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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

It Looks As If SBYNEWS.COM Did More Homework Than The City Did

"The city was unaware of Tate's health condition, which Pick declined to name, at the time it offered her the $66,400 a year position, he said."

Sooooo, did she LIE on her application?

Does the Daily Times article throw enough twists and turns to make you wonder at the end of the article, did she quit or was she terminated?

SHE WAS TERMINATED and her "statement" I'm confident came right from the Mayor's Office. Now I'm sure the City didn't flat out ask her, have you ever sued you Boss before? She may have stated she had never been hurt or injured, I don't know that.

What I do know is, ONE OF THE TWO ARE LYING! The title alone, "Zoo director quits before starting" clearly SUGGESTS she declined the position. However, look again at the above statement from John Pick.

SBYNEWS.COM exposed her and the City went into Damage Control Mode immediately. You then have to ask yourself, the PUPPETS the Mayor keeps hiring like Pam Oland, Director of Human Resources, Jim Caldwell, Director of Public Works, John Pick, City Administrator AND the Mayor herself ALL screwed up on this one and little old Joe Albero got the goods?

What say you now Anti Albero Bloggers? Yes, I am a better and smarter businessman.


  1. Sounds to me like Tate declined the job offer because of her health, and the statement made just means the City didn't know about said health condition at the time they offered her the job.
    Short and sweet.
    You make way too much out of a simple statement, Joe.


  3. I think she was researching the area, read the chat forums on the Daily Slime which led her to sbynews.com. Once she read some of the goings on here in Salisbury by those that wooed her to come all the way out here to East Coast Hell, she decided she is safer with the skinheads and white supremacists in Idaho than she would be here in America's 10th most dangerous city.

    Whatever her reasons, GOOD FOR HER, her life will be much better for the choice she made.

  4. As to Oland, she is not up to the Wharton School standards (where she purportedly matriculated). Let's check out her background at Magellan. She must go.

  5. That makes three people that have declined the exalted position at our zoo. Does anyone besides me wonder why that is? Looks like the word is out about this sorry excuse for a city zoo, thanks to the mayor and the commission. I still haven't gotten any answers from the PW Director to my list of questions! How long does it take to research the information requested? Just answer my questions and never mind getting the mayors OK first.

    A. Goetz

  6. $100 grand a year wouldn't be enough to have all the problems at the zoo dropped in my lap.


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