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Friday, March 28, 2008

One Year Ago Today

Thanks to Linda Kent and several others, one year ago today she settled an agreement with the Old Mall Owners to make a donation to the Public Library as well as a reduction of units to be built on that location. Linda was also instrumental in taking these same owners to Court and getting a decision in her favor referencing the zoning for this property. Thank You Linda!


  1. Barrie and Wilber were 'called out' loud and clear on this challenge. Remember all the spinning by Barrie that went on following her failure? Clearly, she doesn't take losing at all well.

  2. This is one fine lady and she has done an excellant job on this old mall fiasco! And took down the conniving mayor in the process. Maybe we can convince her to run for mayor next year.

    A. Goetz

  3. Kudos to Ms. Kent (and the other "Salisbury Maulers").

  4. Anonymous said...
    This is one fine lady and she has done an excellant job on this old mall fiasco! And took down the conniving mayor in the process. Maybe we can convince her to run for mayor next year.

    A. Goetz

    1:52 PM

    I agree with you, you, but you better find her a home in the city limits first.

  5. Anon at 3:32:

    I hear Barrie wants to annex her subdivision so that she can cite Ms. Kent for being one of the "Dirty Dozen" and then sic Casey on her too.

  6. I think the Tilghmans know when to cut their losses. Barrie won't mess with Linda nor will her hoodlum daughter.

    WTG Salisbury Maulers, people may not realize it but you all saved a part of this city.

  7. Was alerted to this entry so checked it out.

    Yes, it was a day of very high drama -- we did not know that the Mayor was so intricately involved in the negotiations that day until she herself said how much of the day she devoted to this matter!

    It is important to note that we could not have persevered and prevailed without the unfailing support of the citizens behind us.
    For this we were--and remain--very grateful. As always, thanks so much!

    Linda K.

  8. Why do you call Barrie's daughter, Linda, a hoodlum? Did I miss something?

  9. Linda Kent...

    The Beauty who took on those Beasts.

  10. We need a lady like this for Mayor! Get rid of the Mare.


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