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Friday, March 14, 2008

I'll Do One Better, I'll Publish This Idiotic Comment

"Joe needs to stop worrying about being the first with so called news, and be the most accurate. there has already been some misleading about this ray lewis deal - and it seems that some people are more concerned with ray-ray-ray than the others who may have been involved. Joe, you gotta stiff one for ray or what? why aren't you saying a lot about the rest of the people who may have been involved? ray didn't take that stuff by himself. huh? print this, joe - let the people read it. and there are PLENTY of folks around who know damned well how far this stealing went through the county ranks. if you don't know, no problem. and this doesn't make make ray less innocent. but joe talks like ray went in there with guns loaded and took the stuff by force. My a$$! let's tell it all like it is. AND THIS IS NO DAMAGE CONTROL FROM RAY LEWIS, JOE!!! PRINT IT IF YOU'RE SO MUCH MAN!!"

Blast Away Everyone!


  1. I understand there was another person involved with ray lewis from a company that sells heavy duty equip.The so called manager delivered the equipment at nite.HE GOT CAUGHT TOO.Supposed to have happened around the time the county story broke.

  2. Let's be real, all of the other news outlets are also only pointing out Ray (who by the way was named the master mind behind behind it all)! I've only heard of two other names besides Ray and that is Ken Townsend and his assistant Paul... Sure there are probaly others but who are they? Ray, Ray, Ray is the only one I've heard everyone finger pointing to...so keep up the good news coverage there Joe your doing a fine job reporting...lol

  3. A simple question that would explain alot is "Who made the most profit from these illegal activities?"... that would be my nomination for ringleader.

  4. Well I'd says he's the best source for local news more so than that Daily Slime is.

  5. As a blogger myself I find it ridiculous that people hold us to such a high level of accuracy.

    It's astounding; we do what we do because we care about the towns that we live in.
    We report in real time about things that are happening in real time, or things that people are talking about
    We do not charge for it.
    We certainly don't make many friends doing it, and quite frankly it's often more of a pain in the butt than it's worth.
    But we do it because the print media in the two respective towns which we represent do not and can not do this.

    Many many times we have as has Joe been inaccurate.
    However, we have the unique ability to post a front page emboldened headline correction.

    If Gannet makes a mistake when they even bother to cover a story the correction will be found buried on the bottom of page 6. That is if they even admit it!

    Informed free thinking individuals do not rely on just one outlet for their information.

    Being a news junkie, I read information from conservative, liberal, religious, whack job, and mainstream sources on a daily basis, and somewhere, way down deep you may be able to find the truth of the situation.
    But if anyone is ignorant enough to believe that one source is going to tell every single aspect of every single event that they cover, that one is a fool.

  6. Well now, I disagree with your commenter(or should I say tormenter). It seems to me most or all of the fuel and other items went to property owned by this Ray Lewis, and in trucks owned by his busines, and were distributed (read sold) from there or used there. Therefore your commenter doesn't have much of a leg to stand on, in my view!

    A Goetz

  7. well, i gotta agree - joe is the best source there is for the news right now. sad thing is that there is so much back door dealing going on around wicomico county, and has been for some time. a lot of people are going to end up answering for this, mr. lewis included, i hope. what's bad also are people who know about the stealing from all the taxpayers, involving quite a few, and won't come forward. some are scared, for various reasons, i guess. but there are others, i am sure that were involved in stealing from the county, the taxpayers, and more.


  9. I think Joe is doing the best reporting he can, because people just keep pointing the finger at others. Like a comment in one of the other stories suggests that the county is still using Ray for contracts because they saw one of his trucks in Powellville and said a county employee was driving it. Well for that person who thinks that the Wicomico County Soil Conservation exsists it doesn't, it's called the Wicomico Soil Conservation and it is NOT a county entity, those employees are not paid by the county they are an independent business. People are just trying to point the finger at others, it's probably some of Ray's buddies that may be trying to take the heat off themselves?? Check the facts and whoever posted that did not.

  10. Ray Lewis is a fine man. He made a mistake. He was like a Robin Hood who sold or gave to the poor some of the riches already being stolen by higher-ups.Ray isn't the only guilty party.Management of operations, monies and it's correct usage is the responsibility of the Department Head.He needs to wake up ,walk around ,get his head out of the sand and know what's going on unless he is part of the action.No excuse for not supervising and doing what you are being paid to do.

  11. 11:56...Robin Hood didnt steal from the villagers, its no differant if lewis went door to door and took it out'a the pockets of every tax payer {except he didnt do it with a gun}fine man...made a mistake, no dought in my mind your a crook too! what's he been giving you? tires? fuel? I hope the WBI find out who you are threw your post. On your reasoning, if lewis hadnt been so eager then those dept heads wouldnt have had anyone to buy those goodies.


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