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Saturday, March 15, 2008

If You're On Dial Up, Blognetnews Is Not For You!

Blognetnews is a unique site that offers a multitude of Bloggers on one site, making it convenient to see who's got what that day.

However, Blognetnews has pop up ads and other flashy annoying ads that slows everything down quite a bit but mainly, when you're on dial up, the first time you go there for the day it freezes your computer up completely.

Yep, the next thing you know you're hitting the old control, alt, delete buttons to get out of their site and restart your on line access all over again. I've warned them of this in the past and they sent me a letter stating they corrected it, NOT!

Dial Up sucks but when you're in the country, it's all we've got. Blognetnews needs to get rid of the BS Pop Up Ads, period! Does ANYONE ever click on them anyway?


  1. you could get direct wave satellite internet. It's better than dial up. I know some country dwellers on it. Not bad, but can be affected by weather.

  2. check into ISDN if your sick of regular dialup. It will atleast give you 128kbps

  3. While I appreciate the work that blognet does, I one with high speed broadband, and fast computers still get clogged on BNN. I not only don't click on the pop ups but I hate the all the little drop off 'Tribal Fusion' screen savers that stay there until you click them closed.
    It is very annoying and while I love to read whats up around the state, I hate the leftovers!


  4. You're right. We're getting rid of them this week, but I don't know whether that will fix your problem.

  5. Dial up sucks but don't you remember when:

    60 Baud was it then

    300 Baud was the bomb until Hayes came out with a

    1,200 Baud Modem that rocked my world in 1982...till

    9,600 Baud was rocking but we tried to wire that extra

    14,400 which was the fax speed...

    1994 they said that 26,000 baud was the most one could get out of a phone line.... while I listed to plug into that big fat NASA fiber optic pipeline that ran past my front door... while I had to dial up long-distance to UU Net to run www.liquidation.com because there was no ISP on the Shore.

    56k Modems in 1999 was lighting speed then I got spoiled by a T-1 but $2,500 a month was kind of steep... heck they were dotpcom dollars who cared.

    96k ISDN anyhere remember that stuff doubling up on a couple of 56k modems with geeked out hardware / software but after a T-1 it really sucked and at $200 a month was really high for being so slow...

    2002 Comcast finally got digital cable in Pocomoke and we had decent speeds but soon everyone figured it out and the line was clogged and slow again.

    2005 Verizon finally wired P-City for high speed and now we can watch movies on-line.

    There is a satellitte service with really high download speeds but dial up to send things...

    We have a Verizon high speed 'air card' that is pretty quick and the only places we can't get a signal have been Yellowstone National Park (except they have a tower at Old Faithful Lodge) and the Grand Canyon.

  6. Firefox+Adblock Plus=No ads or popups


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