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Friday, March 28, 2008

Wanna Hear The Fireworks?

GO HERE and listen to the MP3 Audio File of last Monday night's City Council Meeting where Debbie Campbell & Terry Cohen tore the Mayor, Pick, Oland, Smith & Comegys a new one.


  1. It's the 3 stooges -- Tootsie, Elmo and Headlights -- like you've never seen them before!

  2. What was that I heard coming from Debbie Campbell? Was that a compromise? Oh heavens no, we can't have compromise on this council now can we Louise? Vote 3-2 SSDD

    Music to my ears hearing the witch and her flying monkeys get smacked down. It's about time. All done with fact and tact. Kudos ladies.

  3. Can you just do a snippet of the fireworks so that we won't have to be subjected to the nauseating tone of Louweasel. I just ate dinner and now I think I am going to throw up.

  4. Anony-4:13:

    You mean it's a "preview of coming detractions," right!

  5. Pac14 will play it again wont they? You've really gotta see the faces.
    I sawl it Mon. night, I could hardly believe it. I dang near jumped outa ma boots cheerin for Cambell n Cohen. Those 2 knocked um out with proffesionalism alone!

    Thank you Ladies, its relieving to know theres still some good folk out there fighting the good fight.

  6. Thank you Debbie and Terry for standing up to these losers! They are obviously trying to cover up something and therefore, wanting to end it ! But Debbie hung in there....and Terry did a great job also
    of explaining what they were looking for...not what the losers are saying "It wasnt in the format that they requested".......blah blah blah. The Mayor and her gang are making all kind of excuses.. Why are they even in their position? Debbie and Terry...keep plugging and dont be like Mr. Comegys' ......No wonder he does not want to look book....too much to hide!

  7. I could not listen to this completely. This is the most pi$$ poor Accounting Dept as I have ever heard of. And the cover-ups are so obvious Stevie and Ronnie could see them. Also is there no Parlimentarian at these meetings cause they do not abide by Robert's Rule of Order. How do they draw up budgets? They put out a printout and then complain they cannot properly answer the questions from these printouts because they were not prepared. My answer to them not able to answer these questions are the printouts are FAKE FAKE FAKE. Who is having their pockets lined with the real money figures. aen

  8. I wish I would have watched it! I would have LOVED to see the Mayor, Olind, Pick, Weasel and Comegy's squirming.

  9. Pac14 usually reruns the meetings a cpl times, you should try n see it. Its one for the History books!

  10. PAC 14 won't play the reruns on the internet but they do play them on TV, if you have cable.

    The best part was watching the blood run up the mayors neck and her lips getting thinner by the second hahahaha I thought she was going to pop like a tick.

    Next best part was Gary Comegys trying to make it sound like Debbie and Terry don't show up for work sessions. I nearly choked when Terry came back reminding Comegys he lied about being out of town for a funeral during a work session. She proved he lied with his own expense report showing he was at a MML dinner in Rock Hall.

    This was the best comedy and tragedy I've seen in years. Keep up the good work ladies.

  11. I saw it on PAC-14 The dynamic duo had it going on, and like another said with tact and facts.

    I doubt it will change the others by doing their homework so they don't look stupid.

    I'm sure the city attorney is working overtime to create legislation to get around this and pad a few more hours on the taxpayers. After all, a big chunk of that budget amendment was for his services.

  12. For the fireworks, just start a little past halfway on the audio stream and let it play from there.

  13. It should air again at 6 p.m. Monday night the 31st on PAC14.

    Get the beer and wine ready, plus 2 bowls of popcorn.

  14. I'm new to the city and am confused about the things I read about the Honorable Barry Tilghman. It seems like people don't give their elected officials an opportunity to do the job that they were elected to do. I think we need to be fair and treat others like we would like to be treated. What do we know about the mayor? Is she married? Is her family nice?Do they support her duties as mayor of Salisbury? I understand she attends church and prays for guidance in her life and the decisions that she makes.Please inform me honestly about Mrs. Tilghman to make me feel more comfortable about moving into a new city.Up in Jersey our elected officials had great support from the citizens and an open door policy prevailed. Thank you.

  15. Does William Duvall still have the Mayor's office bugged? Or did the new sheriff take it out?

  16. Anon 248 Your first mistake is thinking Barrie Tilghman is honorable. Second mistakes is looking for anything open in government with her.

    This is not Jersey, there is no open door on the city side of the GOB. To acquire any information you must file a PIA form, this includes certain council people as well, even they don't get info without jumping through Barries hoops.

  17. 2:48, she attends happy hour far more than she prays or worships.

  18. Anonymous 2:48...The mayor is married. Her husband was heard swearing during a candidates debate when heard her opponents speak. Her grown daughter physically assaulted a former city council president by kicking her in the groin. The mayor has been seen falling down drunk at occasions like firefighter dinners. And anyone who tries to play on how pious they are, usually isn't.

    The mayor did not just take office. She has had 10 years of chances. Our city is more blighted, our crime is higher, we have gangs she denies exists, our river is more polluted, and on and on.

    There are many good things in Salisbury. You will like it here. Friendly people. Nice community groups to join. A pretty park and zoo, albeit less cared for than before.

    Welcome. However, having lots of family in New Jersey, I hope you aren't holding Jersey up as a fine example of government. That state has had its fair share of corruption.

  19. why do the people of salisbury put up with this. can someons tell me...doug t,hebron

  20. To Doug T -

    What can we do over here? You, living in Hebron, sound like its easy to just get rid of all the mess. But remember, this is good ole boy terrotory so easier said than done. The young man with the papers to sign to get rid of the Mayor was probably "hushed" up...I have not heard anymore about that. So, your comment about why are we putting up with this....do you have any easy solutions? If so, please list them.

  21. The boy with the recall papers went away soon after that woman let it be known publicly that they had nothing to do with it. Once the shadow of doubt was removed those that were really behind it pulled it off the radar. It's rather hard to stand up in the face of the truth and continue to lie.

  22. 11pm, The SU student prolly went on spring break, The SU pres. "the great hyphined one" and the mare are 2 peas n a pod, so I'm sure he was taken a beating from both ends. The students prolly also found out how large a task it really was, not to mention all the folks begging for a recall suddenly doughting their intentions. You would think folks would atleast sign to get the 3 stooges out so we can began to recoop. Thats not to say the recall is over, I just think without atleast moral support it will just peter-out. Shame some folks cant react past their computor chairs.


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