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Friday, January 25, 2008

Who Da Man?

Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Council President Louise Smith wanted to thank me for the "valuable and distinguished service" I provide to the City of Salisbury.

Boy, that had to hurt.


  1. They were able to sign that without any shaking, it looks like. How did they manage that?

  2. Wow Congratulations!!!

  3. That had to hurt! I cant imagine what they were saying when they signed it! Maybe they are better people than you make then out to be...

    You may owe the FOB's an apologie Joe!

  4. Man if i had one of those i would get it blown up and wallpaper the wall behind my desk with it. Way to go joe. Thats better than cash huh?

  5. Everyone here knows the ONLY reason they produced it is because this Blog has become so powerful, even the Mayor can't do anything about it. IF they didn't give me what I deserved they would have looked like fools and with an election year ahead of them they're going to go to every desperate extreme to kiss as many asses as possible because they need me more than they need anyone else.

  6. "Man if i had one of those i would get it blown up and wallpaper the wall behind my desk with it."

    Please don't put blown up and behind my desk in a post like this.

  7. They were signed before the honorees' name was inscribed.

  8. You can make computer wallpaper with it! Congad's

  9. So are you going to change your vote, joe? ROFLMAO!!!

  10. Save it for those days you are snowed in and run out of TP, it's about all it's worth. We all know they would rather be dipped in shit than give you anything. You would have never received it if you hadn't posted that it was 6 weeks and still no award.

  11. Congrats Joe! I too am a bit suspect of the reasoning behind this award. Also, if I may, I think this mayor gives out far too many awards, for what amounts to normal things like doing their job. Every Council meeting seems to begin with her giving out several awards. Is all this really necessary?

    A. Goetz

  12. It's that warm and fuzzy feeling she likes people to feel just before she puts the screws to them.

  13. Why in the world does the Mayor think an award of this type is necessary? The next thing you see she will be giving out an award for stopping at a red traffic light. She is just playing "politics". Same old crap.

  14. A. Goetz, the awards for volunteers cleaning up a neighborhood I can see, although it does come off VERY political when there are lots of people giving to the community whom the mayor doesn't recognize.

    But those awards to city employees for putting together a Christmas party? Please! I think it's great to thank employees, but to do a big to do on TV was over the top! They were doing a job (hey, if they volunteered, great, but you know they "had" to volunteer).

    As for Albero, they HAD to give him his certificate (he genuinely helped) or else they'd have looked mean and spiteful -- they delayed it because they are mean and spiteful.

  15. perhaps they had them sign it prior to your name being printed on it, lol! but i hope not!
    they have to admit it is true, you do provide a valuable service to the community, even if they don't necessarily want you to provide it, haha!
    you are the man Joe! good job!

  16. it was done so she wouldn't appear spiteful or vengeful in front of the judge.
    remember the Bible in her lap?

    (not that you don't deserve the award, but she can't really refuse to make it, although it appears as if she tried. it certainly was "put off" long enough.)

  17. Joe...me thinks they tryin to gets on yoos goodside...it's a PLOY! Don't let em fool ya boy....

  18. Get that thing enlarged into a great big magnetic sign and put that on your truck with SalisburyNews.Com under it : )


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