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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

More City Mismanagement?

Ladies & Gentlemen,

In the past, Shanie Shields and Gary Comegys couldn't attend certain and important Council meetings for personal and business reasons. That being said, they asked if certain items on the Agenda could in fact be removed and put back at a later date in order to professionally discuss certain items and their wishes were granted,

When you have extremely important issues on the table such as a C.I.P. (Capitol Improvement Plan) you'd think it would be in the best interest of the Taxpayers that the entire Council is present. Debbie Campbell is on a business trip and Terry Cohen is dealing with her entire Family sick as a dog, so to speak. If you haven't had this most recent vomiting bug, I can tell you, it's NOT pleasant. There are TWO reasons a person can't make it to work and I think everyone knows what those two are.

Nevertheless, YESTERDAY Memo Dirik and Bill Ahtes were too ill to attend what "I" certainly feel was an important meeting and Louise Smith immediately pulled it from the Agenda.

So it's OK to do so for people wanting FREEBIES but it's not OK to do so when Council Members request it? I spoke with Terry Cohen moments ago to see how she and her Family were feeling and sadly they're in a bad way health wise. So I took it upon myself to ask her if she asked that they cancel tonight's meeting and reschedule it and she informed me they refused to do so. She did ask, they just refused to do so.

I know "I" wouldn't run a business like this. Oh, that's right, I'm successful and retired and they're, well, you know, hiring Directors without even checking into their backgrounds and paying Developers reimbursements. Did I forget to mention Bankruptcies, foreclosures and non payment of child support too? These are some fine EXECUTIVES you chose to hire Citizens!


  1. Many of us were completely taken in by Louise Smith--she wouldn't have gotten elected if she had portrayed herself honestly. Don't you worry, we won't forget that betrayal and complete act of immoral dishonesty Louise.

  2. I know how Terry feels, I can't imagine a house full with this bug, I coughed until my ribs hurt, fever, impacted sinus', nausea and felt like somebody had been kicking my back.

    I finally got some antibiotics and got my appetite back and get back to work tomorrow, that crap is a mess. I wouldn't expect any less from this administration, par for the course.

    A couple weeks ago I went down to Virginia for some holiday gift exchanging and I bought two cartons of smokes because they were $29, considering they are over $5 a pack now.

    I've been so sick I have only had 2 cigarettes in the last 6 days and they tasted like crap. The good thing is I'm going to quit now that I've gone this long without one! I didn't smoke much, about 3 packs a week, however at $5 a pop, I will save enough to cover the difference for the better health plan I picked out for this year. I pay just over $184 a month for Blue Cross, work pays the rest, it costs a little more but the deductibles and co-pays are less.

    Get well soon Terry and family.

  3. Are you serious? They changed a schedule for someone making a presentation but not for a council member? Actually, two council members.

    Oh, that's right...it's just THOSE two council members.

    By the way, have they EVER made an accommodation for Debbie Campbell? I know they have for others. But word on the street is they like to schedule "special" meetings for when they know Debbie Campbell is out of town for work.

    No question in MY mind they've targeted her from the git-go and plan to make it a re-election issue.

    That's okay. Most of us know Debbie Campbell accomplishes more in one meeting she attends than the other three do in all they attend (in body, seldom in mind).

    As for the illness, yes, sympathies there to Terry Cohen's family. There sure have been some nasty bugs here in the last month.

  4. Joe said....
    Did I forget to mention Bankruptcies, foreclosures and.....

    David See!!!!


  5. Add contempt of court to that list as well for the "Deadbeat Dad."

  6. can we sue 'em for their lack of competency, their negligance,ignorance their arrogance...anything?


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