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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Can You Stand It?

It was a year ago when gas prices were through the roof and everyone wondered just how we were going to afford it. One year later it's jumped almost $2.00 per gallon!

I'm sure the Federal Government is doing polls right now asking Americans at what price will people start to kill one and other and start a Revolution and they believe it will be somewhere around $10.00 a gallon!

Just like cigarettes, everyone became dependent on it and once you're addicted, you have no choice. Americans are very stupid. We're like robots and the Government we grew up proud of and loving has become our enemy. We're doing the things Russia was accused of doing. We're torturing prisoners. We're being told what we can and can't do every day. If you're a local Student and a 21 year old Police Officer thinks you're too loud, they slap you in Jail, period! Heck, we're now paying more for gas than those other Countries we used to laugh at and or sit there in awe.

America is no longer the land of the free. It's run by crooks at the local and federal level and quite frankly, I've seen enough. Even our very own Mayor and Police Chief want to sue me to shut me up from my freedom of speech rights. When I was a kid, I loved America and what it stood for. Now, I think it sucks and if there was another Country I could go to and feel safe, I'd take all my American Dollars, pack my things and get the hell out of here. It's not worth it any more. The Mexicans are smart. It's no wonder they make their money here and send it elsewhere.


  1. Not to be a smart aleck, but I believe YOU live in Delaware, while not without problems, at least remembers that it's part of a free society. Those of us here behind the iron curtain otherwise known as Salisbury can't discuss our issues in public without fear of having some old lady send us a nasty letter.

  2. Well Joe, don't let the door hit you in the a** on your way out. Sorry, though I agree we have problems, I am not this totally turned off at this time by the bad actor's among us. We can certainly change things back if we'll get on with it, instead of crying about how bad things have gotten and doing nothing.

    A. Goetz

  3. Just another way to destroy the middle class working American family. WAGONMASTER

  4. In less than eight years Bush has managed to help his oil rich family and friends get over 100% more for a gallon of gas. I really don't think world wide consumption has doubled.

    Don't forget subsidiaries of oil contractor ties to the like's of Haliburton, Kellogg, Brown and Root and Blackwater mercenary baby killers in Iraq are making big profits at war coming and going.

    Blackwater is nothing more than a terrorist organization contracted by the Pentagon. I will support our American military troops, but not government paid terrorists.

    This is turning into what is much like the mercenaries in Central America during the Reagan administration in regard to Iran/Contra weapons for hostage trade. Smuggling weapons to pay off terrorists.

  5. I'm with you Art. This country is still the greatest on the planet even with the likes of Barrie and her council supporters.

    Besides, we all know you aren't going anywhere. The dollar is down and you won't take a loss on your money. Hell you won't even spring for a soda, that's why you drink water with lemon everywhere you go. LOL



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