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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Can Catholics Support McCain?

As a conservative and a Catholic, I am troubled by what I am reading in many different publications about our Republican candidate John McCain. McCain

When he ran for President several years ago, he insulted the Christian Conservative by stating the following..."I recognize and celebrate that our country is founded upon Judeo- Christian values, and I have pledged my life to defend America and all her values, the values that have made us the noblest experiment in history. But political intolerance by any political party is neither a Judeo-Christian nor an American value. The political tactics of division and slander are not our values, they are corrupting influences on religion and politics, and those who practice them in the name of religion or in the name of the Republican Party or in the name of America shame our faith, our party and our country."

I can totally support this statement but...

Last year, when John McCain’s presidential campaign was floundering, it was noted that he was making in-roads with right-wing figures like Armageddon advocate John Hagee, who harbors a not-so-secret desire for the US to start a war with Iran in order to bring about the subsequent return of Jesus Christ.

At the time, there didn’t seem much to worry about because McCain’s campaign appeared dead-in-the-water and though, over the coming months, McCain continued to court Hagee, the pastor appeared content to stick to his rabid theologizing and warnings to the United States.

Hagee cited McCain’s pro-life and pro-Israel stances in his endorsement Wednesday. But the announcement drew instant backlash from the Democratic National Committee, the Catholic League and Catholics United.

Catholic League President Bill Donohue called on McCain to reject Hagee’s support, citing statements in Hagee’s book Jerusalem Countdown that linked Adolf Hitler to the Catholic Church.

“There are plenty of staunch evangelical leaders who are pro-Israel, but are not anti-Catholic. John Hagee is not one of them,” Donohue said in the statement. “He has waged an unrelenting war against the Catholic Church.”

Democrats quoted Hagee as saying the Catholic Church conspired with Nazis against the Jews and that Hurricane Katrina was God’s retribution for homosexual sin, and they recited his demeaning comments about women and flip remarks about slavery.

“Hagee’s hate speech has no place in public discourse, and McCain’s embrace of this figure raises serious questions about John McCain’s character and his willingness to do anything to win,” said Tom McMahon, executive director of the Democratic National Committee.

Donohue made a direct challenge to McCain, saying: “Senator Obama has repudiated the endorsement of Louis Farrakhan, another bigot. McCain should follow suit and retract his embrace of Hagee.”

So much of what I have been reading about certain high profile Evangelical leaders is that they want to lead their churches to be the Church that Christ's Second Coming will recognize as 'the Church without spot or wrinkle' in their lifetimes.

The Bible clearly states that Christ will not return until Solemons Temple is rebuilt. I am only assuming that rebuilt means to rebuild it on it's original foundation. That poses a modern day problem...because sitting on top of it's foundation a huge Muslim Mosque.

So that sounds to me like that Mosque has gotta come down if the Temple is to go back up. Them's fightin words.

However, the support of Isreal by our government to treat the Palestinians so inhumanely, and our Church leaders to get behind these attrocities is unconsienable. These men are teaching an entire generation that we mus assist in the rebuilding of the Temple by supporting Isreal in all that they do.

During one of the three times that I have read Bible cover to cover, I determined very early on that God is incredibly awesome, and He can do whatever He wants (because He's God). And who are we to determine when He is to come back, much less contribute to the war of wars that is spoken about in Revelation. Christ will come back when He wants to...for our religious leaders to push the 'End' upon us is not something I believe God really needs help with.

Courting these men and garnering their support is dangerous, and spiritually manipulative and to call the Catholic Church 'The Whore of Babylon" is just too much. Only ignorance of the Catholic Faith would cause a person to say such things. I know, because I was raised a Southern Baptist Evangelical, and five years ago converted to Catholisism.

Evangelicals and most Protestant denominations are taught that Catholics worship idols, and don't approach the throne of God's grace except through Mary. This is simply not true.

Catholics have statuary representing the Holy Family because it is a visual of how important these people were. If you have any faith at all you must consider that when God decided that He was sending His Son to earth to be a living sacrafice for us, that He didn't pick just anyone to bear His Child. He knew the character of this young woman Mary, and He chose her, He even chose her Mother to raise her to become the woman that she was.

In the early church many many were illiterate and visual aides were essential to tell a story. In the Catholic Church Christ is hanging on the cross, in a Protestant Church He is not. Catholics certainly acknowledge and praise the miracle of His ressurection, but as a cradle Protestant the suffering of Christ and His heineously horrible treatment was not so real in my mind, and full ramifications of what He did for me and everyone else was not felt nor completely appreciated until I found myself on my knees in the sanctuary of the Catholic Church and saw Him hanging there. Then and only then, did I really get what He had done.

I will address the praying to Mary, and then I will close. The Bible says that "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord". Ok, I am fairly sure that Mary being the mother of Christ had a pretty good chance of making it into the pearly gates. This is where all Protestant confusion lies with this...if I have a problem, that I can't solve I often seek the advise and prayers of a friend. I know the personalities of my different friends and I know their areas of expertise. If I ask them for prayer on my behalf today and they died tomorow does that nulify my request? I don't believe so...if they are the faithfull Christian friend that I have known then why would my inabilty to see them anymore end our friendship. If they are present with the Lord, then don't you think our love continues and they be even more inclined to petition the Lord on my behalf? Mary is the iconic mother figure. She raised her son in a loving home she made sure that he applied himself to work and to study, and when he was condemned by the Jews and was beaten and strapped with a cross on His back and walked to through the streets of Jerusalem she was there every step of the way, weeping in agony for her son, as only a mother could do. She stayed at the cross through the hours until His death and washed His body after He was gone. She partook in the burial and was as equally surprised and rejoiced as all of the other diciples upon His ressurection. As a child we can relate to her, because she was there for Him. As mother we can relate to her because we couldn't bear the pain, and we would do the same thing. As a husband and father we can relate to her because we know and see the pain, and know that she would have traded herself for His life, and we marvel at the bond of the mother and child.

We know who she is, she is the mother we would all want to be, and the mother that we hope we will never have to be. She is easy to ask a prayer from because she knows her Son like no other, and she can petition on our behalf because of that.

Catholics know their prayers are answered by God, of that there is no question. Asking for some extra prayers from a friend is something that is done all of the time.


  1. WHEEWWWWW wymzie...
    I know you put ALOT of effort into this, but you lost me in the second or third paragraph.
    Great sentiment, I'm sure, but keep it brief for those of us with short attention spans.

  2. She was going back & forth about posting a "book" half the day...

    Blame it on me, I told her it was great...

    We are going to figure out a way to have just the first paragraph showing then you can click to read the whole article...


  3. My goodness,you Christians do find yourselves in a pickle,don't you.Who to love,who to hate,who to follow.This essay confirms what we all knew,intolerance extends not just to other faiths,but to differing views within.The rants by some of leaders would be comical were they not so dangerous.The author speaks of "fighting words".No.History reminds us this writer means "killing words".The slaughter of man has never enjoyed a more chilling battle cry than one founded in faith,and the hands of Christians are bloody.Most religions claim to share some ideals such as feeding the hungry,clothing the naked and treating one as you wish to be treated.Perhaps when Christians,and others,retreat to these ideals,their savior will return.

  4. Hagee is a Zionist. There is no such thing as Zionist Christianity. Hagee represents people who refer to themselves as Christians for polictical reasons. However they are Jews. Real Protestants understand that the same Jews who killed Jesus Christ eventually subverted Christianity by helping to establish a religion which evolved into Modern Day Catholicism. It is difficult to make sense of these religious sects because most of the theology guiding the sects has intentionally cloaked its own history. Modern Jews have little understanding of what happened to Jesus Christ. They simply practice a religion which has been handed down through the generations of their own families. Modern people in general are rather ignorant of religion. Most people who refer to themselves as Christians are not. Their religion makes them feel good about themselves and gives their children a moral dogma. If a person believes a certain politician can make Americans' lives better, then she/he should support that person. Otherwise it will take a great deal of time to understand religious speak when it arises on television.

  5. Sorry for the 'Essay' guys.
    I have been mulling all of this over for the last few days, and I thought I could get it all down today. And now I'm pissed at my inability to narrow it down to a more concise representation of my thoughts.

    It's so freaking involved, and so intermeshed. And I believe that a lot of the confusion and intermeshment of all of this BS is deliberate and intentional.

    The more confusing and chaotic something is the less people are willing to pursue it.
    Anon 5:39 & 5:47 You both are correct. 5:39 Hypocrysy runs deep and wide with intolerance running right along with it.
    The reason I became a Catholic was that I realized that this was the only church of the Christian faith that could document it's history all the way back to Christ Himself.
    Every other denomination was and is an off shoot of the Catholic Church. I got tired and disgusted of people treating church as if it's a cafeteria where you can pick and choose the type of food that you want. And if you really don't like any of the food you just go out and start your own.
    Catholism is simple. I don't have to argue over theology with anyone, the priest is not their to prove a point. He is there to minister the body and the blood of Christ with the Mass as the time to remember and praise Christ for his gift to us. No more no less.
    I am afraid that even more blood will be on the hands of these zealot Christians convinced they are doing the will of God and doing His work for Him. How is that different, than Jihad?

  6. Oh yeah Catholic's are so good,
    you speak of the church's history
    but not of the bad parts. Back in
    the old day's if you did something
    against the church or without their
    approval you were excommunicated, or punished.

    "I don't have to argue over theology with anyone, the priest is not their to prove a point. He is there to minister the body and the blood of Christ with the Mass as the time to remember and praise Christ for his gift to us. No more no less."

    You forgot to point out how well the history of the Catholic Church
    hides molestation against children.

    'The problem is not just with the fraction of priests who molests youngsters, but in an ecclesiastical power structure which harbours pedophiles, conceals other
    sexual behaviour patterns among its clerics and uses the strategies of duplicity
    and counterattack against the victims.'- Joughin, M. 'Church response to the sex abuse priest'

    "The study found that in the US, 94% of abuses by religious authorities were sexual in nature.
    Over half of these cases (54%) involved perpetrators and victims who were Catholic, even
    though Roman Catholics comprise only 25% of the United States population."

    So in closing don't only speak of
    the Catholic Church's good history
    with out the bad.

  7. Anon 2:00

    So, you want to castigate an entire religion because of a few people. Glad I don't live in your world.

    IMHO, the reason you hear so much about Catholic priests molesting people is because everyone gets hung up about the fact that priests don't marry.

    Wymize doesn't try to say Catholicism is perfect. She does say that it is the one religion that can trace its roots all the way back to Christ.

    I am Methodist, but definately are in prayer about converting myself. It is a big decision, and not one to be entered into lightly.

    I do think what we all need is to engage in more prayer that we might be more Christ-like. After all, isn't that what most mainstream religions preach?????

  8. As a Catholic Apologist, I loved your defense of Catholic veneration of Mary. Very well done. Here my version on Mary that I use for teenage Catholics:

    Has a non-Catholic (who calls himself a Bible Christian) ever asked you why Catholics worship Mary? If you answer, “Because she is the mother of God,” you have fallen into his trap. He then will say worshiping Mary, for any reason, is a violation of the first commandment–and he is correct. He’ll claim this proves Catholicism is anti-biblical. You might become confused and start to trip over you own words. Next, he might invite you to revival with a great rock band at his church.

    Don’t worry. There is a correct way to answer his question. First, you state Catholics don’t worship Mary, and the Catholic Church never taught anyone to do so. Catholics honor Mary. Why? Because, she is the mother of God, and veneration of Mary is scriptural:

    Next, show him your or his Bible. Read Luke 1:28-30: The angel Gabriel, God’s messenger, called on Mary, “Hail, favored one. The Lord is with you. You have found favor with God.” Gabriel used the word “hail,” which means to praise. Therefore, God, not the Catholic Church, started our admiration of Mary. Read Luke 1:41-42: “Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice, Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Elizabeth, not the Catholic Church, started calling Mary “blessed” among all women. Next Elizabeth, still filled with the Holy Spirit, asked (Luke 1:43), “And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” With the presence of the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth referred to Mary as the mother of God. Now read Luke 1:48: Responding to her calling, Mary stated, “Behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.” Is this not biblical?

    Catholics recite the ‘Hail Mary.’ Your non-Catholic friend probably finds this prayer offensive. Explain to him that the first half of the prayer is nothing more than those passages of scripture mentioned above: “Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with you. Blessed art thou among woman, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” Show him that the other half of the prayer simply asks Mary to pray (to God) for us. Why would we ask Mary to pray or intercede for us? Because Sts. Paul and James told us to do so for one another (1 Timothy 2:1-8, James 5:16). We know Mary’s intercession can help us because St. James told us prayers of the righteous are very powerful (James 5:16). If the women whom God blessed most is not righteous, who is? If her prayers aren’t powerful, who’s are? Now read the second half of the Hail Mary to see how we Catholics apply these passage of scripture: “. . .Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us, sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” Thus, the Hail Mary is a Biblical prayer!

    As you now can see, the honor we give Mary is not anti biblical; it is based 100% on Holy Scripture. The next time a non-Catholic or “Bible Christian” challenges our doctrine about Mary, please enlighten him as to what his Bible really says. He might be surprised. If you’re feeling a little confrontational finish by asking him where he received the authority to ignore the passages of scripture mentioned above.


    I don’t think you should worry too much about John’s reliance on Hagee for support. This is politics. Let’s just hope that it is temporary. I expect it is. I am certain John is spending much more time with Catholics. Last year, wasn’t it John who was overly compassion with the Catholic illegal immigrants who were crossing the Mexican border? John is Episcopalian. Can one get any closer to (Roman) Catholicism?

    I ran a Catholic Apologetics group at St. Francis several years ago. Would you be interested in resurrecting it with me? It ran for 2.5 years and then I got distracted with life—–we have 5 kids!

    My wife showed me your blog. I am glad I found it. Please continue your quest for getting out both political and religious TRUTH.


  9. The Vatican did help many Nazi's flee Germany during the end and after WW2.

    To tell the truth, I would probably rather help them escape than know the killers still lived amongst us. I am confused however why the Vatican helped protect child molesters.

    I'm not just knocking The Catholic church, child molesters are in every walk of life, relatives, child sitters, teachers, coaches and the list goes on.

    I have worshiped in the house of every religion except a Mosque, the reason for which I do not know.

    I'm not knocking the author, I find her posts very enriching, and we still enjoy the right to freedom of speach, until someone proves me wrong. Via Con Dios

  10. You forgot to point out how well the history of the Catholic Church hides molestation against children.

    That statement may be true in other parts of the Country but not here on the Eastern Shore.

    Bishop Salteralli has taken unpopular positions by making public anyone in the Diocese who was accused and privately meeting with the victims.


    If I were to make any of the same type of anti-Catholic statements made by the "Holy Rollers" here than I would be a hate monger and bigot...

    But it's OK for you to call yourself a "TRUE CHRISTIAN" under the 'Sola Scriptura' doctorines while calling Catholics names.

    Where do you think your Bible came from?

    What do you think the first century church really do?

    Who do you think "Founded" The Catholic Church?

    Upon this Rock I shall build My Church

  11. "And in my hour of darkness, mother Mary she comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, Let it Be."

    "And when the broken hearted people, living in the world agree, there will be an answer, Let it Be." Lennon/McCartney

    Sorry Boss, for a minute I thought you were refering to me until I saw we posted at the exact same time. Via Con Dios to you and the Mrs.

  12. teacherlady

    What I was simply pointing out was how she tried to make the Catholic religion seem so straight forword.
    As there's no one up their views and thats it. In her statement she make it seem like they are better than the rest, and if people don't like what the church is teaching they should not go elseware.

  13. Religion will surely shape the votes of the electorate one way or the other. However, lets avoid replacing facts with sentimentalism. This thread is more about religion than politics.

    One correction to the thread:

    Roman Catholic's are not the only Christian sect to trace their beginning to Christ. Rome develops as a religious center due to the Roman Empire and Emperor Constantine's conversion. As Christianity developed, the church splintered with each ecumenical council (e.g. Jerusalem, Nicaea). The church embraced trinitarianism with the Nicene Creed; thus rejecting unitarians. The church again splintered after the Council of Chalcedon--creating the Eastern Orthodox/Coptic Churches.

  14. Martin Luther's protest had as much to do with the money involved in the Papacy as it did with the sacraments. He found both issues to be irreconcilable with the New Testament.
    As far a the Apostle Peter and "the rock" scripture goes, I for one believe the words attributed to Jesus Christ are chock full of allegory. It was common during the 1st century to speak allegorically. Most Protestants believe the "Church" is a reference to the entire body of believers which spans all of the centuries since the days of Jesus Christ.
    As far as any of the politicians are concerned . . . how can real Christians embrace this political enterprise? It seems obvious in the Scriptures that the job (ethos) of the Christian is to speak the Truth. Jesus Christ was murdered by people whose descendants are still in power today. These people are proud of their lineage, and believe their right to rule over the masses is intimately connected to their lineage which is traced through one of 13 bloodlines. Most of the Royal Family in London, along with the Clinton & Bush families trace their lineage through the Merovignian blood line to the Jews who killed Jesus Christ.

  15. Huh? WoW I always thought Bubba just went to Oxford to avoid the draft, you mean he's related to the Queen?

  16. While the Pope was here in the U.S.A. we hoped his holiness would take time to forgive her for her many sins of omision after she gave her annual "State of the City" report.


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