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Monday, February 18, 2008

Salisbury News Welcomes Boss Hogg

Ladies & Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce Mr. Billy Burke, aka, Boss Hogg, aka, Pocomoke Tattler to the Salisbury News Team.

I think you'll find our goals to be very similar as well as our writing styles. Welcome aboard Billy.


  1. Joe:

    Thanks for the invitation.

    Pocomoke City has a different set of problems than Salisbury does...

    Namely the City government is openly corrupt and run by one man who as never elected, held office for 32-years and cannot be fired.

    I actually supported Mayor Tilghman in her fight to keep Salisbury AWAY from the City Manager form of Government using Pocomoke City as an example.

    Lets see where this goes and thanks for the platform.


    Billy Burke

  2. Welcome to the "Dirty Dozen" Billy~!

  3. I think that the input of the additional authors provides a more interesting product to read, but all of these posts are getting lost at the bottom of the page. You really need to get yourself a new template with widgets that allow you to show headlines and categories along the side. More authors and posts are a benefit only if people see them before they are lost on the next page.


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