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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ocean City Volunteer Fire Chief Chris Larmore Speaks Out

In the upcoming days, the remaining truth and facts regarding the fire service in the Town of Ocean City will continue to unfold. In the meantime, although I will not become embattled in a media or chat room war, I must submit the following to:

Actual Info 700, and the one or two against us that claim to belong to the to fire service, an institution of loyalty, honesty and integrity. If you wish to condemn, growl, and eternally find fault, then leave the organization, and damn to your hearts content. However, to do this, and remain a member, means you are both a coward and foolish, for as you condemn and demoralize the organization, it is a reflection upon you. Lastly, to do so anonymously is further indicative of your character.

Chris Larmore


  1. Well spoken, Chief.

  2. Chief,

    Please keep all extension cords away from Jester. Thank you.

  3. Very well said and indicative of your character.

  4. Ok shall we think about this for a second? Should I even mention as why you should even allude to honesty or integrity. Or better yet loyalty. You were the one who cried wolf, when you said you would resign if the council meeting did not go your way and you did not, indicative or your character... Am I correct, I believe I am?
    Shall we just condone the fact you wish you move your entire Volunteer Fire Company on a simple rejection for endowment of power? I think not; the definition of Loyalty is something you ill-advisedly used.
    LOYALTY ;(noun) faithful adherence to a sovereign, government, leader, cause, etc.
    Explain to me how you can be so hypocritical and do nothing but malign me. When you swore under oath of protect and serve. To dedicate priceless hours to serve the community that you want the support of most. When in fact you jeopardize their very safety without regards. If you want to defame me some more feel free, I could care less about what you say. Your words mean nothing, lies, lies, and more lies are all I got and the occasional growl and moan.
    You have what kind of certification? You didn't show up to Fire Officer I class because you had meetings, you only have up to FFII, and some of your firefighters are more qualified than you. A CLIPBOARD does not put out a fire, experience does, something you lack.
    This just shows judgment of your character. That evidently everything I have revealed has been the truth, because nothing in your morbid article has done anything to change the fact you could care less about the community. The community I serve, and will continue to serve day in day out, for the rest of my life.
    Do you sleep better at night knowing that you were the cause of something so destructive, so ignoble, contempt, and yet so droll as to think one person could catechize an organization so well respected by the community?

  5. You’re correct. Experience does put out fires. Something most people in Ocean City lack due to the lack of actual incidents. You’re critical of the Chief’s certifications, but you must know that certification has very little to do with how you can effectively run the incident.

    As a matter of fact, the Fire Officer I curriculum that you speak so highly of has very little to do with tactics, as I’m sure you are aware. However, the Fire Officer I curriculum does mirror what any one with any type of college education gets from any management class. That is, how to effectively lead and manage a group to accomplish goals.

    On the few incidents that Ocean City actually does run, I don’t think anyone can disagree that the Chief runs a safe and smooth operation. If you can’t see that, than you are truly blind.

  6. Anonymous said...
    However, the Fire Officer I curriculum does mirror what any one with any type of college education gets from any management class.

    7:38 AM

    Jay, this is not an accurate statement. Go crawl back under your rock.

  7. How is it not an accurate statement?

  8. Let me get this straight. I agree that bashing online isn't necessary, but you say that if you don't like what's going on maybe you should leave this "institution of loyalty, honesty, and integrity"??? Isn't that what you all were going to do? You just wanted to pack up and leave town. How "loyal" is that and what does that do for the "integrity" of the fire company. That was not a very professional decision. It was made out of anger a few hours after the council meeting. There is still a lot of anger around here because a lot of people don't think that running away was the answer and there wasn't a chance to voice that until after the decision was made. I mean no disrespect, but you have to realize that not everyone agrees with the decision to move just because you didn't get what you wanted at first. It's very hard for a dedicated firefighter to be told that you are moving from a town that you took an oath to serve and protect. Because THEY are the ones that are so loyal and dedicated to what they do, they won't ever quit the town of OC. They are just angry that this organization decided to quit. It is extremely hypocritical.


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