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Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Delmar Rt. 54 Railroad Crossing Needs To Be Fixed!

For far too long I have been traveling over these tracks on a regular basis and there isn't a single time we do go over these tracks and it isn't an experience.

First of all, the situation with this crossing is the fact that the road is so uneven, it's simply tearing vehicles apart. It doesn't matter what speed your traveling, it's a hazard. Now the smaller the vehicle you use, the worse it seems to be.

Here's the funny part. You get to watch all these Rednecks in their 4x4 pickumup trucks, (I own 3) approaching the tracks and they slow down to like 2 mph and just creep over those tracks like they're driving over eggs!

Talk about a bunch of pansies! They're 4x4 trucks, you Idiots! Now that I'm done playing with the jacked up 4x4 Rednecks, it truly is a bad situation and considering they're fixed the Naylor Mill Road crossing, it's high time they fix the Delmar crossing as well.

Oh, I should add. If you're on of those Rednecks that acts like a pansy crossing those Rail Road Tracks like you were tip toeing through the tulips and someone behind you is honking and laughing at you, that would be me.

The roughness of this crossing is far overdue for repairs and both the Mayor of Delmar Maryland and Delaware need to get together and iron this problem out. The second photo should clearly show just how bad it is to cross this thing. The smaller vehicles can't take it any more and they might as well lower the speed limit to 2 mph at this location.

How sad is it when two Towns that know this situation is that bad that they do nothing about it? It was done at Naylor Mill, they need to fix this situation right away because they're going to get multiple lawsuits for repairs for front end alignments.


  1. The crossing at Carrol Street and RTE13 heading West in the right turn lane is as bad Joe.Someone is gonna pop a tire there. Hardhead

  2. The towns of Delmar, Delaware & Delmar, Maryland have nothing to do with this R/R crossing. It is railroad property belonging to Norfolk Southern. Call the dispatch office in Harrington to complain. That's the only was to get a R/R problem fixed.

  3. Wouldn't that actually be up to the states of Maryland and Delaware since it's a state route for both? The local government can make the call but I think the state and the railroad have to get together on this one.

  4. Delmar has better things to do with the tax money than work on infrastruture, I just don't know what that is at this time.

  5. I agree that the tracks need to be fixed but before you make an uninformed comment about people in 4x4s slowing down to cross the tracks you may wish to get an education. Slowing down protects the trucks as well as the road. Not to mention the average 4x4 costs much more than a small car.Grow up slow down and perhaps one day you will understand the real value of having good equipment to drive.

  6. Anonymous 7:14, PLEASE!

    The road needs no more protection, believe me. Secondly, you're 4x4 vehicle was BUILT to withstand this kind of stuff. Standard vehicles are the ones that get killed by these conditions.

    As for the other commenter who stated it's not the responsibility of either Mayors, Bull! If they gave a damn about their community, they'll use whatever influence they have to recognize the problem and then push to get it fixed.

    This is and has been a Major Problem in Delmar for far too long. Get off your rear ends Mayors and get something done about it.

  7. just wondering whose responsibility it is to report such a hazzard in "The Town of Delmar"

  8. maybe the town of delmar could do what the city of salisbury did on truitt street... just put up a couple of stop signs! yeah... that'll fix 'er!

  9. Mill Street is a mess also. Not just the part where you cross the tracks but the entire length of the street is like driving in PA


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