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Tuesday, January 08, 2008


It was one year ago today Lynn Cathcart put out this statement saying she was not going to run for re-election. She sure does seem to be out and about in all the meetings as if she was considering running for something again?


  1. One thing is certain, Miss Lynn Cathcart won't be pulling the wool over anyone's eyes like her new buddy Louweasel did.

    Jes look at dem accomplishments while she was in office. Something to be proud of there, especially that $10 million garage on the bog.

  2. Did she make it known to the voters that she always intended to be a one-termer?

    There is much b.s. in that letter, and she made it especially clear that she didn't work with Debbie Campbell. As for civil, "put your hand down, sir, put your hand down!" Civility toward citizens and dissenting council members was always lacking.

    As for accomplishments, a legacy of debt.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Don't forget all those TIF's as well!

  4. Yeah and don't forget that debt she helped run up. Salisbury is $71 million in debt. Even at 3% interest the taxpayers are paying over $2,000,000 a year in interest alone for all that debt.


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