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Saturday, April 26, 2008


Last night I was walking across the bridge near Station 16 when I heard a car racing down Market Street. I looked to the left because it just didn't sound right when all of a sudden this vehicle struck a parked car and then went airborne. I watched the headlights head straight up into the sky and how this guy came down on all four wheels is beyond me.

As you can see from the series of picture I've provided, the man was arrested for a DWI as he failed every sobriety test given to him, with many excuses as well. The Officer would say, count from 87 down to 68 and the guy would reply, Oh, come on, that's a really tough one. The one foot in front of the other thing, WHAT A JOKE! He stumbled and just couldn't pass the test. I do have to add this. The Salisbury City Police Officer conducting the test had to be the most professional Officer I had ever seen. No, I'm not kissing anyone's a$$ here, I'm serious. Every single Police Officer should take lessons from this guy because he was extremely polite and gave this guy every possible opportunity to re do anything he wanted. The final test he gave was the picture where he said, we're going to walk up to your vehicle at this moment and test your balance. Go ahead and face your car, lean forward and the next thing you knew the guy fell right over onto the hood. The Officer then said, we're now going to place these cuffs on your hands and place you under arrest for a DWI.

I truly feel sorry for the person who owns the red vehicle because that car is totalled! Thank God this happened on this particular road last night. This guy could have been on the opposite side of the Library and killed several people. Not to say this road wasn't busy either, because it was. I watched it from beginning to end and my hat is tipped to the Police Department and Fire Department for their quick response, (of course it was right outside the Fire Department's front door) but they were all very professional and in the end no one was hurt.


  1. What a surprise the person or persons that owned the red car had when they returned for it, probably from the festival. This guy needs to have his license taken away from him permanently, before he does kill someone or himself.

    A. Goetz

  2. How unfortunate for the drunk driver that he had his accident where he did and when he did, with Mr. SBYNEWS and his trusty camera right there!

  3. The young girl was very surprised bacause when she returned to her car it had been towed away. This morning she recovered all her property...except the totaled car.

  4. If I was her I'd have a rental car by now. I got hit three quarters head on back in '88, did just enough damage that it wasn't totaled.

    Her insurance company called me and asked if I could get someone to take me back and forth to work? BS~! The first thing I told her insurance company was, "I'm paying a car payment every month and I'm going to have a car."

    I got an attorney that day and glad I did, it took three months for the body shop, then some mechanical work I had a rental car for three months too.


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