to hike OUR water rate?


  6. Water bottled in PVC. Now there's a combination that will surely bring a boost in business to the new Oncology center at PRMC.

    All of Barries drinks come from a bottle.

  7. They are probably switching the Wicomico River water they are supposed to be testing with the bottled water! "Duh, yeah, the river looks clean to us?"

  8. how 'bout the City purchases at Ace Hardware????

  9. mayor said they did not purchase bottled water over a year ago if I am not mistaken. What's wrong with the city water the rest of us are drinking. That water report stated it was just short of perfect, so what's the deal,Mayor?

    Yes, I do want line item scrutinization. That should be a resolution, too.

  10. I guess they dont trust the city water supply

  11. The water we get from the city system has a distinct medicinal taste to it and is disgusting to have to drink. So, we put in our own filter system and use that water for coffee, tea, or drinking water. Much better this way. This could be why the city workers want bottled water at our expense!

    A. Goetz

  12. Distlled water, maybe? It is used for the lab equip to calibrate them.

    It is alot cheaper to purchase it vs. make it.

    I work for a municipality and we purchase ours for Food Lion as well, which is ALOT cheaper than the chemical manufacuters.

  13. If you only knew all the stuff the WWTP buys lol.

  14. anyone who has any chemistry experience who is worth their salts knows that distilled water is easy to make...

  15. Are you guys kidding me? Do you actually drink tap water? You must be out of your minds. Forget about local politics . . . you guys need to educate yourselves about public water supplies and the effects of flouride. Really.

  16. they need to get systems in place to watch their spending. hiding spending in other budgets is crazy and so easy for them to do.

    Here is an article about how federal employees are abusing their purchasing cards http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080408/ap_on_go_ot/government_credit_cards

    there needs to be someone outside the council that watches these types of spending. everyone wants to raise taxes to pay for some new social program instead of the waste that goes on with unnecessary spending.

  17. 3:44 is correct.
    and 6:19 wants the city to buy a still so they can make their own.
    I wonder what kind of mess that would stir up?
    It's DISTILLED water for calibrations people! They drink the water right out of the tap.

  18. Oh who was that dirty dozen guy that wanted to know why the taxpayers had to pay for bottled water at all if our water quality is so good? Do some of them know something we don't?

    Oh hell, that nuisance was me Lmao Maybe if I ask a dozen more times I will get an honest answer BWAAAAA wishful thinking, just flush that idea into the Wicomico River.

  19. That's bullshit I have seen water despensers myself, they are all over the city's offices all over town. They actually have bottled water to drink at the WWTP, makes you wonder doesn't it?

    Maybe that religious cult out at the WWTP won't drink the city's water until they are ready for a mass suicide. Alien ship behind the next comet, don't miss it!

  20. Anonymous said...
    Distlled water, maybe? It is used for the lab equip to calibrate them.

    It is alot cheaper to purchase it vs. make it.

    I work for a municipality and we purchase ours for Food Lion as well, which is ALOT cheaper than the chemical manufacuters.

    3:44 PM

    Ummm, look BOZO, there is a big difference in "bottled water" and "distilled H20." Now get back to work DingleBarrie.

  21. Anonymous said...
    3:44 is correct.
    and 6:19 wants the city to buy a still so they can make their own.
    I wonder what kind of mess that would stir up?
    It's DISTILLED water for calibrations people! They drink the water right out of the tap.

    7:59 PM


    I have a degree in Chemistry.

    Can someone tell us if it was actually drinking water? What was it they bought??

    Some stores do actually have the gallon jugs of distilled water, but my suspicions tell me they are buying drinking water and that is what it is until someone proves me wrong.

  22. ANON 3:44 was me I am not a chemist, not a Salisbury town employee, I was just simply making a sugestion.

    Yes it easy to purchase a distller and operate it, but it is slow and expensive to operate, thats all I was saying.

    If it just bottled drinking water that certianly is a waste of money.

  23. In the first place, there are other places that sell bottled water at a lower cost.
    At the very least, they shouls SHOP AROUND...look for a better bargain...

  24. What brand of bottled water does the city buy by the way? Dasani and Aquafina a just tap water as well, as are many other brands.

  25. That water is distilled water and is used for cleaning sample bottles and running tests with so the public doesn't get sick. It is a necessity and anyone in the business knows this. I would estimate the usage of this water to be 1-2 gallons per day...would you rather have clean samples or wrong readings and possibly unhealthy water? Think about it!

  26. But that still doesn't answer the question of why didn't they get it from Sam's Club or Walmart to save the taxpayers money. Shucks I forgot we a just pull money out of our ass.

  27. [To ALL you critics of the council] The City council and city employees work hard and long hours so that you as residents may enjoy a good quality of life. Yes, we have a right to drink bottled water or water from the cooler. We also have doughnuts or some other treats. Most companies treat their employees to some kind of food treat periodically. It builds morale and entices employees to work harder. Makes them feel appreciated. That's the way things are. Stop your bitching and work for the city if you qualify. Stop being envious of city employees. It is apparent we have a nit-picking group that isn't pleased with anything led by Joe Albero
    who pleasures himself by making the lives of others miserable.Maybe someone will buy him a one way ticket to hell.

  28. where is the mayor's water bottle? i'd like to fill it up for her wizzzzzz


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