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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Why City Of Salisbury Attorney Paul Wilber Needs More Money

Paul Wilber had a new home built on Shumaker costing $698,000.

Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation
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Account Identifier: District - 08 Account Number - 020043

Sale Date: 03/14/2008 Sale Type: IMPROVED ARMS-LENGTH
Sale Number: 80494 IMPROVED
From: HOMES BY BIJAN INC Consideration: $698,500

Location Information
Location: 919 S SCHUMAKER DRIVE Liber/Folio 1: / 2907/ 533
SALISBURY Liber/Folio 2:
Use: R
Subdivision: Town: 001
Status: 0 BPRUC:
Class: 000 TAXABLE

Map Grid Parcel Section Block Lot
48 5 558 A 4

Structure Data
Year Built Stories Grade Basement Type Exterior Enclosed Area

Land Area:


  1. I have some questions about Mr. Wilber.
    1. Who measures his performance?
    2.What are his areas of responsibility?
    3.What is his track record with
    the city?i.e. Has he saved the city
    money or has he cost the city money?

  2. This is not good!

  3. Although I find it interesting that this guy overspent to buy his personal residence, this is America, and people are entitled to make financial mistakes without being ridiculed in public for it.
    Having said that, why is the City of SBY paying so much for a part time employee?

  4. Oh my....can I stay there for FREE..I mean can I stay there for the tax money you have ALREADY collected from me. I am broke now due to taxes as well as gas prices. I also had to help pay for Ray's gas, parts, and tires. Surely I could stay in one of those mansions. I promise..you won't even know I am there and I don't eat much.

  5. A McMansion for Paul--somehow I just don't see that picture!
    He's moved far from his family farm on Hampshire Road; I hope he visits there often to remind him of what is really true and what values are.

  6. We need to take the city back, hire on a lawyer as a full time employee, then sue wilber for conflict of intrest, malpractice, fraud, misrepresentation and anything else we can get on his slimmy butt!

  7. We can get him for writing legislation that "clearly favors the landlords" when it was supposed to favor the city and it's residents. We already have a judges opinion that says something to that effect.

    We can get him for being a piss poor excuse of a human being, if nothing else.

  8. So, why should he be any different than say the mayor? They are all milking from the same cow. What we need to do is get rid of the whole lot of them, except Debbie and Terry!

    A. Goetz

  9. Let's not lose sight of the fact that this guy Wilber is an employee of Webb Burnett, and as such has a primary responsibility to them....to make money. If we want an attorney to be primarily responsible to and for us, we need to hire one. I'm not sure why we're still sub-contracting legal services. Maybe it's a carryover from a time when we required less lawyering as a city. Those days are over now. We need someone who only works for us.

  10. Anon 11:03-
    1. Barrie
    2. Protect Barrie's empire
    3. He has done very well thanks to the city, and the one smart thing he can be accused of is constructing opinions incompetent enough to keep himself billing for years trying to justify them.

  11. is there anyone alive in salisbury.why do you people, the one's who live there. put up with this.does someone over there care? doug.t hebron...

  12. I wonder if this is why the Hydrilla(sp?) was cleaned from Shumaker pond?

  13. they are all getting fat like rats while the rest of us slowly go into the poor house broke and hungry. bastards.

  14. Wilbur is gonna get his cause the home he bought by bijon is a POORLY built home, I have seen several of his attrocities . I give the home 10 years before is crumbles.

  15. Joe, correct your posts. Wilber did not build this house, he bought it. I was a spec house from the buider.

  16. The Hydrilla is supposed to be treated every 3 years, and this is the third year.

    But ya gotta wonder how it is that nice things happen near some special people's acquisitions, dontcha?

    The Three Clowns, especially Comegys and Smith who got to extra council comments, sure were sucking up to the Schumaker Pond people.

    The pandering from those three makes me sick.

  17. Where the hell is the recall petition at to get these bastards out of office???? Is this thing even being circulated?

  18. Paul Wilber has promised to move the Mayor into a palace too. Queen Barry deserves a home fitting for her position in society and authority to rule Salisbury. Knight Paul is in charge of the royal guards.He is in charge of legalizing all actions of the Mayor. Ambassador Comegys is in charge of propaganda. He has studied how to hoodwink the masses by controlling the newspaper, other media and infiltrating the blogs.Knight Paul is working on getting a law passed to allow Barrie to stay in power for life or until she abdicates her throne so I hear.

  19. 10:24, The su student with the petition left his email addy on several post. It would be a good idea to ask him where you can sign.

    Joe should post his {jason's} addy with every city related post.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Did he pay cash?

    9:17 PM

    If it wasn't cash, I bet The Bank of Delmarva holds the paper. What do you think?

  21. I don't have a good opinion of Mr. Wilber based on what I have observed on PAC 14. I think he is overpaid considering Mrs. Colgrove appears to know more than he does.
    However, I do think the extra $ recently discussed by the council is in case another atty. needs to step in on an issue due to a conflict of interest with a client in Mr. Wilber's private practice and the business of the city.
    Which leads me to my next thought--why have a city atty who also is in private practice whereby that type of issue can arise and cost the city extra money? Why can't the job be bid out with a firm salary agreement for the job. My husband is a salaried employee- and let me tell you, when he works on projects with all kinds of hours on weekends and holidays, he gets not one penny more.

  22. ahh, Joe has done the legwork. these bastards are getting themselves rich and richer, and barrie the biotch doesn't care. maybe we oughtta handle this mafia style....... remove don bitch barrie, her butt-sniffing attorney, and the rest of her cronies. and since they like telling people to be quiet, lets do it - quietly. send 'em to the bottom of the river. period.

  23. My guess, the above comment herself. You know, poor Barrie, she's a victim now.


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