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Friday, January 04, 2008

One Year Ago Today

Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Daughter K.C. Tilghman were out and about trying to take advantage of the after the holiday deals locally. When Barrie heard everything was 50% off, she literally took 50% off.


  1. Big Momma Barrie goin' to get Casey some bling.

  2. Being Mare of a Small Burg must pay well--if you know what I mean


  4. Watchfuleye, the job just got a 100 % raise this year and she now makes $25,000 for milking the tax payers. No wonder she was in Kuhn's for jewelry, probably for Casey. I wonder if she'd wear those shorts when it gets down into the single digits on the temperature gage?

    A. Goetz

  5. Art, I know what you mean. I think it is disgraceful to wear shorts like that. I mean, I'm guilty of wearing a sweater over a short sleeved shirt when shopping, but I would never do anything like that, especially if I forgot to use cellulite cream on my thighs

  6. Did her daughter ever get married--wasn't she pregnant last year in this picture?

  7. This is funny. Joe, as much as you preach this blog site is respected for what you report, this report is just uncalled for. There is NO reason to photograph or report such activity. I want to commend you on past reporting issues, but this one doesn't make sense. My advice to you sir, just stick to the facts. Don't embelish. Don't castrate. Just report what is factual. If you and your blog site show a bit of restraint and character, it would respected even more so for the journalistic nature you so call a passion.

  8. I got to agree with Mr. Griffin above. I can do without these personal time shots of the mayor.

    If you absolutely have to share them, then just post them with some factual headline and let your readers make their own conclusions.

    Be like the Dragnet guy: Just the facts, Ma'am. At least on these kind of things. I rather like your commentary on stuff like Station 16 and the audit.


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