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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Dee, Dee, Deeee! I Couldn't Resost Posting This One Either!

Referencing the Ray Lewis, A.S.A.P. Post:

"What you people don't realize is that ray has sponsored this event for the last 8 years!!! He has also sponsored more events here in this community then you realize and im sure that at one time or another you have been right there on the recieving end..rather it was for a church or a school that your child attends or a charity event.....so what do you hav't to say now?"

Here's what I say, Idiot! Once again, Ray donated with TAXPAYERS MONEY! Are you listening?


  1. I would write a hefty check too if I WAS USING EVERYONE ELSES MONEY.....ASSHOLE. My god you are stupid.

  2. I could sponsor all kinds of events too IF I NEVER PAID FOR GAS OR TIRES FOR MY FLEET OF VEHICLES!!! Nutty Nancy needs to get it through her head that no one is gonna be on ray lewis's side. he is a thief. If you live in Wicomico co. lady, he stole from you as well.

  3. Thanks for bringing us up to date on what a great guy Ray Lewis is . I would love to know what events and organizations he supports so I can do everything in my power to stay as far as I can from the likes of this THIEF ! I'm quite sure he can afford to donate money to just about any cause after all it didn't come out of his pocket . I am sick of hearing of how great a guy Ray is when he has admitted to stealing from the tax payers . Sure everyone deserves a second chance , but in the current situation he has not PAID HIS DEBT TO SOCIETY in full yet . I think it is a very poor decision on the councils part to let him be a part of this festival at all given the current circumstances . I admire your courage to stand by your friend but with that said please do not try to sugar coat the situation he has put himself in .

  4. Amen to anonymous 5:40, you took the words right out of my mouth!!!!

  5. The council didn't decide this...

    The Chamber of Commerce did!

    The same ones who supported the landlords in turning Salisbury into a rental nightmare, and still do.

    Nothing like putting lipstick on pigs, legitimizing what isn't legitimate.

    The Salisbury Chamber of Commerce:
    Where the Few Benefit Off the Many

    They are a joke. They've sold out the little guys in business in favor of the big power brokers.

  6. Yea payed with tax payers money and then got a tax break when he did his taxes.

  7. Let me say something first I am not a Ray Lewis fan, but someone said he had been sponsoring for about 8 years, well if the investigation is correct they say this theft ring has only been going on for about a year. So all the other seven years it should have been his own money that he was donating right? Or has someone got more info that this was going on for more than year?

  8. You DON'T stockpile the kind of inventory Ray Lewis had at his location in a year. This has been going on for years.

  9. And that makes it OK to steal from the county and it's taxpayers? He's a thief, you think this is a one time thing? Once a thief always a thief.

  10. HE HAS NOT BEEN CONVICTED OF ANYTHING.......HE DESERVES THE SAME RIGHTS JUST AS ANYONES ELSE DOES...HIS Day in court....practice what you preach......he is to be considered innocent till proven quilty......beyond a reasonable doubt,,,,,,,i have not seen it anywhere as to where he admitted to being quilty...Davis Ruark did and still has a job and you people condone his behavior.....whats wrong with this picture?? now who is castng the first stones? you all should be ashamed....Ray is an American citizen and is entitled to the same rights as the rest of us. now go to church sunday and pass your judgements. you should all be on your knees praying for forgiveness...... Hipocrits.


  11. You all seem to know ray so well concerning how long this how been going on....maybe you assholes were in on something yourself...if he's been doing donation years ago then trust me it was out of his own pocket and you all were on the recieving line....only makes sense...you seem to know him so damn well...

  12. The only thing i can say is if this has been going on longer than what you all think it has...God bless us because JOE the people that we our taxes are paying to protect us are also thevies for taking a paycheck every week and not doing their damn job!

  13. bystander- instead of church on sunday you should go to the doc and get back on you meds. the personalities are starting to argue

  14. my mom always told me that a thief will also be a liar.

  15. Anonymous said...
    You all seem to know ray so well concerning how long this how been going on....maybe you assholes were in on something yourself...if he's been doing donation years ago then trust me it was out of his own pocket and you all were on the recieving line....only makes sense...you seem to know him so damn well...

    8:03 PM

    Why should anyone trust you? You are taking up for a thief who has helped to steal at least if not more than a mil from us. Maybe since you apparently do know him you can enlighten us as to why the fucker took our tax money. why do you condone his behavior

  16. Get off of here Ray's Sister! This is not the time or place for you to respond right now! Tell your brother he now looks like the many terds he has pumped out over the years! Does anyone have any toilet paper so I can wipe,PLEASE!

    The worthless terd.

  17. Thank you Nancy for standing beside Ray.Family should stand united. People are quick to judge and many like to see others suffer and have have more problems than what they have. It makes these people feel better when they think they are better off than others. These same people cry the loudest when they make a mistake and get caught. My employment with the IRS has been an eye-opener regarding stealing from AMERICA.This is the greatest sin- the country that soldiers have fought and died for and people back home trying to steal from the National Treasury.What a shame.

  18. If you want the Chamber to show some guts, don't just boycott the Festival. Threaten to boycott the other sponsors, as well. That will cause those businesses to turn up the heat on the weak, self-serving Chamber.

  19. God may have forgiven Ray but I sure as hell have NOT. He was a jerk in school and I see it's continued on.... hope he gets the book thrown at him !!!

  20. God will forgive him, and others will too, in due time. Tolerated? I dont think so, God's word tells us not to..."if thine hand affend thee, cut it off" ...so he's cut off! you reap what you sow...

  21. Easy for him to donate since he stole it in the first place. I could give my money away too, if I had as much as he already did before he decided to take from me.

  22. In reference to the comment that Lewis only stole for one year.....I am sorry,but you do not become a large-scale criminal overnight-OK?Theres escalation to that level of dishonesty and immorality.You are not an honest businessman for several years and then get involved in a scheme of this magnitude all of a sudden with no previous criminal activity-you work your way up to that level of crookedness.Who knows what other cons have been pulled?And why is it OK if he did "just do it for a year"????
    Using the analogy some of you have put forth,its OK that he ripped off the county and taxpayers because he gave a shitload of money to churches-NOT!
    It is obviously fellow Pittsvillers or Willards-ers or whatever and/or family members defending him and he is not alone-the county employees are just as guilty-hell even more so-but allowing this crook to sponsor anything is just not a good idea.


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