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Friday, February 15, 2008

What Rhymes With No Representation?

Wayne Gilchrest on a 10 month VACATION! I think I'll contact Andy and see if he wants to rent 300 W. Main Street?


  1. Some "Hero to the tax payer"

  2. if you read the sign on the door, it says they are closed for presidents day.

  3. Staff need vacations, and Monday is a holiday... I am sure that come tuesday everyone in that office will be back to work.

  4. They were closed Wednesday, Thursaday & Friday. Kiss my ass, this is OUR taxpayer dollars NOT hard at work. It doesn't matter anyway. Gilchrest wasn't anywhere to be found when the WWTP had its problems either. They're USE the taxpayers out of spite for the next 10 months.

  5. To be able to predict someone else's behavior ten months in advance is a remarkable ability. Never let it be said we are not a group of remarkable, gracious, mature winners.

  6. You know what else is missing, a thank you for your support from the Senator & his campaign.
    Didn't think they needed to be reminded, but maybe someone aught to.

  7. You can take that picture of my mother down from your site. You do not have her permission and I resent the way you have represented her. Take it down.

  8. do you have to be such a dick to the man? so andy won whoopdeedo. It was only the primary, not the general election. Maybe Gilchrest will use the "vacation" for a good purpose. lighten up on the man and at least allow him to have his dignity after the loss

  9. anonymous 7:32,

    WTF are you talking about?

  10. My comment was placed on the wrong post. It was meant for the post above "My Impression of Monoblog". He has no idea who that woman is or what she is about. She is my mother and I want that photo removed immediately.

  11. I heard this morning that Wayne may decide to run as an independent. Bwaaaa

  12. He legally can't. I heard they turned him down based on the bitter loser law, or something like that. It was actually very funny!

  13. No, it will be up yours you arrogant son of a bitch.


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