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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Salisbury Students A No Show At Council Meeting

Yesterday was another new Record Day for Salisbury News, comments were still flying on the SPD & SU Students Post while many recommended the Students get off their rear ends and go to a Council Meeting with their concerns.

Not one single Student showed up. Was I surprised, NO! Young people have a way of trying to impress upon the world that they are right and they did nothing wrong. Anyone who has ever raised a child knows this to be very true.

The Students had the perfect opportunity last night while the Mayor and Chief of Police were present. IF their complaint held any merit to it, they would have been there.

You see Ladies & Gentlemen, I have a friend who has a video of SU Students jumping on the backs of Salisbury Police Officers and actually fighting them. I'm having a hard time getting my hands on this video but once I do I will assure you we will youtube it and show the Salisbury Community the "other side" of the coin.

When everyone sees how Police Officers are treated by Students, I personally think everyone will be outraged. In the mean time, not showing up to speak out at last night's Council Meeting spoke volumes to me anyway.

By the way, thanks for visiting.


  1. They jumped on the policemen's backs? Lucky they didn't get clubbed like a baby seal!

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jj62WsEqEc This doesn't show the police being jumped on. However, it shows what SPD has to deal with when responding to University Square.

  3. SU students express their feelings for Salisbury with their feet and backs, just as soon as they graduate. As soon as they are done at SU it's "bye-bye Bury" for good.

    Don't expect them to get involved, except when there's something in it for them personally (as in the City Council election last year).

  4. I thought from the day of that post that it was all setup by none other than the Lords of the Slums. That story was so far fetched it didn't merit all the comments made other than the ones telling them to go to the council meeting and be heard. If that story had any merit other than the alleged victim being busted for possession of pot, there would be lawsuits filed like has never been seen before. The ACLU would have been setting up camp in Salisbury by now. These kids are so full of crap they stink.

  5. Language too over the top. Look, I appreciate any and all comments. However, I have agreed to tone things down for 2008 and the F-Bomb isn't cutting it on the comments any more. I have chosen not to post those comments. If you'd like to tone it down and remove the F-Word, col. If not, they're not going up and you're simply wasting your time.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dXFNqglwNY&feature=related

    Is this another quite respectable evening at University Terrace?


  8. the kids in that first video are NOT Salisbury students. when i went to SU, if a party became violent it was almost always because of the black neighborhood kids trying to start fights. if the cops were ever called it was because of them. they sell drugs, have no jobs, and the bars around will not let them in; because they have an 80% chance of starting a fight.

  9. This doesn't surprise me that they didn't show up, they have so much to say but never do anything about it. I am a student at SU but live at home with my parents and am not at interested in these parties. That one video of the kid jumping on the table piled with beer cans should have his ass kicked by police or whoever else. That was one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. All those rejects that were there that thought it was cool need their asses kicked too, come on guys why do have to give college kids here a bad name. That kid on that video explains all the problems with the police and the kids, if he is that dumb he needs to be locked up.

  10. jopAnonymous 12:18
    Maybe the "black kids who sell drugs" you speak of are selling TO the students,which would explain why they come around to college parties in the 1st place-did you ever think about that?And some of the "black kids" in Salisbury are working their asses off at pt jobs because THEY are putting themselves through college and do not have the luxury of parents paying their way so they can party all week long-not out committing crimes as you seem to think.

  11. oh i've already taken that into consideration. plus you'd be surprised how many students are paying some portion of thier own way through college. growing up in PG County never made me think a racist thought until i came to Salisbury and experienced the "locals". you watch a couple of your friends get stabbed and you'll think differently. they are some of dumbest people i have ever met.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jj62WsEqEc

    No BFD.

    Hope all the moms & dads are real proud. Surely they've all been informed.

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dXFNqglwNY&feature=related

    how stupid can you be?

    went to view some of these.
    To all, your parents must be very proud.


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