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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Remember Joe Millionaire?

"Ahhhhh. Mwhah. Mmmmmm. Maybe it'll go better lying down? Slurp. Gulp. Slurp." Oooh, scandal!

I can see it now, Michael Shwartz gets his own show called, Who Wants To Marry The Most Influential Blogger?


  1. Sorry Michael, that is funny.

  2. I thought he said he was on a diet?

  3. Joe says...
    Michael Shwartz gets his own show called, Who Wants To Marry The Most Influential Blogger?

    Michael has a lot going form him and has the potential to marry a beautiful lady in the very near future......NOT!!!

  4. Anonymous said...
    I thought he said he was on a diet?

    8:25 AM

    He is.

    A See Food diet

  5. In the words of Outraged Richard...

    Bwaaa Haaawww haaww hawww


  7. Joe, as much I like you and your blog, your attacks on Michael Swartz, his blog, and his looks are just downright despicable.

    As you say about your own blog, if you don't like his, don't read it. I don't go there as often as I used to, but I have enjoyed some of his posts. I don't know Michael, but he's as entitled to write what he wants on his blog as you are. He may not be looking for a big audience. That's not always people's end goal with a blog.

    Michael may on occasion have criticized you mildly, I don't know. Maybe he didn't want to link to your blog or something...is that the source of the dispute?

    But as far as I know, he's never really attacked you. These attacks from you and some of the commenters are just an exercise in being nasty, the "let's make fun of the fat boy or the gawky girl" schoolyard thing.

    It lowers your credibility and gives the supporters of Barrieland the ammo they need to have people believe they are right and you are wrong.

    Sometimes, friend, you are your own worst enemy, and it spills over to the people you support and those who support you. I just got through bragging on the good work you're doing to someone who's now a new reader, and now I'm embarrassed by this type of post.

    Will you let this type of sh*t go already? You said you would as a new year's resolution. Keep your word, please.

  8. Obviously you hadn't seen his latest post about Joe.

  9. Whether by design or not, I actually thought Michael's post was very flatering to Joe.

  10. Joe,

    I think you would make a great Gov of the Del.


  11. anon 12:19

    No, I hadn't read it. But you made me look, LOL!

    Yes, Michael took a good swing at Joe with that one. But I think Joe kind of had that one coming. He's taken a lot of pot shots at Michael that weren't deserved or necessary. Sounds like Michael just had a little fun dishing it back.

    I know a lot of people who like Joe or Joe's blog or both. But even some of them have said he should stop making everything about "him, him, him."

    I'm a bit of a "chubby hubby" myself and don't always fit into a camera viewfinder. Maybe I'm just kick-starting a Chubby Hubbies Unite movement.

    But I think my original comment still stands. With all that Salisbury and Wicomico have to worry about, is it a good thing to do this childish routine on people's looks?

    I admit I like the ones of the public officials caught whispering and the deer-in-the-headlights looks. That's different. But I can do without the "Ugly Barrie" shots.

  12. Michael is also a public figure, like it or not. Do you laugh at the public cartoons? What's so different? I should add, there are several Anti Albero Blogs out there that poke fun at me each and every day of the week. I do NOT bring up their Wives, Family or Children, they do, just take a look and you'll see. Michael participates in comments and their poking fun on those Blog regularly, therefore Michael gets what he deserves. If he can't take the heat, get out of the business.

    Now, that being said, there's a button at the top right corner of your screen with an "x" at the top. Click it and your problem goes away, respectfully.

  13. When did Michael Swartz become a public figure? Does being a blogger make him a public figure? Just asking?


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