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Monday, February 18, 2008

Pocomoke Police REFUSE to Enforce Laws Against X-Councilman Honiss Cane

The Pocomoke Police Department working under Pocomoke City’s un-elected DICTATOR of 32-years Russell Blake, City Manager are refusing to enforce public law & policy… ITS OFFICIAL THE POCOMOKE CITY GOVERNMENT IS OPENLY CORRUPT!

Numerous complaints have been made about X-Councilman Honiss Cane’s moving outside of his district and no longer being qualified (according to the City Charter) to retain his seat on the Pocomoke City Council. Apparently this and many other laws do not apply to ‘Boss Hoggs’ cronies.

X-Councilman Honiss Cane owns a derelict property of Fourth Street which has had no less than 10-untagged vehicles parked junking up the area. The only apparent business being done from Cane’s location on Fourth Street is street level crack cocaine dealing.

Word on the street is the Cane family has openly controlled the crack cocaine market in Pocomoke City which is why the police department turns a ‘blind eye’ and the only drug arrests that stick are made by outside law enforcement agencies WHEN THE POCOMOKE POLICE DEPT IS EXCLUDED FROM THE BUST!!!

City Manager Russ Blake is in charge of the Police Department hence the reason I blame him as being personally responsible for the open air drug market on Fourth Street operating with impunity for over 20-years.

The fact that ground zero for the Pocomoke Free Trade ‘Crack Dealing’ Zone is property owned by X-Councilman Cane is more proof of the openly corrupt government that Pocomoke City has allowed for years.

The Mayor of Pocomoke City stated in the Tattler Forums that X-Councilman Cane had been sent certified letters from the Police Dept about his untagged cars and that he would be dealt with like any other citizen. Now he is dealing with the reality that Russ Blake and his stooges run Pocomoke City and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it!

Word on the street is X-Councilman Honiss Cane is supporting OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren in his race for District Three City Council. OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren is currently fleecing the citizens of Pocomoke City out of millions of dollars with his involvement in the’ Discovery Center’ and is being paid over $1,000 per week just to show up.

OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren is clearly dumber than a box of rocks being X-Councilman Canes ‘Stooge’ boy to split the white vote on election day… something about Cane not being elected to the Democratic Central Committee…

OUSTED X-Councilman Holdren can only see the Grand a week he is getting for being Boss Hogg’s stooge and is expected to continue with his stupidity, even though he has been told by his ‘Grand PooBah‘ at the Lodge to stand down.

Life is grand in Pocomoke City, open corruption, payola in the light of day, blatant disregard of law by Boss Hogg’s cronies.

Crack Cocaine is easily available day and night on Fourth Street courtesy of X-Councilman Cane and Boss Hogg Ruler, Russ Blake at Pocomoke City Hall.

Citizens are not allowed to have even one untagged car on their private property or it will be towed. X-Councilman Honiss Cane is allowed 12 total piece of crap untagged vehicles junking up two properties (one is crack central).

The Pocomoke City Charter requires a City Councilman to LIVE IN HIS DISTRICT!

X-Councilman Cane has moved outside his district to Butlers Village and waves a phone bill to his former residence on Fourth Street claiming its where he lives. Mr. Cane you are a liar and everyone in town knows it.

The Police Dept of a small town of 4,000 people claims it cannot shut down an open air drug market in a 4 square block area, because ground zero belongs to X-Councilman Honiss Cane…

What an openly corrupt city we live in. How much has Russ Blake been paid by the drug dealers to allow 20-years of a free trade zone?

X-Councilman Cane has a stooge OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren to split the white vote in the upcoming City Council election. OUSTED X-Councilman Candidate Don Holdren has submitted totally bogus financial reports for the ‘Discovery Center’ to the State Senate to qualify for a bond issue. The Discovery Center does not have a chance of making a dime in profits, ever and has fleeced the citizens out of $8 million and counting.

A Grand a week for Holdren? what a scumbag to openly ripoff the people, be Cane’s stooge and getting a few bucks as political payback from Boss Hogg.

People of Pocomoke City be advised that the laws do not apply if your name is Cane, Holdren or Blake in Pocomoke City…

To any citizens with EVIDENCE please click the FBI POLITICAL CORRUPTION LINK at the top of this page and file a report. There is a federal investigation into the openly corrupt dealings at Pocomoke City Hall and they will go down.

As long as the unelected dictator of Pocomoke City for 32-years, Russ Blake, continues to darken the doorway of Pocomoke City Hall your vote for any city official is worthless and crack will be plentiful for the children.


  1. This is all fascinating but how does this classify as Salisbury News. If we wanted to learn about the idiocy that passes for government in Pocomoke, we would read the appropriate blog...

  2. Strom,

    It's a shame someone like you would come along for the fun of it and attack a Post like this. Salisbury News is simply the title of the Blog. We, (many of us) are also interested in what's going on in surrounding areas on the Eastern Shore.

    Where were you when I posted the accident in Hebron, or fires in Delmar, Delaware? I've posted from Cambridge and even Ocean City.

    Would it please you more if we completely changed the name of this Blog simply to make you happy?

    Do me a favor, Send me your address so we can send you a subscription fee for our services.

  3. Strom:

    After Joes 'Scoop of the day' with the thefts of government property in Salisbury it all seems pretty relevant.

    Theft from citizens is widespread across the shore.

    If you don't want to read about the stupidity that goes on in Pocomoke, I don't really blame you.

    I don't want to write about it but they don't stop....


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