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Monday, February 18, 2008

Two Important Meetings Tuesday The DT Neglected To Post

On Tuesday, February 19th there are two very important meetings the Public should be very aware of.

The first meeting is the Ocean City Fire Department at City Hall at 6:00 PM. This will prove to be a historical event and I strongly suggest Citizens attend, especially ALL Volunteer Fire Fighters from the entire Eastern Shore.

The other meeting will be the County Council CIP Meeting held at 7:00 PM at the GOB, Room 305. I have already had a meeting with Rick Pollitt and Jim Finneran in reference to certain topics concerning the CIP and believe me when I tell you, you're going to want to attend this meeting and or watch PAC14 that evening.

I will do my very best to cover both events but I'm certain I'll be late for the Wicomico County meeting. Why the Daily Times neglected to post these meetings in today's paper is beyond me, unless they don't want them heavily attended? I can see missing one of them, but both. See you there Folks.


  1. For anyone who doesn't know, CIP means Capital Improvements Program.

    To view the agenda for this meeting, go here:


  2. Anon-8:46:

    Does the County run ads for meetings like this -- if not, why???

    Do they notify the media -- press release, etc.

  3. I went to the County web site and looked it up. Took awhile to find the particular page, but knowing that a meeting was scheduled helped.

    I believe it's posted in the lobby of the Government Office Building, and that in and of itself constitutes public notice?

    There might be a legal notice in the daily rag classifieds, but I have not seen it.


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